
By Melissa Weigelt

I admit it.  I have a short attention span and I get bored easily.  When it comes to my fitness routine, I like to mix things up.  That is why my favorite “go to” tool is the BOSU® Balance Trainer, also known as the BOSU® Ball. One of the best things is that it can be used with either the dome side up or down.  Essentially, it is like having two different pieces of equipment in one!

One of my favorite workouts focuses on the upper body and core, and uses the BOSU® Ball in the two different positions. This keeps things interesting, and it is fun to see how a similar exercise can feel very different when the orientation of the Balance Trainer is adjusted. The workout offers some unique variations of some familiar moves. Work on muscular endurance and core stabilization for a functional approach to fitness fun!

After a thorough warm-up, try executing each of the following exercises for one minute, with 15 seconds to transition.  Rest for 1 minute in between each sequence. Round out the routine with a few flexibility exercises and you are done. All you need is 30 minutes.  Enjoy!

*Key – DU – dome side up, DD – dome side down

Sequence 1


Biased Dome Push-Up

Begin in plank position with one hand in the center of the dome and  one hand on the floor. Do push-up, alternating sides with each repetition.


Platform Push-Up

Flip to dome down position. Begin in plank position with hands on handles of the platform. Do push-up.


Dumbbell Bench Press/Bridge

Flip to dome up position. Begin in bridge position with upper back and head on the dome with feet on the floor, hip width distance apart. Keep hips up and do dumbell presses.


Dumbbell Bench Press/Bridge

Flip to dome down position. Begin in bridge position with upper back and head on the platform with feet on the floor, hip width distance apart. Keep hips up and do dumbbell press.

Sequence 2


Standing Dumbbell Row

Begin standing on dome, holding one dumbbell in each hand. Hinge from hips and brace the core to stabilize the spine. Do dumbbell rows.


Standing BOSU Row

Flip to dome down and pick up the BOSU® Ball. Begin standing on the floor, holding the BOSU® with the platform side up. Hinge from hips and brace the core to stabilize the spine. Do rows with the BOSU®.


Three-Point Row

Flip the dome side up. Begin in a quadruped position with knees on the BOSU® dome and hands on dumbbells. Do alternating dumbbell rows.


Platform Quadruped Rows

Flip the dome side down. Begin in plank position with your shins on the platform and hands on dumbbells. Do alternating dumbbell rows.

Sequence 3


Platform Hip Extensions

Begin lying on your back on the floor with knees bent and feet on the platform, hip width distance apart. Execute the hip extension by lifting and lowering hips.


Prone Spinal Extension

Flip to dome side up. Lie face down with hips and lower abdomen on the dome. Hands under forehead and spine is slightly flexed. Execute the movement by slowly extending the spine. Keep the lower legs and knees on the floor.


Straight Arm Rocking Plank

Flip the dome side down. Begin in a plank position with hands on the handles of the platform. Maintain neutral spine while slowly rocking the BOSU® platform side to side.


Straight Arm Plank with Alternating Knee Tuck

Flip to dome side up. Begin in plank position with the hands on the dome. Lift one foot off the floor and bring the knee in towards the BOSU®. Return to start position. Repeat, alternating sides.

Melissa Weigelt is an ACE certified group fitness instructor and NASM certified personal trainer.  She develops and teaches AFAA and ACE approved continuing education workkshops and, she is a Regional Master Trainer for BOSU®.

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