David mentions there is a group that is out there in our solar system, right now, which is colonizing space. And this group is run by people on Earth. This group has already done what seems impossible, like in movies such as Star Trek and Star Wars. Portal travel, faster than light travel, is all possible and a well-established reality, that has been kept hidden.
David says all those who are seeking the truth are essential players in breaking down the walls of secrecy. <crowd goes wild>
David says what we’re talking about here is a secret space program (SSP) that has been kept hidden from the public. But a program that was paid for by the public. When you look at the Apollo moon missions, the Vietnam war, etc, it was all money laundering to fund these programs. He asks Corey how many trillions of dollars were spent on the SSP.
Corey says the lower level secret space program is funded from money laundering operations on Earth, but the higher level programs are self-funded via their own trading platforms with other groups and ET races. [These higher level groups would be called breakaway civilizations because they are no longer dependent on society to achieve their goals.]
David says during the crash at Roswell New Mexico in 1947 the government grabbed technology and reverse engineered it, but kept it secret so it can be exploited by this hidden group. But one person broke through the ranks and is spilling the beans, as an insider and whistleblower, that’s Corey.
David mentions gaia.com is hiring to help deliver the truth to the people. Lists a bunch of different jobs saying to go to joingaia.com for more information.
David says there are ancient ruins in the solar system that are probably 2.6 billion years old. During that time, Earth was swampy, hot, and not too pleasant to live on. But there was a beautiful paradise, called Tiamat, a super-Earth that used to orbit where the asteroid belt is now. [The Ancient Builder race is a group of highly advanced beings from our solar system’s deep past. Ruins of this civilization are found everywhere in the solar system, and in many cases, the technology added a beneficial effect for life there, such as the Great Pyramids of Egypt. In a recent meeting with inner-Earth groups from January of this year, Corey discovered that the Ancient Builder race and the Sphere Beings are actually one and the same. The inner-Earth peoples have long revered the Ancient Builder race, who they call the Guardians. The Sphere Beings have returned to help all life in the solar system prepare for a huge evolutionary shift, made possible via galactic energy waves that have been bathing the solar system for years. These energies will continue to build up until a quantum leap occurs, dramatically altering life as we know it. But in an effort to ensure all beings have a chance to grow through this shift, massive spheres are here to dampen the energy.]
David mentions how most of his insider’s intel has never been publicly released, [as a method of vetting out new insiders]. When he met Corey in 2009, he was able to tell David data that he never released publicly, which he believes verifies Corey’s authenticity.
David mentions how one of Richard C. Hoagland’s top insiders told David that they used a highly advanced computer program called Brilliant Pebbles that enabled them to model every object in the solar system to such a degree that they could rewind time using computer models, showing that a super-Earth-sized planet was destroyed about 500,000 years ago.
David adds that Corey knew the name of the program and many other aspects of Brilliant Pebbles, again vetting Corey as authentic.
David says the story begins on this super-Earth, Tiamat, that was destroyed long ago. The planet had oceans, breathable atmosphere, and several moons. One of them was Mars, which was also a viable sphere for habitation. Apparently the peoples who lived on Tiamat and Mars were warring with each other.
David asks Corey how often one would encounter watery moons orbiting planets outside of the solar system.
Corey says you can find these moons around gas giants and super-Earth type planets fairly regularly.
David mentions that the destruction of Tiamat, destroyed two highly advanced civilizations, one on Tiamat and one on Mars.
David mentions a protection grid was active around the solar system before this event and asks Corey to confirm.
Corey says that he was told by the priestess Kaaree, from his inner-Earth meetingthat took place in September 2015, these warring factions gained access to some of the Ancient Build race technology from these ruins left everywhere in the solar system. Part of what they accessed was this security grid or force field, the energy barrier, that was protecting the solar system, [left in place by the Ancient Builder race before they left our frequency]. These two warring groups attempted to use the technology for their own ends, causing a major cataclysm in the process, which not only disturbed the whole solar system, but also brought down this energetic barrier left by the Ancient Build race. This barrier had heretofore protected the solar system from less benevolent races.
David mentions that in tomorrow night’s talk, he will show slides of moons that, he believes, are ancient outposts and bases from this period, [he also covers this material in his show Wisdom Teachings].
David mentions that these moons look just like the Deathstar, from the film Star Wars, which were capable of firing particle beam weapons.
Mimas moon of Saturn on left, Deathstar from Star Wars on right.
David says before event occurred, it was like the garden of Eden in our solar system.
David mentions that after this protective barrier went down, service to self-groups came in, which the inner-Earth people refer to as ‘Genetic Farmer Groups or Races’. He says, that the Draco came into the solar system after this barrier when down, and that Corey originally leaked a time frame of 370,000 years ago for when this occurred. [The fall of the outer barrier was a major milestone in the history of the solar system, shaping Earth’s unfolding drama in the process. It was after this point, that the Earth became the setting for several genetic, social and spiritual experiments by groups who did not always have benevolent intentions.]
