
Dreams Are Reality

Reprogram Your Subconscious And Obtain Your Dreams

Vanaja Ananda MA; MS


All The People Who Joined Together As One To Bring Our Planet Back To Its Utopian Beginnings

Cover Design by Ishwar Suthar

Copyright © 2012 by Vanaja Ananda MA; MS.

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Below are Excerpts of Vanaja Ananda’s ebook Dreams are Reality

Excerpt: Pages 214-224…

Dreams Are Reality

Vanaja Ananda MA; MS

Miracles serve a far greater purpose, from the divine perspective, than just providing a raw display of power. Indeed, Jesus’ miraculous deeds are often called “signs” in the New Testament because they serve to signify His identity as the Messiah. Since the people of Nazareth had already made up their minds against Jesus, and had provided more than ample evidence of their lack of faith in Him, Jesus chose not to engage in miraculous acts there except for a few healings of sick people. He refused to bestow miraculous deeds on a city that had rejected the miraculous Messiah. Unbelief excluded the people of Nazareth from the dynamic disclosure of God’s grace that others had experienced.

Because of Nazareth’s rejection of the person and message of Jesus Christ, He went on to other cities that did respond to and receive Him. We have no evidence that Jesus ever again returned to Nazareth.

Right before me was the message that the universe is always with me, even when I think I am alone. I started writing all my clues to concoct my plan. It was a little thrilling and exhilarating. Clues are interspersed within all things around us. Read all the clues and see where the messages came from.


I reminded myself . . . from past chapters, I made the analogy this book is like the game of clue!

I listened to Charlie Thweatt in the morning and one of his songs reminded me no one’s alone . . . we are all divine

The Empress card is about Mother Earth, helping and healing…thatwasmesinceIamVanajaAnanda… blissful Goddess of the Forest

The Emperor card is Dheera who is a teacher and very courageous . . . his one text to me a few days ago was “I am saved” . . . interpretation . . . I am enlightened

Shamadu broke up with his girlfriend and the last thing she said was that you and Vanaja should go on a retreat. Heidi said Paul wanted to buy me an airplane ticket to India . . . it meant we were heading to India

Michele said John thinks you are over the edge. She is sick last night, but says she felt a lot better during our conversation. She asks to see book at least 3 times within past 2 days . . . interpretation John and Duane want insanity evidence

On February 28th, Swamiji’s discourse was about hormones being responsible for our actions . . . I expected to be absolved that night . . . he was telling me the mission wasn’t over

Paul’s story about demons had MaryAnn thinking I was taken over by demons . . . demons are just our thoughts in our subconscious

Swamiji spoke about people who have courage and work even without an organization are liberated . . . I must lead by myself because there is no organization backing me up

Vanaja jokes about paddy wagon and men in white over the weekend . . . people are thinking I am crazy

Lena said no matter what you do, I don’t care. I love you so much . . . she is over her anger

Vanaja writes a text to Raquel and uses the wordmiracle . . . a miracle is about to come

When I went to the bank to cash Kyle’s check, mypassword wouldn’t work which was strange since it has been my password for years . . . reminded me facebook password didn’t work to link to twitter . . . need to use twitter later

Disconnected from gmail . . . universe knew I was irritating people . . . however I Am Enlightened facebook worked for messages

People went on a new site and were no longer on I Am Enlightened . . . Archanaa already invited me as a friend on the new site . . . easy switch over

Alexandra sent me a message on facebook . . . when you whisper people listen, but when you shout with Capitals people ignore . . . tone down my messages

I stayed on spiritual singles because I only met two people through that site. One helped me with The Rhythm of Peace Festival and I am friends with the other. I always check who views my profile because you never know. A man called honest soul looked nice, but I was going to delete him. However, I couldn’t delete him so I looked at the profile. Carl Jung was in his profile! His profile sounded perfect as well and it was a message from Swamiji that we will be together.

