
Have you been on so many diets you’re just plain confused about what is right for you?

I know the feeling. It’s super frustrating when your friend can go on a diet or training program and get amazing results, and you try the same thing and it just doesn’t work for you,  or you can’t stick to it.

Obviously your mindset is a massive factor, (one of my favourite things to talk about) AND the other factor is that every single person in the WHOLE WOLRD requires a DIFFERENT eating and training program to get optimal results.

There is no one-size fits all when it comes to nutrition and training.

We each have different hormones, different genetic histories, different climate adaptations, different daily stressors, different sleep patterns, (or babies waking us up) and a host of other factors that can impact the effectiveness of what we eat or how we train.

Recent amazing discoveries in science tell us now that our genes do not determine our destiny, instead our environment (ie: the daily choices we make) has a far greater impact on our results and our health. This is called epi-genetics, you can read more about it in one of my favourite books – Biology of Belief by Dr Bruce Lipton.  Or watch a talk from Dr Bruce here.

So this means that  for one person eating kale & egg salad and doing HIIT is going to get them super lean in no time, for a different person, that just stresses their body out with inflammation and makes it want to store fat like crazy.  The second person might then beat themselves up and think that they are failing, or struggle with consistency, because their body is giving them signs to stop… like cravings and fatigue, and they might just think they are being “weak” and need more willpower and force themselves to continue, until they can’t anymore and have a massive ice-cream blow out and stop exercising for a month.

Maybe what they really need is brown rice, sweet-potato, and yoga, with daily dose of dark chocolate, and coffee to help them melt away the kilos!

How would you know?

How do any of us know what’s really right for us?

Well, ideally we would be able to listen to and discern the subtle signals that come from our bodies, but that has become increasingly difficult in our busy lives.

It’s hard to correlate the headache and sugar craving at 3pm to the fact that you ate white wheat sourdough toast for breakfast when it might have been better for you to have oat porridge with cream!

While I love teaching women how to get the mental and emotional noise out of the way so that you can learn to trust your body again and listen to those signals, my friend Dr Cam is an expert in the science side of things, and now he’s a part of a cutting edge technology that can help you to find out precisely what is the right program JUST FOR YOU! How cool is that!!

Here’s an interview I did with him to find out the low-down on this amazing new technology that is coming to your smart-phone…  And their massive goal to eradicate chronic disease and pain by the year 2050! Awesome!!

I love a big goal. Imagine the difference that would make in the world if we achieve that goal! Apparently it is possible if we all learn how to eat and train in the right way (creating the right environment) for our unique genetic make-up to flourish.


To find out more about the technology behind it and the future of Personalised Health – Shae & ph360 – Click here.

Interview Transcript

Kylie Ryan:

Hi everybody. It is Kylie Ryan here from My Mind Coach. Today, I have a fantastic guest, an incredible human being and just a genuine nice guy, Dr. Cam McDonald. I was blessed to meet him when we were speaking at Farlex on the same stage actually, one after the other the year before last.

Dr. Cam has a whole string of qualifications to his name. He’s an accredited practicing dietitian, accredited exercise physiologist, a Ph.D. in breast cancer recovery. That’s pretty important these days. He now practices in what’s really best for people using advanced genetic information that is super user-friendly. He trains health professionals on how to use this for better results with clients.

Dr. Cam, it is awesome to talk to you. Thank you for talking to me today. Hi.

Dr Cam McDonald:

Hey, hey. It’s awesome to be back again. We did that really cool session on thyroid stuff last year and it’s really awesome to be back on the same webinar.

Kylie Ryan:

We did. We did. It’s awesome. Awesome. I’ll put the link below for people who want to see that interview that we did last year for thyroid stuff as well. You’re doing some super exciting next evolution stuff. It’s like beyond crazy. Tell me all about it. Let me think. What do my beautiful ladies and people, what do they need to know about what you’re doing now?

Dr Cam McDonald:

Sure. Okay, cool. I definitely want to start big picture as what we’re trying to achieve.

Kylie Ryan:

What’s the vision?

Dr Cam McDonald:

There’s lots of different things out there. What we’re doing with this particular program and project is that the goal is to end chronic disease and pain by the year 2050, which is a huge goal. Yeah, it’s awesome.

Kylie Ryan:

Booyah! Let’s do it.

