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News, stories and media buzz related to Stevens Dining

  • Whether you are sitting down for a meal, grabbing a quick bite between classes, or getting a snack right before midnight, chances are if you are an underclassmen, RA, or average Joe you are eating somewhere on campus. Most of the time this place is Pierce...

  • CM’s Guide to Kenyon College
    via collegemagazine

    Kenyon College—Gambier, OH Kenyon’s Instagram The Vibe A hipster’s dream come true What it Feels Like to Go Here Walk down that famous Middle Path and you’ll immediately feel like you’re going to Hogwarts in the middle of rural Ohio. Kenyon’s idyllic...

  • Ink Without Injury
    via modachicago

    [Image from Tattly Temporary Tattoos] There is something truly romantic about a gorgeous tattoo; it’s a work of art that someone wears all the time, and it lasts forever. Yet, something about tattoos is just so…permanent. I am quite possibly the most...

  • Independent publishers make big things happen with small staffs and marketing budgets. The Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA) supports independent publishers by offering marketing guidance, deals and discounts, as well...

  • Shawn Helton 21st Century Wire The 1994 cult film Natural Born Killers, is an examination of media manipulation, archetypal psychology and the violence embedded within American pop culture. Although it’s been more than two decades since Natural Born...

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