
The Django source code behind Python Diary has just reached revision 100 in it's subversion repository! This is a huge milestone for the website's source code, and on this milestone I wish to share with all my loyal readers, the revision log behind each change that has formed Python Diary into what it is today.

As everyone who regularly reads this blog, Python Diary was created from scratch using various Django re-usable apps where it made the most sense. This blog has come a very long way from when it first started at it's very first commit. It began with a converted Wordpress theme which resembled a diary or memoir. Through user feedback, the theme underwent a drastic change to become easier to read and navigate. At first, the blog started with just a blog, tutorials, and bookmark section. Which soon grew to include a section with many packages, hosting providers, and reviews.

I am planning a very special blog post, once I reach my 100th blog post in the coming months. Thank you everyone for helping shape Python Diary into what it has become today and I hope to continue this blog for years to come.

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