
Woo! I’m only a couple days late posting this! Then again, I barely blogged all month so you’d hope I’d be able to get one post up in a timely manner …

Speaking of that, I think my mini-meltdown is behind me. You know when you’re so overwhelmed with all you have to do that instead you just do none of it and take a nap? That sums up the last half of February for me. One big nap. I feel back in the swing of things though with balancing teaching, the blog and life so no more week-long stretches without posting! Pinkie promise.

Alright let’s get to all the things that rocked last month …

Favorite Products & Services

Hair by Christine Bellemare

This month marks my first haircut in FIFTEEN months. I wanted to grow it long after that regretful decision to chop it short, but avoiding scissors for over a year wasn’t the best way to go about it. It got to the point where the ends of my hair weren’t even hair–more like translucent pieces of straw or the scratchy stuff from which doormats are made.

My friend recommended Christine and I’m so happy she did! I went with a subtle balayage that I think turned out so well. The pictures don’t do it justice, but it looks like I spent the summer on the beach–lightened up, but in a very natural-looking way. I love it!

Christine also styled my hair for Boston Winter Ball: 

If you’re in Boston and are looking for a cut/color/style, Christine rocks and is offering my readers 20% off their first appointment. Holler! Just mention this blog post and she’ll hook you up. You can contact her through her website or Facebook page and find her at Salon Marc Harris.


I feel like I’m late to the party on this one, but if you do a lot of online shopping and don’t use Ebates … you need to. Basically if you click over to the website you’re going to shop (Amazon, eBay, Bloomingdale’s, etc.) from Ebates you get cash back as a percentage of whatever your total purchase is. You link your Ebates account to Paypal and then they just send you that money at the end of the month. It’s so easy and if you shop online a lot SO WORTH IT.

New Balance Goodies

I got sent the sweetest mailer from New Balance! Among the goodies was a big tote bag that I’ve been using for weekend trips and just about everything. And the ballet flats are perfect for teaching megaformer classes! I can’t find the bag or bra on their site, but here are links to the ballet flats  and studio grips (worn under the flats in this picture).

My Spiralizer

I feel like a sham of a health blogger–I only JUST THIS MONTH used the spiralizer that’s been in my cabinet for over a year. What’s wrong with me?? I’ve had zoodles before but never made them myself until now. Game. Changer. I have this model from Spiralizer and really like it. It comes with three different blades for different sized noodles and is easy to use. Granted, I have nothing to compare it to, but I’d recommend it if you’re looking for one (cheap, too!).

Free to Be Bra from Lululemon

I got to do a fun mini photoshoot with Lululemon’s Prudential Center store for their email newsletter and they were so sweet to let me keep the outfit! The bra is so comfortable and I’m obsessed with the criss-crossing straps. It’s not super supportive, so best suited for yoga/pilates and low-impact activities. You can shop it here.

Favorite Eats

One-Pot Sweet Potato Curry Quinoa Zoodles

Yum! Made this recipe several times throughout the month. Small portions of it are super filling so it’s a great one if you like leftovers.

Lavendade from Suja

The Suja team in Boston was so sweet to deliver (in person!) a big sample pack of some of their juices. I’ve tried a few of them, but never Lavendade and I AM IN LOVE. It’s like lemonade meets tea? So refreshing and delicious.

Favorite Moments

Getting the News I’ll Be Running the Boston Marathon as a Guide

I just wrote about this yesterday so I won’t repeat myself, but such a highlight from February!

Experiencing Hotel Marlowe’s Feel OHMazing Package

I loved my little staycation across the river in Cambridge! If you missed it, you can read all about it here.

Working Out with Polartec at Fenway Park

Fenway was transformed into a massive ski/snowboarding jump for the Big Air competition earlier this month and Polartec invited a group to workout at the park beforehand and try some of their cold-weather fabrics. Beantown Bootcamp put us through an awesome circuit-style interval workout that kicked my butt, and then we were all invited to brunch, which unfortunately I couldn’t attend.

The gear Polartec gave us seriously couldn’t have been gifted at a better time–so clutch for long runs during marathon training! The jacket pictured is perfect for outdoor workouts in cold weather because it keeps you warm while still letting your body breathe. I love how lightweight it is. Underneath is a Power Wool base layer (think Merino wool without the pilling). The pants are from Athleta and made of Polartec’s Power Stretch material, and I seriously live in these things. Because of the flare leg and thick, warm material, I don’t wear them working out (although you totally could); I prefer them for everyday wear and staying cozy at home–they’re so soft!.

Pie Face with the Kids

My nephew turned seven earlier this month so we went down to New Jersey to celebrate. One of his gifts was Pie Face and as you’d expect when giving children under the age of 10 the opportunity to smear whipped cream on someone’s face, it was a huge hit. Joe only got pie’d ONCE — I seriously got hit every damn time it was my turn. Stupid game is rigged…

Boston Winter Ball Weekend

Boobs, I know. Trust me, BWB is like the opposite of a wedding; you can show the girls off if you want. Winter Ball is an annual charity event started by Joe’s friends that benefits the Corey C. Griffin Foundation. It is seriously the most fun weekend of the entire winter. That being said, it drains the life out of me. Guys. I’m old. I can’t go out drinking two nights in a row!! Are you kidding me?? If you’re under the age of 25 reading this–just you wait. Gone are the days of getting turnt on a Tuesday–now I have three glasses of wine on a Saturday night and have to call out of work on Monday.

OUTFIT DETAILS | SOLACE London dress (on sale now … of course) & Aminah Abdul Jillil bow heels

Making My First Video

12-Min Bodyweight Core Workout

This bodyweight workout will target your core and only takes 12 minutes to complete. Perfect for doing at home!Detailed tutorial on the blog: http://bit.ly/1TxHpHN

Posted by Pumps & Iron on Tuesday, February 23, 2016

It’s not exactly Oscar worthy (or even YouTube worthy for that matter), but I’m so excited to have finally started making videos to accompany the workouts I post. I’m still learning, so for now it’ll just be quick videos previewing the workout and probably only shared to Facebook. As I get better and the quality of the videos improves (which will hopefully be in the near future), I’ll get my YouTube channel going in full swing. Woop!

What made your highlight reel in February?

Disclosure: My monthly favorites posts are never sponsored, however they typically contain a few affiliate links. I get sent a lot of free products, and the first section of this post might highlight a couple of my favorites. I’m never required to or being paid to feature these freebies and only share the ones I truly love and think my readers will enjoy as well.

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