
aiomas is a new, asyncio based library that helps you with creating
distributed multi-agent systems. It allows different clocks (real-time,
coupled to simulations, …) and different codecs (MsgPack, JSON) to be used.
You can also just use the lower level abstractions for RPC or message based
request-reply channels.

I started the development in December 2014 and OFFIS, the institute I’m
working at, now kindly allowed me to release it as OSS (licensed under the MIT license).

What? But why?

Multi-agent systems are a thing in many scientific institutes, including
OFFIS. In particular, my colleagues and I want to create a multi-agent system
for managing dynamic virtual power plants in our current project Dynamic
VPP (German link).

A very common tool (at least in science) for writing multi-agent systems is
JADE. However, most people I know don’t really like working with JADE (yes,
that’s an euphemism).

I also didn’t find a modern, well documented and easy-to-use Python library for
the job. So I asked my self: “How hard would it be to create one on my own?”

Being one of the maintainers of the discrete-event simulation (DES) library
SimPy, I already have some experience with event-based and asynchronous
programming. Multi-agent systems are relatively similar to DES, so I thought
I should give it a try.

I also wanted to get to know asyncio. I’ve never worked with it before but
its concepts looked very similar to the ones we’ve been using in SimPy for
years, so building a library for multi-agent systems on top of asyncio was
a perfect project to learn something new.

How do I use it?

The basic idea behind aiomas is that agents should be plain Python classes.
Methods that perform asynchronous operations (like sending messages to other
agents) should be coroutines. Agents should be able to call methods that other
agents expose. It should also be easy to distribute agents over multiple CPU
cores or machines. But you, as the user, shouldn’t bothered with setting up
sockets or implementing transports, protocols and other low-level stuff.

aiomas is still in a relatively early stage of development. What’s already
there seems to work quite nicely, though.

Here is a simple example how it currently looks like:

What’s the list of features?

aiomas just puts three layers of abstraction around raw TCP / unix domain
sockets provided by asyncio:

Request-reply channel:

The channel layer is the basis for the rpc layer. It sends JSON or
MsgPack encoded byte strings over TCP or unix domain sockets. It also maps
replies (of success or failure) to their corresponding request.


The rpc layer implements remote procedure calls which let you call methods
on remote objects nearly as if they were normal objects:

Instead of ret = obj.meth(arg) you write ret = yield from

Agents and agent containers:

The top-layer provides a simple base class for your own agents. All agents
live in a container.

Containers take care of creating agents and performing the communication
between them.

The container provides a clock for the agents. This clock can either be
synchronized with the real (wall-clock) time or be set by an external process
(e.g., other simulators).

Although you usually want to use the agent layer, it is perfectly okay to
only use the rpc or channel layer.

What’s comming next?

Some ideas for future releases:

SSL/TLS support for TCP sockets

Optional automatic re-connect after connection loss

Helper for binding a socket to a random free port

Implement a queue based transport that agents within a single container can
use instead of a TCP connection.


aiomas requires Python >= 3.4, msgpack-python and arrow (it may also run
on Python 3.3 with the asyncio package, but this is untested).

Install aiomas via pip by running:

The development happens on bitbucket. There’s no mailing list or IRC channel
yet, so just create an issue for your feedback, send me an email, or leave me
a tweet.

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