Buttonupmx Photoshelter. UL.thumbs LI { width: 210px; height: 210px; } UL.thumbs LI TABLE TD { width: 200px; } UL.thumbs LI TABLE TD.slide { width...
Buttonupmx Photoshelter. UL.thumbs LI { width: 210px; height: 210px; } UL.thumbs LI TABLE TD { width: 200px; } UL.thumbs LI TABLE TD.slide { width...
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Hello all, recently new GoPro user and new DR 12.5 user (new to video editing all around). After messing around with GoPro Studio for a few months, I came to realize how limited it is, and how difficult it was to get the type and style of finished product...
The broadcast workflows implemented for the 2014 French Open evince a considerable consistency with those seen at the 2013 event. But guiding SVG Europe around a distinctly rainy broadcast compound on the second Wednesday of this year’s tournament...
iPhone/iPad ART Workshop: Creative vision at its best! Remember the days of Polaroid Instant film and Time Zero manipulations that gave you instant gratification? Well, that is a little like what iPhone/iPad photography does. The apps are incredibly...
Commission berggie Buy high res file only 250 points 1. High res file, Resolution: 3000x2000, JPG: Compresion 0.9 2. Low res file, Resolution: 900x550, JPG: Compresion 0.9 Uncensored 3. High res file, Resolution: 3000x2000, JPG: Compresion 0.9 Uncensored...
The top video is a collection of clips I shot yesterday with the Leica D-LUX (Typ 109) in 4K. Because my laptop won't handle editing in 4K it's been 'downsized' to 1080 HD. The bottom video is the full 4K version of one of the clips. And this illustrates...
A leading London firm serving clients - Trade Mark...
Trade Mark Direct a leading London firm serving clients across the UK, EU and Internationally.
Advanced Filing Concepts – Folders, Labels & Filing...
Shop folders, labels, and filing supplies at Advanced Filing Concepts. Trusted for quality and variety since 1984. Free shipping o...
UL.thumbs LI { width: 210px; height: 210px; } UL.thumbs LI TABLE TD { width: 200px; } UL.thumbs LI TABLE TD.slide { width: 200px; height: 200px; } UL....
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