I Googled Carl Jung and read about “The Red Book.” It was 100 year old book that was published in 2009 by heirs. The reason for its secrecy was disclosed in the article . . . in a quote from Carl . . . “to the superficial observer, it will appear like madness.” . . . this told me my findings were similar to a brilliant psychologist who delved into the subconscious mind

MaryAnn called and told me she got a trident tattoo . . . the trident symbolized knowledge, desire and implementation . . . the drum referred to allowing the holy scripture to guide us . . . the cobra’s head meant the ego has been Mastered . . . I knew this from my Siddha Yogi class

Heidi asked what color comes to my mind when I think of peace . . . immediately I said blue . . . she asked what shade . . . I said like the ocean . . . I put Kristin Hoffman Song for the Ocean on the site

Michele asked what charity I would give money to on the site . . . I said something with orphans . . . she said Train guitar player was an orphan she thinks

Train lead guitar player has a Dragon and Tiger tattoo . . . Year of Dragon means power, creativity, excitement, intensity and unpredictability . . . Year of Tiger means radical change and growth

Swamiji said always live in uncertainty

Shamadu asked me what letters I was on Meyer Briggs . . . I took test . . . ENFP . . . Champion

Heidi had a message from India . . . it said tell her to become financially independent . . . meaning book was success

PopupofEckhartTolle…remindedmehesatona park bench for 2 years before writing “The Power of Now”

Vanaja says I make political and media noise and a bill was fast tracked through the legislation . . . message to be released about NESARA . . . need media involvement

Poem about patience and space . . . do it slowly and methodically . . . send messages out incrementallyOnce I wrote out this list, I decided what information I was going to post on the site and the exact times they were going to be released.

10AM Song For The Ocean with message about saving our environment

12PM Carl Jung “The Red Book”—author explanation

12:30PM Carl Jung—article from New York Times 1PM Jesus and Nazareth

2PM Drunvalo Melchezidek & Mayan Calendar


3:15PM Swamiji’s 2012 Happenings

5PM Awakening the Planetary Mind—Why All the End of the World Fears? Could it be that

Something GOOD is Coming?


6:39PM 11:11PM

http://www.facebook.com/ MakeYourDreamsReality#!/ MakeYourDreamsReality

Link to Brad Yates to Release Fear and Worry

The Messages Were Released . . . Shown Below

This forwarded Channeling is a very clear & powerful Channeling, which Greg Gile’s own contacts in the Galactic Federation of Light have Confirmed of it’s very clear and direct focus on what is to very soon occur; of first the mass public arrests, which will then be followed by all those other many long awaited events; NESARA & Disclosure, etc.

Also the second forwarded e-mail, of the—as of a few days ago—over 39 “resignations/quitting/removing” of these first of many corrupt financial and political figures to be forced to step down/leave their positions of power, is the beginning of the initial process of their public arrests.

Perhaps the most “telling” of who is actually forcing these corrupt individuals to face their inevitable punishments, was what the corrupt Australian foreign minister (#39 on this list, which is growing longer & longer) stated, that he blames his resignation/leaving/quitting on “ faceless men”! I think it is pretty OBVIOUS who he is actually referring to.

Message from the Ashtar Command

As channeled through Greg Giles

February 22, 2012

h t t p : // w w w. a s c e n s i o n e a r t h 2 01 2 . b l o g s p o t . c o m / 2 01 2 / 0 2 / message-from-ashtar-command-22212.html

Care is called for at this time as we proceed with the many plans to free your world from your oppressors. The speed at which these events proceed is not important at this time, although we do strive to maintain forward momentum as we push ahead with the many scheduled phases of this, as well as other aspects of the overall plan. We see we remain on schedule, and we also foresee no delays to this operation. Remain ever patient as you will experience the fruition of this plan, as we will not permit any obstacles to stand in our way.

Many of you are waiting to see action, and it is action you shall see. By now many of you know what is asked of you, but these tasks do bear repeating. Please look after your fellow human family members as many may experience fear and confusion upon seeing so many political and financial figures taken into custody simultaneously and also in rapid succession. The arrests will climb high into your political arenas, and it is here where we foresee the bulk of those who fear suffering a greater emotional toll.