Corey says the Draco alliance is made up of a central reptilian group, but also an insectoid race, and some other ‘engineered’ races, [engineered presumably by the Draco, hence their name ‘Genetic Farmer Groups.’]
David says, this group of reptilian humanoids, became highly advanced but they are very negative, going around the galaxy looking for other groups to twist into their agenda. As an aside, one of the bigger secrets is that the universe is designed to make humanoid life forms, so they are found everywhere, [Corey has confirmed in Cosmic Disclosure that there are humanoid races of every conceivable type in the cosmos, each evolving from an animal species on their home world]. But what these Draco do is find other reptilian type humans, that evolved naturally in their own ‘neighborhoods.’ The Draco then intermingle their DNA into other reptilians they find, and eventually have them join the Draco Alliance, [presumably this process is not something that is mutually agreed upon, as in done under duress or via manipulation].
Corey says, the reptilian recruits, so to speak, have similar behavior and commonalities to with their Draco recruiters, helping to facilitate an alliance.
David mentions the movie Jupiter Ascending, [which is jam packed with solar system history, the agenda of the Draco group (using humans as a food resource) and their use of human beings for life extension technology, DNA hybridization programs]. Corey and David saw the movie together during last year’s Consciousness Life Expo. Corey’s ‘fricken mind was blown’ by what was revealed in the film.
David shows slide of a reptilian from the movie, saying that this might have been the reason why Corey was so shocked.
Screen capture of the movie Jupiter Ascending, showing reptilian.
David says these are the genetic farmers who appear to be ‘in control of the show.’ But they are working with humans.
Corey says it wasn’t an accurate representation of a Draco, but the relationships shown in the movie were very interesting.
David suggests that what is depicted in the movie is part of some soft or partial disclosure effort.
Corey says that he thinks the disclosure in the movie is higher then the secret space program, that it has to do with these 22 genetic, social, and spiritual experiments being conducted on Earth by a super federation of extraterrestrials who have lived within our solar system since the time this outer barrier came down. The movie could be ‘their’ version of the history, from the people behind these 22 programs. [Corey has mentioned in the past that there are up to 60 ET groups that maintain permanent outposts to monitor experiments the are actively being conducted on the Earth. Apparently these groups came in after the fall of the outer barrier and many of them have bases on the Moon.]
David shows image of a white royal Draco. [The Draco Alliance is made up of many different castes and races, some that are warriers where as others are the ruling elite, like what is presented below.]
White Royal Draco.
David mentions that the wings are wrong, based on what Corey has said. This was the closest image Corey was able to find online.
David says Corey had to meet this royal Draco during a meeting, and it was not pleasant. These white royal Dracos were pleading for clemency at a meeting Corey attended in mid 2015, [as a result of the outer barrier going back up after the Cabal attempted to destroy one of the moon-sized spheres close to the Earth using a particle beam weapon that was partially located in Pine Gap Australia. They discuss this in detail in Season 2 Episode 16 of Cosmic Disclosure and further along in this talk. Re-activation of the outer barrier trapped many groups in the solar system that were planning to leave before the solar shift took place. As a result, tenuous alliances that have been in place for thousands of years disintegrated when the White Royal Draco told the SSP Alliance that they would ‘sell out’ the entire Cabal pyramid below them in exchange for passage out of the solar system. When this offer was made, key figures in the Cabal were present. Since that time, a tremendous amount of Cabal infighting has been taking place, as their once well-organized group crumbles into separate factions with competing agendas.]
David mentions that the ‘meta-message’ for this talk is that there are ‘demonic presences’, that we could think of as these reptilians, but they are not as powerful as the good guys. These guys, the Draco, are actually using the Earth as a fear factory, consuming what they call ‘looshe’. They need humanity to be in fear, stressed out, hating life etc, [and work with the ground based cabal to ensure those conditions are maintained, hence false flags attacks, denatured food, the war on terror, etc. In the below-linked articles, I attempt to discuss the scientific basis for fear foodor looshe and why races that use artificial life extension technology need it to survive.]
David mentions that one of his insiders said that if people were smiling, happy, and felt joy for even one day, it would be enough to defeat the entire Draco Alliance,[who are totally dependent on looshe for survival].
Corey says, yes, that Raw-Teir-Eir, [the Blue Avian who is a member of one of the five sphere being races that operates the thousands of massive spheres in the solar system right now,] said that once we get to a high enough energetic point, all these etheric parasites and entity attachments, will go back into the ‘outer realms from whence they came.’ And that people will be going through a type of energetic withdrawal, like someone detoxing from a major drug addiction, [because these parasites do provide some emotional stability to their hosts, which then become dependent on them].
