We had a good discussion, mainly focused on Global Interpreter Lock. A description can be found here, and article one and two by Jeff Knupp.
Eventlet was also introduced -
a concurrent networking library for Python that allows you to change how you run your code, not how you write it.
It uses epoll or kqueue or libevent for highly scalable non-blocking I/O.
Coroutines ensure that the developer uses a blocking style of programming that is similar to threading, but provide the benefits of non-blocking I/O.
The event dispatch is implicit, which means you can easily use Eventlet from the Python interpreter, or as a small part of a larger application.
Finally we had some discussion about adding a bit of structure to the meetings and advanced notice of the meeting agendas. If you would like to share at a meeting, or know about a presenter traveling through Omaha please email the list and we will set it up.