
Whether you are sitting down for a meal, grabbing a quick bite between classes, or getting a snack right before midnight, chances are if you are an underclassmen, RA, or average Joe you are eating somewhere on campus. Most of the time this place is Pierce Dining Hall.

For those of you who have not gone to Pierce in a while or it is only your first or second semester, you may have not noticed the changes that have been made to the menu and quality of the food.

Last semester, Kenneth Fredericks joined the Sodexo staff at Stevens as the new Executive Chef and since then the food, appearance, and overall attitude of Pierce dining hall has improved.

Having been at Stevens for three years, I myself no longer have a meal plan but after hearing about some changes I decided to see what difference there was myself. At first glance, everything really appears the same, but after taking a closer look, I began to see little things that have made a big difference.

First thing is the desserts. Not only is there more variety, but also the portions are bigger and more aesthetically pleasing. The types of cookies and mini desserts have increased, and the size of the muffins has tripled. As far as the actual food stations, there are also more options, as well as sample platters to see what the food looks like before you just slap in on to your plate.

When talking to Chef Fredericks, I learned that the meat at the grill has now been substituted with fresh beef and turkey burgers rather than the previous frozen burgers. When talking to senior Patrick MacLane about the food, he commented, “The burgers are better, the entrees, the soy sauce…the Asian dishes used to be awful but are now much better. The food is getting better – Sodexo has taken initiative to put quality into the food.”

Not only has Pierce started improving, but moves have also been made to provide more options at America’s Cup. The idea is to make it more like a convenience store without leaving campus, according to Chef Fredericks. There is now a freezer with multiple frozen food options, as well as sushi on the menu.

It is clear that Sodexo has improved the Stevens dining services and that there is a growing number of options for students. It must also be noted that Chef Fredericks has contributed a lot to the new improvements. He says he wants the best for the students and is willing to talk to them about what they like and dislike.

It is great to see that the food options around campus are continuing to improve. From a new coffee machine in Colonel John’s to the upcoming guest chef from the United Arab Emirates, the operations of the food services on campus are seeing a turnaround step by step, and may become even better in the near future.

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