David mentions there are ways to scientifically prove this. He talks about an experiment where fish eggs at different rates of development are kept close to each other, so they can exchange bio-photons. The older eggs actually draw health out of the younger ones, so long as light can flow between them, and the younger eggs whither and die as a result. This can’t be explained using normal science, one needs to talk about energetics. Eventually one realizes there is a law in the universe that actually allows for an advisory, even though the universe is benevolent and loving. The universe allows evil to exist to inspire spiritual growth, and help us come together, to form unity against the adversary. [This is a rather controversial topic, but it is supported by experience and codified as Divine or Natural Law. Simply put, when we observe harm, hardship or suffering of others, it is an opportunity from the universe to actually become an embodiment of love, healing and forgiveness. In this way, each individual is given a chance to gain wisdom by experiencing the transcendence of hardship. The principle of Causality describes how all causes are sourced from mind via free will, with their effects being balanced by Cosmic Law. This means that free will is the first cause of, not only truth, love and freedom, but also falseness, hate, and slavery. We are co-creatively empowered to participate in the process of spiritualization via our free will endowment from the creator, which also means those on the ‘front-lines’ of the shift are the most empowered to effect change. For more on this see the below-linked article.]
David says, these guys, the Draco, came into our solar system, splicing their DNA with ours. We have all sorts of genetic anomalies as a result, [see Lloyd Pye’s presentation for more on this]. One of those anomalies is the appendix, which apparently one of his insiders told him, used to be an organ system that would take nutrition from your liver and reintroduce it into the small intestine, processing it twice, allowing someone to live for 900 years. So they, [the Draco presumably], clipped it out. They tried to get rid of the pineal gland too, but that got put back in. He ask Corey for confirmation, which Corey says he has heard of as well. [I just wrote an article covering evidence from recent genetic testing that suggests the human race had multiple genetic contributors, one major one about 15,000 years ago].
David says the objective for us, today, is to determine how do we recognize that these beings are not all powerful demons, [that can’t be dealt with]. They are ‘in the sandbox’ along with humanity, all for cosmic growth. There was an Edgar Cayce reading, in a room with 35 people, and the entity who was contacted via the mediumship said “you have enough people in this room to end World War II right now.” The answer is pure consciousness. There will be a pure consciousness exercises at the end of the talk, [a guided meditation].
David says the purity of our hearts, the consciousness of the universe, will bring us one step closer to freedom. <audience cheers>
David mentions there are 274 slides.
Corey says many haven’t been seen before, including footage of helicopters flying over his house.
David starts to show reptiod images.
David says to Corey that some of these being have tannish skin and others have green scales.
Corey says some of them are often confused with grays.
David adds, but not all grays are reptilians. The above image is one that is short, about 4 to 5 feet tall.
Corey says they have tiny razor sharp teeth.
David shows a black reptoid found within the Inner-Earth, saying it is eight feet tall.
David says these guys aren’t fun, they could eat you.
David asks Corey how big the white royal Draco from earlier is.
Corey says they are 14 feet tall.
David adds that their shoulders are five feet wide and they weigh over 3000 pounds.
David talks about providing scientific data, introducing the commonly known narrative of these genetic farmer reptilians as they are described by Zecharia Sitchin.
David mentions that it appears Sitchin made a lot of mistakes, but that is a long discussion for another time; [here is an article discussing the perspective that Sitchin’s material was wrong and possible implications]. The gist of his story was that these giant beings, calling themselves the Anunnaki, came to Earth, splicing in their genetic material with the existing human population. Enlil, the bad guy, and Enki, the good guy, are Anunnaki figures in this story. Apparently, Enki de-sterilized the newly formed human race, so it could procreate, which happened 250,000 years ago. This is the common, Sitchin, Anunnaki story.
David adds that less than a year ago, mainstream media released a story about the genetic Adam and Eve, Study shows humans are evolving faster than previously thought. Every single male on Earth can trace their lineage to a single man 250,000 years ago, which just so happens to fit what Sitchin said. The article says that the oldest known male ancestor was around at the same time as the oldest known female, mitochondrial Eve. So one DNA study traces back to genetic Adam, and one traces back to genetic Eve, which just so happened to have existed on Earth at the same time, and just so happened to fit the timeline provided by Sitchin. [In Season 3, Episode 6 of Cosmic Disclosure David and Corey discuss how Sitchin’s alleged translations cannot be verified by comparing them to the Sumerian Cuneiform tablets. Apparently, Sitchin was fed a narrative by ‘agents’ who were looking to disclose a part of the truth mixed with disinformation.]
David ask Corey about the article discussing the genetic Adam and Eve being a partial disclosure effort, to which Corey agreed, saying, they have been laying this partial disclosure narrative out for a while, but recently it has picked up in pace.
David says that the whole reason for their talk tonight is to release intel that the people behind the partial disclosure effort don’t want to come out. David and Corey want full disclosure, as they’ve both said many times. [This is one of the reasons why I produced this summary, to ensure the data would be able to be spread far and wide in an effort to derail this partial disclosure agenda.]
David asks Corey if the Sitchen narrative, which David just reviewed, is part of the partial disclosure they plan rolling out now.
Corey says yes, that they have been rolling out Sitchen’s narrative since at least the 1970’s.