No one and no office within your world governments are off-limits, and legal indictments have already been prepared against some of your most powerful political figures. They will be taken into custody just as anyone who commits a crime against another has in your legal systems, and they will enjoy no luxuries due to their alleged stature or wealth.

They will be removed from their offices and positions within your governments and financial systems and will be arraigned in a court of law at which time the charges against them will be made known to them and to the public as well. You are the victims in these cases, and therefore you will be kept abreast each and every step of the way throughout these prosecutions.

We ask you to assist to spread the news of these pending arrests as to strengthen the impact of what they will mean to the people of your world. It is not overestimating these connected events when declaring humanity will finally be free from the tyrannical rule of those who have oppressed you for so very long.

We see this day as your true Independence Day, and we see this day replacing in stature many of your current holidays which may have little to do with important matters of your world. This day will be remembered and celebrated by all throughout your world no matter one’s nationality or religious background, making this a truly global holiday celebration.

Many of you are impatient at this time awaiting action, and we say to you action is what you will see. You will not be let down in this regard, as nothing can or will delay these proceedings any longer. We see a date when you can begin to witness these events for yourself, and on this day this is what you will see. Get ready, as this day is not far off.

“What then?” many of you are asking. Upon these arrests we, along with our allies, will begin the next phase of the overall operation which is to make our presence known to all of your planet who will not turn a blind eye to us.

We have a very meticulous plan that we see successfully reaching its desired outcome, and upon our readings that a suitable number of you understand who we are and why we are here, we will immediately proceed with the next phase of the operation which is the landings of many of our ships and personnel that will interface with you, the people of Earth.

These introductions are necessary as many projects must get underway and it is you that will be undertaking them, with our assistance. These projects must be completed according to a restrictive time schedule, so as you can see we must begin these series of events as soon as is possible.

Remain vigilant, for these arrests will be the catalyst for the many events to quickly follow. There will not be long delays between each successive project, as once the Cabal is obliterated there will never be a reason for us to slow our progress in any way. You will witness a meticulously laid plan unfolding with precision each day throughout the rest of this year leading up to your ascension, and it is your ascension that necessitates the undertaking of many of these projects.

Many of you will be taking a hands-on approach to many of these projects, and we look forward to working with you in the near days ahead. There is much to do and as we said little time to do it, so prepare yourselves for your new careers with us, the Ashtar Command. We have been journeying throughout this universe on missions of peace and liberation for many eons, and through our travels and work we have enlisted many beings from throughout the cosmos who share our passion to assist worlds in their times of need.

Not all of our crewmembers and officers are of the humanlike species, and many of you will soon be meeting many different beings from many different star systems. Some of these beings will appear quite different to you and even sometimes what you have least imagined. We say to you that all the members of the Ashtar Command are ascended beings, which is only accomplished through love and spiritual understanding.

There is never a reason for you to be fearful or concerned with your safety when interacting with any of these beings, and you will find that many different beings interact not only professionally, but socially as well, and many close friends have been made throughout our command. We look forward to enlisting humans from your planet to join us as new recruits ready to begin your new careers that many of you may find quite satisfying in so many different areas. We also look forward to welcoming back some of our crewmembers who have incarnated into the physical to carry out their duties as our agents in the field.

Your positions and stations await your return, and your careers will pick up just where they left off no matter how long it is that you have been gone.

The Ashtar Command plans to see humanity’s ascension through, and remain here with you for a time afterwards ensuring the safety and well-being of the newly ascended human. Upon the decision that our work here is done we will move on as there are many other worlds that can benefit from our assistance.

We will never be far from you, and possess the means to travel back to these universal coordinates in quick time. Many of you who will become members of our team will continue to call this planet your home and you will have the opportunity to travel back here for visits and rest and relaxation.

