
By Vasudev Ram

I was checking out the help for Python's pip tool (an installation tool for Python packages), and came across its search option.

The search option of the pip command lets you search PyPI, the Python Package Index.

I tried it out with a couple of searches, for the terms bottle (to get info on more PyPI packages related to 1) the Bottle Python web microframework (which I had blogged about a while ago), and 2) PDF, which is one of my areas of interest.

Here are the results of those two pip searches of PyPI:

As you can see from the output above, a lot of Python packages were found for those two search terms. In the search for the term "bottle", not all of the packages found were actually related to the Bottle framework, but most were.

The search for "PDF" resulted in many results, some of which I've blogged about in the past, such as pisa/xhtmltopdf, PyPDF, pdfdocument, wkhtml2pdf, and others, and many that I didn't know of before.

So it looks like the pip search command is a useful tool.

As for why I used "pip -v -v -v", see "pip --help" :-)

- Vasudev Ram - Dancing Bison Enterprises

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Vasudev Ram

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