David asks Corey if he thinks Sitchin was a part of this plan, to which Corey says yes, according to the information he was provided.
David says that Corey did his own due diligence on Sichin’s translations, and they didn’t match up with what the scholars were saying. Corey isn’t saying that all the data Sitchen provided was bad information, just that it came from higher ups through a narrative, [and as truth seekers we should try and verify it personally]. Corey says he investigated the Sumerian references on his own, no one told him to do this.
David mentions that the Cuneiform Tablets are made with a cylindrical stylus, rolled into clay and then deciphered using the Rosetta Stone, allowing us to read the Sumerian language [to a certain extent]. The Cabal created this narrative, through Sitchin, that has truth to it, and that they want the people to know. [Again, most likely this aspect of the Cabal’s plan was to seed a narrative into the consciousness of humanity that would eventually become accepted historical fact, which is one way to manipulate humanity for their agenda. The Cabal want us to think the Anunnaki created humanity, because within this story, they are decedents from the first humans. This is where the idea of the ‘divine right to rule’ came from. It also fits into the transhumanist agenda by suggesting the human race is an accident, and the only hope for our continued evolution is by merging with machines.]
David says these people who were on Mars and Tiamat were moved to the Earth during this time, asks Corey for confirmation.
Corey says yes, this happened in a type of ‘refugee relocation program,’ by some of the groups in the super federation. The group that did this was not the Draco, as the timeline of this event was before they arrived some 370,000 years ago. The super federation was responsible for relocating the survivors to Earth.
David asks how many ET races are in the Super Federation.
Corey says 40 to 60 groups are present at any given super federation meeting.
David says when the protective grid around the solar system dropped, about 500,000 years ago, these super federation groups came in and started tinkering around. They also knew the destruction of Tiamat was going to happen, so instead of stopping it, they helped move people to Earth before it’s destruction. [David also discusses this history in much greater detail in his show Wisdom Teachings. Shem, from Discerning The Mystery, has been doing analyses of those showsas well.]
Corey confirms, they transferred the people over as refugees.
David mentions all the content on gaia.com and that if people use blueavians.com, David and Corey will get credit for those subscriptions to help fund their work.
David reiterates that the genetic farmers brought people to Earth, and then civilizations rose and fell over and over again. Atlantis was only one of the more recent of these civilizations.
Corey says that the Smart Glass Pads said this was happening for eons, civilizations were rising and falling. [Smart Glass Pads are iPad like devices that were supplied to SSP personnel for briefing purposes.]
Corey describes the smart glass pads saying they have main articles and then reference links or footnote information at the bottom that came from each group that provided data for the article. In this footnote section, different groups discuss their interpretations of the data in greater detail. Corey mainly reviewed just the general articles, and not the reference information, as he is not a scientist. The footnotes were from different syndicates that put their own ‘spin’ on the data in the main article.
David says that Corey had access to these pads when he was in the program;[most of the historical data he references comes from these pads].
David begins to discuss a dialog between Plato and Solon, from antiquity, wherein Solon is asking questions of the mystery schools of the Egyptian priesthood.
David digresses to ask Corey if he thinks the priesthood in Egypt had access to these deeper secrets and history.
Corey responds by saying usually the priesthood of many civilizations guarded this information from the kings and the common people; [using it to manipulate the ignorant population]. [I’ll add here that the basis of our current system of control is the occultation of knowledge, hiding it from the people to gain an advantage over them. This is why full disclosure is essential to providing humanity a real opportunity for co-creative harmony or a society based on truth, love and freedom.]
David asks why they didn’t want people to know.
Corey says because knowledge is power. [The whole ‘matrix of control,’ all the efforts of the Cabal to manipulate humanity, can only work if ignorance is wide spread. A people that know who they are, where they come from, and what their ultimate relationship to the universe is would never be so easily manipulated, hence hiding truth and getting us to believe in falsehoods are essential to their plans. The word occult essentially means hidden knowledge, and the Dark Occultists of this world, known by many names, base all their plans on the ignorance of humanity at large. Therefore, re-education of humanity is essential to reestablishing common trust and restoring freedom, as well as arresting any plans of partial disclosure.]
David continues on with introducing the dialog between Solon and the Egyptian priesthood. Apparently, Plato published what was said, which got him into a lot of trouble; he wasn’t supposed to leak this information. Here is the quote of this dialog that David reads from:
“As for those genealogies of yours which you just now recounted to us, Solon, they are no better than the tales of children. In the first place you remember a single deluge only, but there were many previous ones; in the next place, you do not know that there formerly dwelt in your land the fairest and noblest race of men which ever lived, and that you and your whole city are descended from a small seed or remnant of them which survived. And this was unknown to you, because,for many generations, the survivors of that destruction died, leaving no written word.” – Source
David mentions the ‘Cuban Atlantis,’ saying, Linda Moulton Howe covered this story when it was breaking, shortly after the infamous 9/11 event in 2001. David says his mind was blown when he saw the headline from BBC News ‘Lost city’ found beneath Cuban waters, in water half a mile deep they find ruins of a lost city.
