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News, stories and media buzz related to Khc Devotional Blogspot

  • 4.6 stars – 20 reviews! WOW! “…I loved this book!…romance, strong characters, and a great storyline!… A great paranormal read! Can’t wait til the next one!”Amelia Lamont never asked to unleash her inner...

  • Title: The Magic of the Bookstore Clerk from transversely the Street Pairing: Sakumiya, Yama Genre: AU, drama, romance, angst Rating: PG-13 Length: ~ 13 200 words Summary: It’s been two years because that Sho and Ohno opened the “Cup&rsquo...

  • Shining Moon
    via supernaturalfanwiki.wetpaint

    Sam turned restlessly in his sleep – the bedcovers were bunched and draped over the edge of his bed in testament to his movements – and he was muttering incoherently. Suddenly his voice rose to a shout: ‘No!’ and he sat up straight with his eyes wide...

  • Extinction 27.4
    via parahumans.wordpress

    Last Chapter                                                                   ...

  • Rainy days are always bad news for street pushers. If buyers can’t find them there aren’t many ways to make a day’s living. With an opaque reflection staring back at him, Ray sips on a cup of Costa Rican coffee while gazing out at the empty street, bleak...

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