
Here’s our latest roundup of digital marketing tips.

Leadership: Be your own superhero

No one likes a bragger, but there’s a case to be made for being your own advocate at work. Bonfire VP of Operations Marion Olsen lays out how to know when self-promotion is a good thing.

Client takeaway: There are two parts to every project: the actual work and (most critically) telling the story. The same goes for the work you do every day.

Suggested implementation: Whether you’re developing new skills, polishing off a long project, or informing management your workload is too heavy, don’t count on others to take notice. Be your own champion.

Local SEO: Know before you go, with Google

Google Maps is building on its Popular Times feature with three upgrades to help users get to a business at just the right time. Call it a kind of time management assistant (or crowd control).

Client takeaway: The first update informs users what business looks like in real time so you know what you’re getting into. The second update lets you know how long customers are typically spending in the establishment. And finally, locations with multiple departments on different store hours will find a breakdown of department hours.

Suggested implementation: Each branch or office location should have its own unique landing page that lists store hours, name, address, phone, and services. A complete Google My Business page for each location is also a must.

SEO: SEO without SERPs is here with Assistant, Home, and Amazon Echo

The big gift this holiday season will be digital assistants. And with them come more search queries answered by voice. You’ve heard us say it again and again: It’s high time you’ve optimized your website content for voice search.

Client takeaway: As more info is spread to the world via voice and not SERPs, SEOs and copywriters should adjust content to stay relevant. Only time will tell how digital assistants will affect SERPs or SEO.

Suggested implementation: SEOs, start with these three steps.

Understand the types of queries digital assistants can handle.

Rank for as many featured snippets as you can.

Make featured snippet messaging a blend of informational and promotional.

Social Media: Instagram is Facebook’s biggest app advertiser. Twitter is banned.

Facebook is playing gatekeeper for app-install ads. The biggest beneficiary? Instagram, its subsidiary, which went from top 10 to number one installed app from Facebook ads. Oh, and sorry Twitter; Facebook doesn’t need your dollars.

Client takeaway: Facebook is doing a big push to Instagram, now with 500 million monthly users (up from 100 million in 2013). Banning Twitter from ad campaigns means Facebook knows the power of its platform for revenue.

Suggested implementation: Build your own Facebook ad campaign to take advantage of the spotlight and make potentially thousands of impressions.

Trends: VLC media player now supports 360-degree videos

VLC media player has long been cherished by media lovers (*cough* and pirates) for its selfless, open source, cross-platform, nearly all-inclusive multimedia abilities. And now the company has unveiled 360-degree photo compatibility.

Client takeaway: Other features coming to the player include support for VR headsets and 360-degree sound.

Suggested implementation: This just goes to show the importance of VR and 360-degree photo and video. Have you started to dabble in it yet?

The post Selfless vs. Selfish: Facebook Ads, VLC, and Self-Promotion appeared first on Bonfire Marketing.

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