You will also have the ability to visit many other planets throughout this universe with your fellow crewmembers, and we feel you may enjoy these trips very much as well. There exists such a blessing a variety throughout this universe and there is something for everyone no matter what your particular tastes may be. There are sandy beaches and snowy mountains and everything in between. There are scarcely populated locales as well as bustling communities if this better suits your liking. Your adventure will only be beginning once we make contact with you as a new life and a new career awaits you.

This moment is just up ahead as events are moments away from unfolding in blissful excitement. Your buildup of anticipation has been long, and this also suits a very important purpose. All has been for a reason, and we see many of you understand this clearly. Your experience every step of the way has been carefully designed and implemented, and this is just as true for these last years and months as it ever was. As a matter of fact, your recent history has been more meticulously orchestrated than any other time in your history. Nothing has been left to chance, and nothing about your experience has been overlooked.

Some of you may feel certain aspects of your recent experience has been nothing more than a waiting game, but we assure you that it is we who have been waiting on you. As we have often made very clear, it is your world and it is up to you. We are assisting, this is all we have been permitted to do and we cannot overstep our bounds. We await you to reach certain levels of understanding and consciousness, and we also await certain actions to be undertaken by you. Upon the reaching of these milestones, we can then assist you to reach another.

At this present time we are focused on the arrests of the men and women of the criminal Cabal and we await the actions of our human Earth allies in the field. Again, you’re not waiting on us or our signal that it is time to proceed. This signal has been given by all parties involved, terrestrial, as well as extraterrestrial, and we see the successful implementation of this carefully laid plan at any moment. We hope you enjoy this moment, you assuredly earned it, and as we have said, this event is merely the beginning as the fireworks will continue unrelenting for many months to come.

Your world will experience wonderful advancements throughout this period in your history and your world today will barely resemble your new Galactic society we will begin to create together. This would surely be a wonderful and exciting time to be here, and this is why many of you chose to be here today.

You felt it was worth all what you knew you would have to endure to reach this point, and yet you made the decision without hesitation. This is what awaits you dear ones.

It is quite appropriate for you to display a childlike expectation of excitement, as this will all be new to you and you have not experienced anything new such as this since you were a child. Feel free to enjoy this moment and celebrate it, for it has taken you many long years to get here and you have earned every part of it.

Enjoy this moment, for it is your moment, as each and every one of you has contributed to your journey in one way or another. Your achievement has truly been a team effort, and all deserve to take part in your celebration.

We are your Family of Light from the stars.

My Favorite Martian is coming! Boy! I used to watch a lot of television! We are so blessed to be on this planet in 2012. I still can’t believe I was the one who let everyone know about the transformation soon to occur to all of humanity! As of this morning, there were 39 people who liked the site. I really haven’t looked all day. I sent messages to ABC-TV, NBC- TV, CBS-TV, CNN, Fox News and more. I also linked to twitter, but for some reason I was suspended; they thought I was a scammer because I was sending messages too fast . . . patience my dear. One day I will totally understand the word patient. I don’t think any of the broadcast stations cared. Maybe when it actually happens, it will be worldwide news. Who could figure?

The End224

Excerpt: 231- 234…


Dreams Are Reality

Vanaja Ananda MA; MS

All your life you have waited for the good news, and that day has finally come. Very soon you will witness large- scale mass arrests all over the world of many men and women who you have come to know as the world’s political and financial leaders. These arrests will reach high into the U.S. Government and include many members of the financial and banking worlds. Many of these names you will immediately recognize, though some you may not immediately recognize, but all have actively taken part in serious crimes against the people, leaving our nations bankrupt while they looted our hard earned money.

These arrests are groundbreaking, and these arrests are Earth changing. Humanity will finally be free from the tyrannical control of these power-brokers commonly known as the Cabal. These arrests should come as no surprise to many of us as we all know deep down that there is something very wrong with this world, a place where so many go to bed hungry at night while a few others possess not millions or billions, but trillions of dollars, pilfered from the labors of the people.

