he term rose applies to any flower from a plant that features in the Rosa genus. Although there are many different varieties of this plant family, we usually refer to roses as the red flower that is freely available across the world. Rose plants have thorny stems on which bright colored flowers bloom throughout the year.
Roses have also been used for culinary applications for many years. In many different cuisines, one will find items like rose syrup, rose flavored drinks and even rose used in desserts.
Rose based perfumes are commonplace in the Middle East. Persia, for many years, has been a source of rose based perfumes. Rose perfumes are natural perfumes with a fragrance that is squeezed from the rose petals.
Most modern perfumes are based on chemical processing and are thus not natural.
A more recent trend in the world is the consumption of edible rose petals. Edible rose petals are petals from a rose plant that has been grown organically. The mainstream technology for growing plants, especially flowering plants involves the use of fertilizers and chemical insecticides and pesticides.
There has been, for many years, a movement to make farming more eco-friendly by avoiding the use of such chemical based products. Chemical based fertilizers and sprays tend to harm the environment and can cause long term losses of productivity, even affecting biodiversity. The shift to organic farming has opened up the door for edible rose petals.
Edible rose petals are grown in an organic style with natural fertilizers and no chemical sprays. This means that the end product does not contain any harmful chemicals. With this being the case, edible rose petals can be used for their tangy flavor and are becoming increasingly popular across culinary boundaries. It is the recent global move towards organic farming that has made roses edible. In many ancient writings one will find references to roses that are edible.
Like all natural products, there are some nutritional benefits associated with edible rose petals. Studies show that edible rose petals are a good source of vitamin C and calcium. Daily consumption of rose petals is not likely to take place, so one can say that this plant does not form a mainstay of the diet when it comes to being a source of such products. However, edible rose petals can be used as a neat supplement both from a taste point of view and from the point of view of the benefit associated with its consumption.
If one wishes to use edible rose petals in a dish, one should ensure that the source of the flower is trusted. The species of rose used for culinary purposes is the same as any species that one would find in a flower market. However, most of these flowers will be chemically treated and are considered to be unsafe for human consumption. Edible rose petals are now packaged and branded so that it is easy for people to select a source of these petals that is certified as healthy. Edible rose petals are approved for human consumption by the relevant authorities in American and Europe.
Benefits of Rose Petals: Roses are most widely known for their aesthetic benefits and the fragrance of the flower that is sweet and soothing to the senses. Roses do much to enhance the beauty of any object or even person but it is also important to keep in mind that they do provide certain health related benefits. The high content of vitamin C, pectin, citric and malic acids combine very well to provide an all round assistance in a number of internal processes of the body. A few of the benefits that roses and rose petals provide to the human body include clearing the toxins and heat from the body – providing it with a certain cooling effect. Moreover, the ingestion of rose petals also helps relive a sore throat as well as a runny nose or even blocked bronchial tubes. It also hastens the elimination of waste through the kidneys while helping in the treatment of conditions like dysentery, gastroenteritis and diarrhea. Its characteristics of a laxative also make it very beneficial in treating a number of liver conditions that include sluggishness and constipation. Moreover, rose petals are also known to relieve any symptoms of uterine congestion that cause either pain or heavy periods and can serve as an excellent treatment option when dealing with infertility or even irregular periods.
Although rose petals are very beneficial when it comes to a number of health related issues, it is important to remember that only the fresh, garden variety are particularly beneficial and you must make sure to rinse them well with cool water to wash off any dust that has accumulated on it while still outdoors. The possible presence of pesticides and other dangerous chemicals indicates that still more precaution should be taken, if the flower is not from your own garden.
Rose Petal Tea Recipe: The benefits of rose petals can be employed in a variety of ways. For example, brewing a hot cup of rose petal tea by stirring a teaspoon of dried, ground rose petals in a cup of hot water before adding some amount of honey, pieces of dried citrus or even a small amount of peppermint for additional flavoring will help significantly. Cover the concoction for a period of about 10 minutes before consumption. Rose water is another simple remedy that helps you take advantage of all the benefits that rose petals provide. All that is required is to slowly simmer a full cup of dried rose petals in about two pints of hot water and cover the mixture for a period of about 45 minutes. Strain the concoction and store it in the fridge for regular consumption.