
Kinesiology tape has recently found itself in the spotlight. This is due to the NBA’s decision to first ban the tape’s use on the court, and then a retraction of that decision, based on the fact that it may actually provide benefit to the players.

The question is, can kinesiology tape really provide benefit to you? Well, to answer this, we can first look at our review of the product, PureStrength by ENDEVR, which also happened to manufacturer their own kinesiology tape, known as StrengthTape.

StrengthTape has been manufactured with similar nourishing ions that is provided by the Purestrength bracelet. This may help increase blood flow to weak or injured muscles and joints, reduce inflammation, and provide some pain relief. However, whether or not you believe in this ion technology, kinesiology tape offers additional benefits to you.

In order for the body to heal properly, it is beneficial to allow the muscles and joints to continue to move freely. This is what StrengthTape was designed to do. To offer support to the muscle from the skin down, rather than bind it under several layers of medical tape and/or neoprene.

There is a certain technique to applying this tape, which should be followed for maximum effectiveness. This is because some muscles and joints respond better to tape running along the center of the muscle, others require an “X” support pattern, while certain injuries prefer a combination of techniques. In addition, how tight the tape is applied will also have an effect on the level of support you need.

Keeping this in mind, it is important that the tape adhere well to the skin. StrengthTape has been designed to be worn 24/7 for up to five to seven days. Once it has dried completely (usually within an hour), it should be unaffected by rain, ocean water, sweat, mud, and just about anything else you can dig up in your sport.

As with the PureStrength bracelet, there is no scientific proof of the effectiveness of any kinesiology tape. However, there are a lot of athletes who swear by it, such as Lance Armstrong and Derrick Rose of the Chicago Bulls. So, whether you’re nursing an old or a new injury, StrengthTape may be just what you need to get back in the game sooner rather than later.

Read more here.

Can Kinesiology Tape Improve Your Performance? is a post from: Urbasm

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