There has always been enough wealth on this planet to go around, yet these few men and women have been dividing up for themselves virtually all of the wealth of our world, leaving only crumbs for the rest of us to compete over. Upon these arrests, this will now change.

Many new projects will immediately be implemented under the new leadership of men and women of the highest integrity who are committed to restoring our world to the utopia it once was, governed by a constitutional and true democratic process.

There are many men and women dedicated to this cause throughout the US Government, agencies at the Pentagon, militaries, the financial sector, as well as the private business sector who have committed so much of their lives to this effort, and they are so eager to present to humanity our new system of abundance that they have been working so diligently on in secret for years. As part of these proceedings, vast sums of wealth that have been stolen from the people will be redistributed through programs that will benefit greatly every man, woman and child on the planet. No one will be overlooked, and no one will be forgotten.

But there is more.

Upon the arrests of these many members of the criminal Cabal, the second phase of this operation will commence. Today our world is being visited by many spiritually enlightened beings who wish to openly reunite with their ancient family. These spiritually advanced men and women are assisting in the disarmament of the criminal Cabal which has controlled much of the world’s military and possessed highly advanced weapons systems.

These advanced ancestors of the human race appear just as we do, although there are other beings that we shall meet as well that do not look like we do. All are ascended spiritual beings who are only here to assist us make the changes we all know deep down inside need to be made. These beings are the original planners of this world, and are the same advanced civilizations that built many of the great archaeological mysteries such as the pyramids in Egypt. They are not strangers to us at all, as we are their ancestors, all of us.

A very important social experiment has been conducted here over many years and each of us has been a part of it. We have been left here, seemingly all alone, to work things out for ourselves. This experiment is now over and it has been a tremendous success. We are now about to reunite with our brothers and sisters from the stars and be welcomed into the greater Galactic Community.

As they are many worlds that go by many names, it is easier to refer to them at this time by the name of their peaceful alliance: The Galactic Federation of Light, although other spiritually advanced organizations are here as well including the Ashtar Command.

Upon these arrests and our reunion with our Star Family, all the problems of our world will be quickly and smoothly brought into the alignment of our new Golden Age society through the leadership of souls of pure hearted intent.

Through a worldwide community effort, all wars, hunger, poverty, illness, and pollution will soon be a thing of the past, as will our lives of daily servitude. Advanced technologies will replace our need to labor our lives away, and everyone will be free to pursue every creative dream they have ever had.

All this will begin with the imminent arrests of the many members of the criminal Cabal, and these arrests will take place as soon as a suitable number of our planet’s citizens are aware of what these proceedings will mean for our society.

This is why you are reading these words today, as many members of your human family are doing all they can to share this news with you and do their part to usher in our civilizations new Golden age of peace, freedom, and prosperity for every man, woman and child throughout our world.

Please participate in this great cause by sharing this message on Facebook and other online social networks. This is your chance to really make a difference and be a leader of your fellow man. If we all do our part to spread this news, we will all begin to witness these high profile arrests all around the world, and this will be your sign that everything you just read is true.


Excerpt Page 256…

Dreams Are Reality

Vanaja Ananda MA; MS

Raquel’s induction ceremony into the honor society, I asked him to borrow $100. I was planning to go to Washington DC for the Peace Ceremony and needed the money for gas and tolls. Even though MaryAnn was going too, I knew I needed to travel separately because I was planning to leave after Raquel’s concert on the 17th. Little did I know, I would be using that gas and toll money for a trip to Maryland.

Duane and Kyle were at the house when I arrived. Although I was thrilled to see them, I wanted to be alone in the house. Duane gave me $50 to get pizza. So far, I haven’t gotten any food and every food item is out of the house except two boxes of Matzoh which I have been munching on. Ironically yesterday was the first day of Passover. I may need to save that money for gas and tolls. I really want to participate in the 21 day Peace Meditation, but I am not sure the heads of the organization will let me due to the anger with all my emails. If I am not allowed to participate, I will have to go to Shamadu’s, Michele’s, Marcy’s or Shelly’s. Either choice involves gas money and tolls.

