Wiki PostgreSQL. How-tos, and tips 'n' tricks related to PostgreSQL. It also serves as a collaboration area for PostgreSQL contributors.
Wiki PostgreSQL. How-tos, and tips 'n' tricks related to PostgreSQL. It also serves as a collaboration area for PostgreSQL contributors.
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Andreas 'ads' Scherbaum Last night a long-running project of mine went live: pg_docbot v2. For years, Jan Wieck provided a helper bot (rtfm_please) in the #postgresql IRC channel in the freenode network. Because of protocol changes in the freenode...
As OpenStack matures as a solution, there is a growing need to effectively deploy OpenStack in a prescriptive manner. To achieve this, numerous deployers have adopted Puppet to be their configuration tool of choice and it has grown to be the most widely...
Created page with "'''OWASP is applying to be a Google Summer of Code (“GSoC”) mentoring organization in 2017!''' <!-- Open source software is changing the world and creating the future. Wa..." New page '''OWASP is applying to be a Google Summer...
Copied english version New page {{Languages}} [[File:Osmand-2.0-Stuttgart-Hauptbahnhof-OpenRailwayMap-maxspeeds.png|thumb|Permissible speeds at the Stuttgart Main station, including its surrounding light rail tracks. OpenRailwayMap maxspeed data is...
Created page with "Kurulum" New page <languages /> <div class="simplebox"> Note: These installation instructions are for version 2.0 or later. Older instructions for 1.92 can be found [[Installation Version 1.92 or older|here]] </div...
SOCRATES Journal is an international, refereed, and indexed scholarly publication focused on public policy, administration, and ph...
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OptimizerHintsDiscussion - PostgreSQL wiki
Many people over the years have requested that the PostgreSQL project implement "optimizer hints" or "query hints" as they are implemented in other RDBMSes such as Oracle and MySQL. The official curre...
PgCon 2016 Developer Meeting - PostgreSQL wiki
A meeting of the interested PostgreSQL developers is being planned for Tuesday 17 May, 2016 at the University of Ottawa, prior to pgCon 2016. In order to keep the numbers manageable, this meeting is b...
This wiki contains user documentation, how-tos, and tips 'n' tricks related to PostgreSQL. It also serves as a collaboration area for PostgreSQL contributors. The following pages contain user documen...
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