
Online dating has become very popular over the years and it might just be the #1 way you get a date these days. Let’s face it, the most important thing on a dating profile are the pictures. You know what kinds of pictures you like to see and which kinds turn you off. But do you know what the women like and don’t like about your pictures? If not, keep on reading. First of all, I have my opinion but I didn’t want this to be all about what I like, so I surveyed a group of gorgeous, intelligent, classy (a.k.a high value) women and asked them their opinions on dating profile pics. This is what they told me.

What Women Want To See:

A Minimum of 3 to 4 Photos- We need to formulate an opinion on your looks. One photo is too little information for us to work with.

Your Face- Clearly. No hiding behind sunglasses, scuba masks, ski goggles or blurred pixels.

Credit: Adriana Green

A Close Up- Not too close though! Your face should take up a maximum of 2/3 of the frame.

A Picture that Tells Us a Bit About You- For example, a photo of you doing something that you love. If you are a chef, have someone snap a picture of you in the kitchen in your uniform. If you play soccer, let’s see you on the field. Do you love fishing? Have a friend snap a pic of you next time you are out on a boat. Love your dog? Let’s see you having fun with the little guy.

Current Photos- This is super important! Don’t set anyone up for disappointment. Your photos must be an accurate portrayal of what they should expect to see when they meet you. To further confirm that they are current, put the date that the photo was taken in the captions.

Credit: Adriana Green

Full Body Photo- Let’s be real, whether you are male or female, you would like to see what the person looks like so you can decide if you are physically attracted to them.

An Everyday Photo- This should be a casual pic showing your everyday style. Style is a big deal to most women.

A Dressed Up Photo- Use this to your advantage – this is usually when you look your best. A man in a well-fitting suit is going to do for a woman what a pic of a woman in a bikini does for men. (Hint, hint)

Which One You Are- If you are going to add group photos, clearly identify which one is you in the caption.

Credit: Adriana Green

Your Smile- Women want to see teeth. If you don’t have the best teeth, don’t worry. This way you’re already screening out the women who care about that. A little secret though … when all your pictures are tight –lipped, we assume you’re hiding your teeth for a reason.

What Women Don’t Want To See:

Shirtless Pics- Don’t get me wrong, we do like a hot bod, but we don’t want it served to us naked on a platter. We like to imagine what is under that suit or that T-shirt and jeans. If you are proud of your body and are afraid that we won’t notice, not to fear. If you are wearing clothes that fit you well, women have a magical way of knowing that you have a great body without you having to take anything off.

Photos with Other Girls- Unless it’s a family member and label that clearly.

Obvious Cut Outs of Ex Girlfriend- I’ve also seen photos where the ex isn’t even cut out. Awkward. Seriously, if you are ready to date after a failed relationship, take the opportunity to present yourself as the “new you”. New life, new pics.

Kids in the Photo with No Explanation of Their Relationship to You- Some women would date a single parent. Some might not. Make it clear if those kids are your’s or your sister’s.

Old Pics- Remember, the purpose of a dating profile is to get to meet people in person. Although you want to give a flattering portrayal of yourself on your profile, it also needs to have integrity. Your profile and photos should make you look good and it’s important that they look like you these days.

Model Shots- There is such a thing as being too good looking. We’d like to be the pretty ones in the relationship.

Emo Pics- We want men that look happy with their lives.

Over Filtered or Photoshopped Pics- Yes, we all love our filters but just try not to go overboard. It should look like a really good picture of you, not of someone that doesn’t even exist in real life.

These Kinds of Pics

Bathroom Selfies

Car Selfies

Pixelated/ blurry pics

Partying pics

Far Away pics

Goofy face pics

Especially with the way dating sites are set up sort of like a catalogue of faces, it is important that you have photos that stand out from the other guys. The good news for you is that the majority of photos online fall in the “What women don’t want to see” category. Now that you know what you can do to improve your photos, you will have a leg up on the competition. If you have a friend that is a photographer, next time you hang out with him or her, tell them that you need some pics for your profile. If they are cool, they’d probably be interested in helping you out. Also, ask your female friends or family members to select from a few images that you’ve already picked out. They might already have a favorite pic in mind that they have seen on your Facebook or Instagram. I’ve happily done that for my male friends and if you are a good guy, most females would be happy to help you out.

Now that I’ve let you in on the female perspective regarding your photos, next time I’ll give you some tips on writing those “nice messages”. Stay tuned and good luck out there in the dating world!

This is a post from Adriana Green, who always roots for the good guys. She also enjoys making good people look great. She runs a mens street style site called Trig & Polished, www.trigandpolished.com, in which she scours the streets for stylish men with the mission of promoting good mens style. She appreciates more than just well-dressed men, see what else by checking out her photography at www.adrianagreen.com. Instagram @adrianagreenphotography & @trigandpolished

What Women Want To See in Your Okcupid and Tinder Photos is a post from: Urbasm

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