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== Trainings: Monday, 18 Apr 2016 ==

== Trainings: Monday, 18 Apr 2016 ==



* PostgreSQL When It is Not Your Job, Christophe Pettus


* Linux tuning to improve PostgreSQL performance: from hardware to postgresql.conf, Ilya Kosmodemiansky


* Steel Elephant: A Highly Secure PostgreSQL Environment with HashiCorp's Vault and Consul, Sean Chittenden


* Introduction to PostGIS, Leo Hsu and Regina Obe


* Out of the Box Replication in PostgreSQL 9.4, Denish Patel


* Elevating Your Confidence with PostgreSQL's Restoration Capabilities!, Joshua D. Drake

== Regulated Industry Summit: Monday, 18 Apr 2016 ==

== Regulated Industry Summit: Monday, 18 Apr 2016 ==



* State of Encryption, Privacy and Architecting for Scale, Will Ackerly, Founder, CTO, Virtru


* Panel: Security, Compliance and IoT


* Ideology and Licensing of Free and Open Source Software, Karen Sandler, Executive Director, Software Freedom Conservancy


* Regulated Industries - Overview of New Drug Development and its Data Challenges, Dr. David P. Katz, Director - Life Sciences, KPMG


* Healthcare & Regulations, Michael Ebert, Partner - Cyber Practice, KPMG


* Roundtable: Can PostgreSQL become the world’s most advanced "enterprise" database?, PostgreSQL Core Team / Major Contributors


* Panel: Modern Data Management for Enterprises, Bridging the SQL/NoSQL divide, Perspectives from MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Compose.io

== Sessions:  Tuesday, 19 Apr 2016 ==

== Sessions:  Tuesday, 19 Apr 2016 ==

== Keynotes ==

=== Grand Ballroom Salon A ===

=== Grand Ballroom Salon A ===



* Lessons Learned Operating Postgres at Scale, Dave Pirotte


* An Availability Journey with MasterCard and PostgreSQL, John Young


* [https://speakerdeck.com/lfittl/postgresql-at-a-web-startup Practical Lessons Learned when using PostgreSQL at a Web Startup], Lukas Fittl


* ESA Sky: New window to the stars using PostgreSQL, Pilar de Teodoro


* PostgreSQL in the Polyglot Enterprise, Mitch Pirtle

=== Grand Ballroom Salon B ===

=== Grand Ballroom Salon B ===



* PostgreSQL Monitoring, Kevin Kempter


* HawkEye On Postgresql, Adarsh Sharma


* PostgreSQL High-Availability and Geographic Locality using consul, Sean Chittenden


* Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL - Deep Dive on New Features and Learnings, Grant McAlister


* HA PostgreSQL cluster with repmgr and pgbouncer, Jaime Casanova

=== Grand Ballroom Salon C ===

=== Grand Ballroom Salon C ===



* PostgreSQL & Java: past, present and future, Alvaro Hernandez


* Top 10 Problems Solved by PostGIS, Leo Hsu and Regina Obe


* Overcoming First Principles: A guide for accessing the features of PostgreSQL in test-driven development, Eric Radman


* PubSub with Postgresql, Gian Biondi


* Predictive Analytics IN Postgres,Jim Nasby

=== Northside Ballroom ===

=== Northside Ballroom ===



* PostgreSQL Development, Simon Riggs


* How PostgreSQL is tested, Peter Eisentraut


* Citus Architecture: Extending Postgres to Build a Distributed Database, Ozgun Erdogan


* Deep dive into PostgreSQL statistics, Alexey Lesovsky


* Sorting Through the Ages, Gregory Stark



== Keynotes ==



* Opening Keynote - Parag Goradia, Executive Director, Cloud Services Engineering, General Electric Digital


* EnterpriseDB and Open Source, Robert Haas, Chief Database Architect, EnterpriseDB


* BigSQL.org - The Best Way to Get Your PostgreSQL On, David Rader, Partner & VP Product Engineering, OpenSCG


* Citus and the Cloud, Umur Cubukcu, CEO & Founder and Will Leinweber, Engineer at Citus Data


* Hidden in the Docs: Connection Tunable Write Consistency, Chris Winslett, Platform Engineer, Compose

== Sessions:  Wednesday, 20 Apr 2016 ==

== Sessions:  Wednesday, 20 Apr 2016 ==

=== Grand Ballroom Salon A ===

=== Grand Ballroom Salon A ===



* Using PostgreSQL to manage ArcGIS spatial data - Taking PostgreSQL and Analytics to the Next Level with Pythonm, Chaula Jain, Andy Eschbacher


* Data Integration in the World of Microservices, Valentine Gogichashvili


* On Providing Scalable Managed PostgreSQL services to Cloud Foundry, Xiujiao Gao


* How Tencent uses Postgres-XC for their high volume WeChat payment system, Jasonys Li


* Migrating a live Postgres database into RDS with no downtime: Experiences and Lessons Learned, David Benoit


* PostgreSQL HA Database Clusters through Containment, Quan-Ha Le

=== Grand Ballroom Salon B ===

=== Grand Ballroom Salon B ===



* PostgreSQL DevOps with Chef & Puppet, Scott Mead


* Achieving a State of Flow: Continuous Integration and Practical Event Sourcing w/ PostgreSQL, Paolo Lim


* Kicking the Donkey of PostgreSQL Replication, Joshua D. Drake


* Efficiently Backing up Terabytes of Data with pgBackRest, David Steele


* You'd better have tested backups, Dimitri Fontaine


* PostgreSQL Power on Power, Michael Meskes

=== Grand Ballroom Salon C ===

=== Grand Ballroom Salon C ===



* MLS PostgreSQL: Implementing Multi-level Security in PostgreSQL with RLS and SELinux, Joe Conway


* Ranges, Partitioning and Limitations, Corey Huinker


* That SQL looks pretty complicated. Where are the tests?, James E. Marca


* PostgreSQL’s secret NoSQL superpowers, Amanda Gilmore


* Programming the SQL Way with Common Table Expressions, Bruce Momjian


* Deploying and Managing PostgreSQL with Ansible, David Hollenberger

=== Northside Ballroom ===

=== Northside Ballroom ===



* SQL and MongoDB: how PostgreSQL brought them together, Asya Kamsky


* How we made Greenplum Open Source, Andreas Scherbaum


* Parallel Query In PostgreSQL, Robert Haas


* [http://anarazel.de/talks/pgconf-nyc-2016-04-20/io.pdf IO in Postgres - Architecture, Tuning, Problems], Andres Freund


* PostgreSQL Performance Presentation, 9.6devel Edition, Mark Wong


* A look at the Elephants trunk - PostgreSQL 9.6, Magnus Hagander



== Lighting Talks ==

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