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News, stories and media buzz related to Couchseats

  • Happy New Year from the team at Diabolique Magazine! 2016 has been a crazy ride with a fair amount of ups and downs in the world of cinema. We lost an abundance of talent this year but we were also exposed to some exceptional genre content. To celebrate...

  • Visual Arts The well-attended recent Seattle Art Fair provided a numbered of opportunities to get a glance at work and artists we don’t often see in this region. Bay Area artists such as Ruth Asawa and Hung Liu had a number of works on view. Asawa,...

  • Skrillex
    via getqualitybacklink

    Skrillex Event on 2013-12-27 20:00:00 with 12th Planet, Brodinski, Cashmere Cat "I've been deep into electronic music my entire life. The first records I ever owned were 'Fat of Land' by the Prodigy and 'Come To Daddy' by Aphex Twin," raves Sonny Moore...

  • George McCorkle Interview
    via marshalltucker

    George McCorkle: Last of the Singing Cowboys Still Singing and Writing Songs of Inspiration and Joy By Craig Cumberland George McCorkle, founding member of MTB, visited with us recently and spent some time reliving the memories and bringing us up to...

  • CYNOPSIS 10.28.16 Good morning. It’s Friday October 28, 2016, and this is your first early morning briefing. Tonight’s Premiere: A&E: Live PD at 9p Tonight’s Finale: Cinemax: Quarry at 10p Sunday’s Premieres: DIY: Barnwood Builders at 9p Food... popular pages

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