
The goless library https://github.com/rgalanakis/goless provides Go programming language semantics built on top of Stackless Python or gevent.* Here is a Go example using channels and Select converted to goless:

While I am not usually a Go programmer, I am a big fan of its style and patterns. goless provides the familiarity and practicality of Python while better enabling the asynchronous/concurrent programming style of Go. Right now it includes:

Synchronous/unbuffered channels (send and recv block waiting for a receiver or sender).

Buffered channels (send blocks if buffer is full, recv blocks if buffer is empty).

Asynchronous channels (do not exist in Go. Send never blocks, recv blocks if buffer is empty).

The select function (like reflect.Select, since Python does not have anonymous blocks we could not replicate Go’s Select statement).

The go function (runs a function in a tasklet/greenlet).

goless is pretty well documented and tested, but please take a look or give it a try and tell us what you think here or on GitHub’s issues. I’m especially interested in adding more Go examples converted to use goless, or other Go features replicated to create better asynchronous programs.**

*. goless was written at the PyCon 2014 sprints by myself, Carlos Knippschild, and Simon Konig, with help from Kristjan Valur Jonsson and Andrew Francis (sorry the lack of accents here, I am on an unfamiliar computer). Carlos and myself were both laid off while at PyCon- if you have an interesting job opportunity for either of us, please send me an email: rob.galanakis@gmail.com

**. We are close to getting PyPy support working through its stackless.py implementation. There are some lingering issues in the tests (though the examples and other ‘happy path’ code works fine under PyPy). I’ll post again and bump the version when it’s working.

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