David asks the audience how far back in time we need to go for sea level to be low enough for this city to be on dry land… the answer is 12,000 years ago, approximately the same time as other deluges, spoken of in myths, sacred texts andhistorical accounts.
David says Paulina Zelitsky was the oceanographer who broke the story. She was contracted by the Cuban government to take sonar readings of the ocean floor, looking for sunken gold. But instead of gold, she found structures that were highly artificial. He goes over some sonar images of the area.
David shows a 3D image produced via sonar readings:
3D rendering of site near Cuba.
David says Paulina made the mistake of signing an exclusive contract with National Geographic, who never published the story. David believes the story was suppressed. He says, the above 3D rendering was leaked out, despite the cover up.
David mentions the differences between these pyramids and the smooth faced Egyptians ones.
David goes back to the dialog between the Egyptian priest and Solon, saying Egyptians were very knowledgeable and had highly advanced technology. That society collapsed, but they left their secrets which were found and held by the priest class of ancient cultures, kept alive over time by secret societies.
David begins to talk about the rise of the Cabal via Sumer and the Roman Empire. Sumer is where the inner-Earth peoples reconnected with the survivors of one of these latter day deluges, appearing to them as gods and offering support to help restart civilization. [The Sumerian civilization is an anomaly because it does not fit the slow progression theory proposed by mainstream archeologists. The Sumerian civilization sprang up ‘out of no were,’ complete with a financial system, civil law, advanced farming techniques, and profound knowledge of the stars. Given these oddities, the more likely explanation is that the civilization was kick started via some external influencing agency.]
Corey says there is a confusion about this time period, adding that the inner-Earth peoples were making contact with the surface population in the area of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, the fertile crescent. He also says there were contacts from the genetic farmer groups as well, the super federation. It’s hard to tell which group had the most influence on the development of the Sumerian culture.
David adds that we do know many of these occult secret societies trace themselves back to the times of Sumer and Babylon. [Mark Passio and Jay Parker are whistleblowers who were once involved with Satanism and lower level operatives in the Cabal. Parker says he was raised in a generational satanic family; his father claimed to be an Atlantean Warlock. Parker’s mother would often tell him that their order of the Illuminati traces it’s origins to the times of Babylon and before, revering the Black Sun and worshiping dark gods.]
David says from there, it ‘splashed’ into Egypt and the Pharaonic Dynasties. Further, a great deal of secret knowledge was stored in the Library of Alexandria that burned in a false flag style event after the Romans conquered Egypt, moving all the documents to Rome; now held in the Vatican Library.
Corey adds that they actually burned census documents, tax records, and the like, but nothing of importance.
David says that all the history is still stored in the Vatican, such as the refugee transfer records, and lineages tracing back to before the relocation to the Earth.
Corey says the elite had access to knowledge and stored it in the Vatican, and that some of the data in the smart glass pads came from records there.
David begins to talk about how the Romans invaded Great Britten in 55 BC under the command of Julius Caesar. After the Romans arrived, all the Celtic history was wiped out. No historical accounts were left in the mainstream from this period. He mentions covered up history about Stonehenge and the ley lines it is connected to.
Corey adds the Celts must have had knowledge of natural stargates or portals in the solar system. And that ‘in the common era’ we had no knowledge of these energetic grids of the Earth because it was wiped from history [by the Roman cult or Cabal].
David goes on to say that these stone rings and megalithic sites are built on ley lines. It even shows up in The Di vinci Code, where they are talk about Rosslyn orRose-line Chapel. They were disclosing the energy grid in that book. They were talking about sites where you can do rituals or ceremonies and actually open up stargates or portals.
David asks Corey about what he heard in the smart glass pads about portals that will open up on Earth at certain times and places that one could use to travel through space and time.
Corey says he didn’t hear about that from the glass pads. It was Intuitive Empaths, in the secret space program, that would be used to triangulate where and when these portals would open up, which would either be underground or water, at the surface, or above it. They seemed to open up randomly at first, but after they got the celestial mechanics down, they realized that depending on the positions of celestial bodies, such as the Sun, moon, planets, other stars, etc, these portals would open.
David asks Corey to recount a story about South American priests during the time the Spanish Conquistadors where conquering the area.
Corey says that on the smart glass pads he read about an account discussing a Spanish raid wherein they were chasing a indigenous priest carrying gold. The priest walked up to the side of a wall, touching it in a couple of places, and moments later the priest walked right through the wall as if nothing was there. This was witnessed by the Spanish Conquistadors, who then sent reports back.
