
Sleep apnea affects millions across North America and around the globe. The most common way to treat the condition is Continuous Positive Airway Pressure, or CPAP. CPAP machines can help tremendously in alleviating the symptoms of sleep apnea and getting a a good night's rest. However, in order to get the best from your equipment you need to be aware of the specific care requirements for CPAP systems including the machine itself, the mask, tubing, and filter system.

We have compiled a tight, compact list of To Do’s Commandments when generally caring for your CPAP.

Here they are:

Daily or Weekly Routine

1) Thou Shall Discover The Power Of Clean Mask Parts

Examine the mask cushion (that touches your face or nostrils) for signs of yellowing, softening, stickiness, stretching, and or discoloring. Skin oils, soap residue, etc. contribute to your mask cushion condition. A daily/weekly wash assures the mask cushion to last until its replacement becomes necessary, which is six to nine months for most mask cushions.

2) Thou Shall Enjoy The Power of Non-Stretched Out Headgear

Examine the mask headgear that wraps around your head. If you have to keep tightening it nightly, it will stretch out. Look for whether it’s longer, discolored, misshaped and maybe hardening up in spots. These are all hints that your headgear needs changing. It will sustain a hand-wash with soap and water but will stretch prematurely if you dry it in a clothes dryer. It is best to air-dry for longevity. The average life for a headgear is one year, per most manufacturers.

Weekly or Monthly Routine

3) Thou Shall Inherit Clean, Breathable Air

Take your CPAP tubing and smell the air that comes from it as it’s connected to your running machine. If you smell anything strange, mildew-like or odoriferous, it may be time to give that tubing a good wash or a trip to the trash (i.e. purchasing new tubing). Most tubing will last up to a year according to CPAP accessory manufacturers. Being mindful of its condition will help you decide how much care is necessary.

Also, check your CPAP filter on the back of your unit. If you can trace a discolored line on your filter, see particles erupt into the air and/or dirt on your fingertip, it is time to either change the filter completely or rinse it clean.

4) Thou Shall Have Appropriate Humidity

The container that holds water heats up and gives you humidity during your sleep can get a bit dirty from the water being used. Some users report calcium deposits even when distilled water is used consistently. Be sure to give that humidifier chamber a good wash with soap and water, like doing dishes. Another optional disinfection method is to soak this chamber in one part white vinegar and three parts water for thirty minutes, followed by a good rinse and air dry. This is done as needed. Lastly, if the chamber does not clean out using the previous steps, it may be time to replace it.

The Unspoken Commandment (quiet please)

5) Thou Shall Read The CPAP machine Owner’s Manual About Each And Every Component Of Your CPAP Circuit

I know. I can hear you now. All are reading it. So why mention it?

Well, many bypass the owner’s manual thinking the use and operation of a medical device is as easy as “plug and play” or “setting it and forgetting it.” This approach may work in the short-term but will do no one any favors in the long run. This is especially true if a device requires basic care for consistent sleep-time results. Small details of care, like filter changes and cleaning can spell the difference between a pleasant night sleep or a not-so-good sleep. Remember, manuals are written to support your long-term success.

Wishing you the best in sleep!

Sleep Well!

About the author

Bill Bistak is a SEO/SEM Spc with a Bachelors in Administration and is a Certified Respiratory Therapist. Much of his written work is published online and offline His video productions can be enjoyed here http://tinyurl.com/nolnfln. He currently develops his work with a SEO best practices focus.

Photo by blondinrikard

The post The Four Commandments of CPAP equipment care appeared first on Sleep Junkies.

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