Even though I wanted to rest in solitude for a few days in the house I love, it is freezing here and I cannot sleep. To make matters worse, Duane apparently fell through the attic into our bedroom so the bedroom ceiling has a huge hole and a draft. My bedroom has always been my sanctuary and I choose to stay in this room. I guess I won’t be getting my few days of peaceful retreat unless Duane brings me a heater.

I am not worried because I know with 100% certainty the divine always provides. So even though it seems bleek, I am convinced the situation will improve quickly. In fact, a couple of days ago Dave sent me an email about job opportunities for all coming very, very soon. Here is what is happening starting this month. Oh, I forgot I have no internet connection so here is the site . . . http://the2012scenario.com/2012/04/gregg-prescott-imminent- mass-arrests-of-globalists-bankers-and-political-elite/.

I posted it on all 3 of my facebook pages as well, but the only person who wanted to share the site was Ishtar. I met Ishtar through facebook when I started my Dreams Are Reality pages. He truly believed what I had to share. Not only that, he designed a cover for Dreams Are Reality. He designed it because he told me “in India people are taught to believe we are all brothers and sisters and should help each other whenever we can.” Ishtar told me he knew I was going to be famous, but he didn’t expect anything in return. I told him he would be famous as well because he would receive the credit and compensation he deserved. Ishtar sent a design and I didn’t have a chance to really look at it because that was the day I was posting about Nachu; the Wednesday Sona told me to come quickly to Maryland. I am sure the design is perfect and that is the cover I choose for Dreams Are Reality because it was produced by a beautiful soul who only knew my energy through a few short conversations on facebook. Thank you Ishtar for believing in me; may you and your family be blessed with tons of abundance in every way!


Excerpt Pages 261 – 262…

What To Expect in 2012 http://2012portal.blogspot.ca/2012/04/plan-2012-normal-0- microsoftinternetexp.html

Plan 2012

Phase 1: The Event (3-7 days)

Mass arrests of the Illuminati

Military sweep

1 day viral and mass media info distribution

1 day arrests

Up to 3 days shutdown

5 to 6 days conviction processPhase 2: Restructuring (3-6 months)

New financial system backed by precious metals and commoditiesintroduced

Federal Reserve dismantled, US Treasury prints gold backedmoney

Basket of currencies (6 or more) base of world financial system

Worldwide debt forgiveness

Bank debts cancelled (credit cards, loans, mortgages)

Banks must be re-licensed, no interest (usury)

Multinational companies split and nationalized

Redistribution of world’s wealth begins

Prosperity funds released

Humanitarian and environmental projects funded

Free energy technology and advanced medicines released

Government UFO involvement disclosure

International criminal court tribunal of Illuminati

Statutory laws invalidated, return to Common Law

Interim national governments and then elections

UN restructured as head of Provisional government

• Disengagement of warring parties, military forces recalled permanently from active duty and restructured into peace keeping force, nuclear weaponry disarmed

Phase 3: First Contact (1-3 months)

Contact with selected private individuals

Re-education of humanity, including our history not told: Atlantisand Lemuria

Global telecasts over TV and internet

Increasing number of spacecraft make themselves known,culminating in a massive flyover when tens of thousands of ships

will take part as final proof that other civilizations are out there

Two week contemplation period

First contact: Public contact at UN—Electric surge into EarthLight body—Galactic / Cosmic synchronization / Tachyonic alignment

After First Contact

Interaction with Galactic Federation and Ascended Masters

Start of technology transfers and educational programs

Beginning of pollution cleansing and renewal of ecosystem

Start of full consciousness training (Ascension chambers)

Reunion with Confederation Fleet and Inner EarthI just heard there will be a Lunar Eclipse on June 5th and there will be a special event in Kauai, Hawaii on August 11th-16th. Kauai is considered the “Garden of Eden” on earth. The Renaissance of Planet Earth is quickly approaching. The exact date is yet to be determined, but by the end of 2012 earth will be transformed into a new world and it happened because of you!


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