
It's been awhile. Exactly five months of crickets and cobwebs on A Daily Dose of Fit. I left you hanging, I know, and for that I truly apologize. You remember me, right?

Truth is, I desperately needed a break. Something had to give, and that something couldn't be my family or my job.

You understand, right?
So I walked away.

For five months, I walked away from blogging.
Life was (still is) crazy, and I just wasn't feeling it.

But there's a little tiny voice inside of me that wants to come back.

Much has happened over the past few months. A majority of which would be uninteresting to you, like the fact that I'm driving a new car. But there are a few things that I've done that are worth talking about in some way. For example:

1) I passed the ACE Group Fitness exam.
2) I registered for the Chicago Half Marathon.
3) I tried (and fell in love with) stand-up paddle boarding.
4) I PR'd at a 5K in my new favorite running shoes.
5) I convinced my gym to purchase 18 new Keiser bikes.

All of these things inspired a "hey...that would be a great blog post" moment. I started keeping a list, and that tiny little voice inside me got even louder. So here I am. Writing again.

I don't know how often I'll post. Or what I'll post about. It might be fitness, as it always has been. I might branch out. I just know this: I feel like talking. Like being creative.

So stay tuned.
There's more to come (again).

In the meantime, be sure to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest because social media never stops.

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