David says the point is that there is physics that is not understood in the mainstream. The Russians have a done experiments which show that electromagnetic energy can be ‘changed’ into gravitational energy. [Dan Winter describes the force of gravity as the recursive addition of waves of charge, which sounds very similar to what David just described]. The Russians break it down as: Electromagnetic Gravi-spin. It’s that spin portion of gravity that the Russians call Torsion Fields,[which are just fields that have a self-organized vortex geometry or spin]. This is the secret to health and longevity. That’s what the pyramid shape does, thats what stone circles are doing.
David says he just did a whole bunch of episodes on gaia.com about this. The Russians have done pyramid studies that show they can cure diabetes, restore premature babies back to totally normal health, produce ozone, clean the air, reduce seismic activity, and so on, proven by over 39 different pyramids that have been built all over Russia and the Ukraine. They only used fiberglass, PVC and concrete; imagine what could be done with a stone like granite, which is a crystal oscillator. These are very powerful technologies, thats why you see them all over the world, in Australia, South American, Egypt, and so on.
David says that pyramids are a type of ‘magnet’ for these energy fields. The shape and the material are the magnet in this case, which attract these energy fields. [In my own studies, what makes pyramids work this way is that they act like a satellite dish does, focusing latent energy already in the environment to a point that can be used for various functions via an entrainment or synchronizationprocess.]
David says that there are these ‘bubbles’ of electromagnetic energy that come up from the center of the Earth, forming gravity. If you happened to be standing in one when it came to the surface it would open up a portal and transport you off some where in space or time.
David mentions how this technology is not something the elite want us to know about because they have been using it. One of his insiders said one of the mental disciplines in the Cabal is called ‘Time Travel.”
Corey says he stayed away from the time travel programs he was close to in the SSP.
David says that in the Time Travel discipline, they would go to sacred sites, like Stonehenge, and push themselves into an out of body state. While out of body they would then travel back in time using the natural portal there, and upon arrival in this new time, look for a bum or homeless person, essentially someone with a weak sense of free will. Using the Spiritual disciplines learned in the order, they would take over the bums body using their disembodied consciousness. Employing this technique, they can use the other person’s body like a puppet for various ends, such as committing murder or a crime in an effort to alter the present for themselves, which would actually happen. The adepts could actually change their timeline by altering the past, traveling through a portal as a disembodied consciousness and using another person’s body as an instrument. Afterward, the only one who could remember the previous timeline is the adept who went out of body.
David makes a comparison between this anecdote and the Matrix films, wherein the Agents can take over someone’s body in the matrix, [especially those with a suppressed free will].
David also mentions the latest X-Men movie, Apocalypse, is all about Wolverine being kept in stasis, showing the other x-men in the past.
David mentions the whistleblower Svali who came forward about these techniques as well.
David asks Corey if it is possible that you can go out of body and use these stone rings to travel back in time and alter the present? [The Book series and TV showOutlander is based on this stone ring time-travel phenomenon.]
Corey says it is possible, and that in doing so, some of these groups were creating a lot of temporal anomalies, and then trying to go back trying to fix things but making ever bigger messes in the process. Eventually, an ET group told them that time, like space, is elastic, and things would fix themselves if they just stopped messing with time.
David asks Corey if members of the Cabal were using this technique to try and alter the timeline to a change key events in history, for their favor.
Corey says yes.
David asks how often he thinks this was happening.
Corey says it wasn’t happening all the time, and that they weren’t always trying to change events. Most times they were just going back to observe or do reconnaissance.
David reiterates that it was for spying, gathering intelligence or anticipating moves before they happen. You don’t need technology to do this, like some people think. You just need your mind, a stone ring, and a hobo in a haystack. If you are successful in altering time this way, you will be the only one who remembers it.
David asks Corey about some of the strange things that can happen when you jump timelines, like a stone path in the front of your house not being there afterward.
Corey says that things get very strange when you start messing with time.
Corey mentions that an aspect of time that isn’t so well understood is consciousness, which plays a big part in time. All of humanity, as a joint consciousness, when joining together can act as a rudder for a timeline. [In the following episode of Cosmic Disclosure, I offered a discussion on the link between time and consciousness.]
Corey expands by saying that a lot of people are waiting for ‘saviors’ to come and save us, such as ETs or spiritual entities. But that all these higher beings that are watching are waiting for us to save ourselves, to overcome our negative programing, to look within and do it ourselves. <crowd goes wild>. [Someone uploaded a short clip of this rousing address that night.]
David mentions that this cabal group is using technology that they classified from the Celtics, going all the way back to Roman times. Today, we don’t know what happened before the Romans invaded the British Isles, we don’t know what Stonehenge was for; to us it’s a mystery. But this group knows. And this group used it to systematically take over the world. Great Britain was fighting with countries like Spain and Portugal during the Renesance and came out on top, despite all odds.
David says they are going to skip ahead to the 1700’s and the founding fathers of the United States, what he terms the ‘American Breakaway Group.’
David asks Corey if the founding fathers were doing something good when they tried to breakaway from Great Britain.
Corey says the motives of most of the people were good, as far as he is concerned. But this was a plan that was set forth by ancient think tanks a long time ago.
