Prepare For Change. We have number of management tools to help you be prepared for The Event and disclosure.
Prepare For Change. We have number of management tools to help you be prepared for The Event and disclosure.
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New World Order 2016 – The Elites NWO Agenda is almost Complete (Martial Law in U.S) (Nov, 2015) Beautiful and holistic changes are occurring everywhere on Earth! All people are invited to Participate as a New Society is being born into the Light of...
Victory of the Light! Come together to assist positive change in your area. Form an Event Support Group See Below! Beautiful and holistic changes are occurring everywhere on Earth! All people are invited to Participate as a New Society is being...
Adam Curtis has a new movie out – Hypernormalisation, about how, due to ‘perception management’, what we see as ‘normal’ is anything but – and you can see it for free on BBC iPlayer. I don’t think you need to rush – his last movie, Bitter Lake, was on...
Department: Energy Customer Services Vacancy type: Permanent Application deadline: Friday 9th December 2016 External applications: No Overview: We are looking for someone who is passionate about performing to our business targets, giving our members...
for the first time in several weeks, my wife let me sleep in our marriage bed last night. When she woke me up in the morning, instead of being loving and appreciative, I complained that I thought we were going to sleep for longer. This follows a general...
MiniWrites – A hub for your creative projects!
A hub for your creative projects!
SOCRATES Journal is an international, refereed, and indexed scholarly publication focused on public policy, administration, and ph...
We are ELEVATE, a little production company on a big mission. We live to the fullest in Ojai CA., pop. 8000. Positioned one hour N...
Prepare for Change is a global movement for the Event. We have number of management tools to help you be prepared for The Event and disclosure.
Cornerstone Cobra Articles - Prepare For Change
Prepare For Change Cornerstone Cobra Articles Cobra has published great amounts of information on his blog since March 2012. We have selected a few major articles, cornerston...
2016 Agenda for Disclosure - Prepare For Change
The “EVENT” is the moment of the “Compression Breakthrough” on earth. COBRA guides us to prepare for change, for the Event and disclosure.
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