David mentions the story of St. Germaine appearing in congress, when the doors were locked from the inside, when the founders of the United States were debating if they should sign the Declaration of Independence. [I found an excerpt from the book Washington and His Generals: or, Legends of the Revolution, by George Lippard, published in 1847, allegedly detailing this speech:]
David asks Corey if he heard about this strange character.
Corey says yes, and it wasn’t the only time. The inner-Earth people sent several interventions to the early colonists during the time this was all happening.
David mentions that they are going to show the audience information about Corey’s inner-Earth trip from September 2015, later in the talk.
David asks Corey to give a brief synopsis of what an inner-Earth civilization is.
Corey says there are civilizations that claim to have been here for nearly 20 million years. Some of them say they are the original human race that evolved on the Earth, and that the current stock of surface humans are a mixture of refugee’s from the Tiamat disaster and their distant cousins from other civilizations, the left on the surface during times of cataclysm, while they took shelter underground.
David says this culture would be considered fourth density in Law of One terms.
David mentions that there are some reports from George Washington that say he met with ‘green skins,’ that looked human but had green skin, these could have been one of the inner-Earth groups.
David mentions Revolutionary War soldiers having their wounds healed, glowing miraculously as it happened.
David adds it definitely seems like tampering was going on to make sure America came about.
David mentions Francis Bacon also created a document called The New Atlantis, which was the manifesto that laid out the colonization of America in the first place.
David mentions a show coming out on gaia.com called Deep Space, an ancient aliens style show. It is going to cover what was probably the first space program, with these airships that were seen flying over the mid-west in the 1800s. They landed, and humans came out of them who spoke a conventional language.
Corey says that he heard they were secret society related. Most recently, he heard that there were secret societies developing ancient technologies, back then, with what they had for science during those rudimentary times. In some cases the technology would be a hybridization of antigravity with potentially an air ballon type technology.
David mentions John Keely, who in the late 1800’s, was doing antigravitydemonstrations for the US military. He says this technology did exist back then.
David says in the early 1900’s, they perfected anti-gravity.
David begins to cover how Viktor Schauberger discovered anti-gravity vortexes in water, studying the way trout swim upstream. He realized that using sacred geometry [and the golden mean ratio] that anti-gravity could be generated:
Viktor Schauberger diagram.
Viktor Schauberger diagram.
David says it turns out that the egg shape is an ideal geometry for making vortexes in water the trout use to swim up stream, taking advantage of naturally occurring pockets of antigravity in the flowing water. The trout swim up to the waterfall and literally levitate. [I couldn’t find a clear-cut example of levitation, but I did find the below video with a few interesting instances of trout seemingly floating up the waterfall; whether or not they are levitating I can’t confirm. A little after the 55 second mark, there is one example in particular that is very clear.]
David says that Schauberger discovered places in the current of the flowing water where it moved much faster and the fish would do a ‘crazy dance’ that allowed them ‘join with the vortex’ there, levitating up the waterfall afterward.
David mentions egg shape rocks could levitate too, and when they got to the top of the water fall, there would be some kind of endothermic reaction, freezing the water at there because ‘things got cold’ in the process.
Corey mentions that sometimes certain types of antigravity craft can have the same cooling effect [such as the John Searl device], but not all have this effect.
David says that the egg shape and the vortex are described well in this image:
David says there’s an experiment you can do at home, if you have a certain kind of flask, where you whisk an egg submerged in water half way down the flask, and the egg will start to rise because of this antigravity effect. [Dan Winter has mentionedthat when remote viewers looked at the heart of hydrogen atom, they saw the same embedded tornado shape, the torus, what has been called ‘a scrollwork of light.’ They saw the same vortex structure when they remote viewed the interior of the Sun. The torus configuration is the most efficient geometry for self organized bodies we know of. This is essentially a diagram for over unity physics or the organic system for exchanging energy with self-organized bodies (life) with the cosmos at large; what has been called free energy. The electromagnetic field around the body, produced mainly by the heart, has a similar shape.]
David says Schauberger eventually created a device called the Repulsine that allowed him to harness antigravity, which the German secret space program used to create highly advanced spacecraft.
Vicktor Schauberger’s Repulsine.
Corey says that an engine component for one of the craft developed was a result of Schauberger’s work. Some of the ‘bubbles’ used in Alien Reproduction Vehicles are these engines Corey are mentioning. [In other words, Schauberger’s work was kept hidden, being developed in secret, eventually leading to the development of antigravity spacecraft used by the early German secret space program.]
Example of a bell engine craft
Corey says the bottom part of the early Nazi craft had a bell engine that produced antigravity, hence the well-known term ‘Nazi Bell Craft.’
David continues to talk about the Nazi bell, showing slides of ARVs developed using Schauberger’s technology, run by German secret societies.
Corey mentions there were several secret societies that were behind the Nazi party and where using it for their own ends.
David says these craft could explore space, and the Germans decided to go explore the solar system. But they found others there, the Super Federation groups that have been here since the outer barrier went down 500,000 years ago. And these other groups didn’t want the Germans messing around in the solar system. The Germans actually sustained heavy casualties while they were exploring the solar system and beyond, losing many ships.
Corey says they didn’t have many ships to loose either.
David says that the Germans decided to ally with the Draco, one of the most violent self serving groups out there.
Corey says in the early 1900’s the Germans were going around to all sorts of old places in the world, such as monasteries in Tibet, gathering documents, artifacts, and interrogating priests for their secrets. They heard through these interactions about the inner-Earth beings that live within the Earth’s crust.
Corey adds that the Germans were also were making contacts through channeling or mediumship via groups like the Vril Society. The Germans had a lot of different ways that they used to build up their knowledge to get to the point where they were ready to explore space and break away.
David says that one of his insiders told him that a major agreement was struck in 1939 between the Draco and the Germans in the Himalayas.
Corey says he knew a lot happened in the Himalayas but that the contacts made there were with a Nordic looking group, not the Draco.
David introduces some of the new artwork Corey and his team of volunteers have been working on.
Corey thanks them for all their hard work. He then says that the images are a depiction of German’s, appearing to humans on the surface as ETs to gather intel and spy on the people in general. [The images are depictions of Maria Orsic, a Virl Society medium who made contact with several groups helping the Germans propel their secret space programs forward. She allegedly was seen at an ‘ET contact’ from the 1950’s, which David and Corey discuss later.]
David sees the symbol for the Order of the Black Sun, which is one of the deeper occult orders within the Cabal.
David mentions that appearing to people as ETs is what the inner-Earth people claimed to be doing as well.
Corey says that the Germans followed their inner-Earth allies lead, and started doing the same thing for their own purposes.
David talked about the Billy Meier ET contact case and the entity known as “Semjase,” a human ET that he apparently had contact with in the 1950’s.
Corey mentions he heard that when the military found out about Meier’s case, they sent people over with some photographs for him to try and identify the female being he saw. He quickly pointed out one photograph, saying, “That’s her! That’s her!” Apparently the photo he pointed out was of Maria Orsic, the medium from the Vril Society, who was making contact with inner-Earth groups, and who played an intimate role in the pre and post World War II German secret space program.
Vril Society medium, Maria Orsic.
David says once this alliance was secured between the Germans and the Draco, the Draco gave a piece of land to the Germans allowing them to colonize the Moon.
Depiction of a Nazi Base on the Moon.
Corey says that the base was small, with the arms of the swastika possibly the size of shipping containers.
David says that this base was in Draco protected territory on the Moon.
David mentions they also went to Mars.
Corey says that the Germans tried to settle near the equator on Mars, but there were heavy lightning storms that blew out all their electronics. And these bases were lost along with people there. But they eventually realized that the polar regions were safer, as well as some other areas underground. But some of these places were already occupied by native ET groups which they had to fight off.
David mentions that the Germans needed the industrial might of the United States to continue their efforts of expanding into space.
Corey says that the US was building 7 to 10 tanks for every one destroyed by the Nazis during the war, so they knew about the industrial might of the US and wanted it for their own purposes. They wanted it to do what they were unable to do in the past, which was to build out their secret space program infrastructure.
David says that even though the Nazis lost World War II, they had a lot of basic infrastructure already developed, in Antartica, on the Moon and on Mars. They had spacecraft that could leave our solar system, and they had alliances that provided support for their agenda.
David mentions how in 1947 the Germans were already defeated, but they had an Antarctic base they set up before the start of the war. The Americans learned of this via interrogations being done of Paperclip Germans brought over to the military industrial complex after the war.
Corey says the Americans sent Admiral Byrd with a major Navy contingent to the southern continent during Operation Highjump to deal with these German bases there. The effort was a major failure, as Byrd encountered heavy German resistance such as highly advanced craft and weaponry.
Corey adds that in Antarctica there were ancient city complexes beneath the ice, left in almost pristine condition that the Germans outfitted for their own purposes. There were also ruins of ancient cities above the ice that were ravaged by glaciers over the eons. He also says, due to thermal activity in Antartica, there are massive underground ice caverns that can serve as dwellings. He says there were at least three of these ancient cities beneath the ice. The Germans were informed about these sites from their alliances as well as pristine subterranean sites in South America.
David mentions that these ancient cities in Antartica were probably built at a time when the continent was not covered by glaciers. 12,000 years ago is when the conditions were right to build them. He goes on to suggest that there have been pole shifts in the Earth’s past and these could have reoriented the positions of Earth such that Antartica may have been closer to the equator in the past. He says perhaps the civilization in Antarctica could have been Atlantis of legend.
Corey says that the civilization there was highly technological. Some of the buildings found were stone, and some were composite materials.
David continues by mentioning Operation Highjump, where the US military staged an invasion of Antartica.
Corey says that the Americans thought that the Nazis only had a small installation of higher level personnel there. They thought they could just go take them o