Dr Cam McDonald:

Really exciting to be part of it. Probably, the part that I’m really excited about as well is not about just avoiding disease and pain, but actually being at your best. For me, obviously, we’ve got this big goal of wanting to help people find the answer to their chronic disease so that we can really make some great change.

The underlying purpose that I’ve really come to terms with over the last couple of years is that it’s about people starting to understand themselves, not just from what I need for food, what I need for exercise, but starting to understand how their mind works specifically and even have their whole physiology work so that you can … It creates self-acceptance. If we accept ourselves, then we start accepting other people around us.

As a result, as a human race, if everyone does that, then we start becoming pretty happy. There’s a couple of really big goals on the table, and I’m super excited to get into it and to be here talking to you about it for sure.

Yeah, that’s a start. There is so much more to talk about.

Kylie Ryan:

How do we cram it into 15, 20 minutes so that people have time to get the essence of what you’re about and how it can help them, and then we can tell them how they can learn more, because you’re doing some great events coming up really soon. Some really great free events all around Australia as well, and the world I thought. Very exciting. Very exciting stuff.

Dr Cam McDonald:

Yeah, it’s really cool. I guess people would going to want to know a little bit about the platform itself. How can we make statements like ending chronic disease and all that thing.

Kylie Ryan:

Yeah, exactly. How is that possible? You said advanced genetic information that’s now super user friendly. What is it? In my smartphone?

Dr Cam McDonald:

Yeah. It will be. It will be. Over the last decade or so, there’s been about 12 experts and 20 to 30 other difference scientists working on a platform that looks to fuse the best of what we have in western medicine, and understanding specific genes and the function they have on physiology, and then drawing the link between that. Obviously, the ancient medicine which has been somewhat discarded, but now they’re starting to do a lot more research on which parts of it and which components of it are accurate and which hold up in a western frame.

What they’ve done is they’ve looked to combine both. We start looking at genes. We start looking at, also, how that body would have been spoken about in an ancient medicine way. When you start looking at those relationships, you actually start seeing some really amazing trends between what they described 2,500, 4,000 years ago that are still really relevant now. Through the western amazingness of quantification, we can now start measuring these genes and start confirming what they saw.

This platform is incredible and that it helps you understand your genetic information. Practically, your whole genome has been mapped to all of the different questions and measurements that are taken. From there, it understands not only your genes, but it also understands what the environment has done to your genes.

What people might understand is that when you’re 6 and 64, you’re not the same person.

Kylie Ryan:

Hundred percent.

Dr Cam McDonald:

Obviously, but you have exactly the same genes. If we just treat the genes on what they are, we’ll be missing the point of your context in your life and what the environment has done to your body as well. In fact, 95% of your health is determined by what your environment does to your genes, not determined by your genes. That’s a really important thing for people.

Kylie Ryan:

Yeah, genetics. Yeah.

Dr Cam McDonald:

It is epigenetic.

Kylie Ryan:

Dr. Bruce. Yes.

Dr Cam McDonald:

That’s right. The guru.

Kylie Ryan:

Yehey! Dr. Bruce. Dr Bruce Lipton for everybody listening in.

Dr Cam McDonald:

Yes. You can look him up there. The Biology of Belief is one his fantastic books. Fantastic.

Kylie Ryan:

Favorite books of all time.

Dr Cam McDonald:

With all of that info, what we do is we understand, “Okay. These are your genes. For you, specifically, a headache is going to be caused by this. Let’s do that.” For another person, their headache is going to be caused by something else like social stress, where some person, it might be not digesting their proteins. Different genes have a predisposition for different conditions. This program, with the … It’s got about 10,000 different correlations that are engaged in the program with 500 different algorithms that make you uniquely you in the program.

I’ve probably seen about 250 people through the program now and I haven’t seen the same list of foods, the same priority of nutrients for any one person. That’s because … Of any two people I should say. That’s because you are unique. All of the different factors, and your background. Plus, what the environment has done to you and where you’re holding fat tissue and muscle tissue. The signs and symptoms of your skin. All of those thing play into where you are right now. You can actually do something about it.

The user-friendly part of it is it gives you an instruction, eat spinach rather than this is your gene. What we don’t know is what to do with that gene.

Kylie Ryan:

Yeah. Like you told me, my gene is A-B-C, or X-Y-Z, it doesn’t … It means nothing to me. When I’m at the cafeteria and I need to choose between spinach and kale or fried rice or wholemeal bread, what do I choose?

Dr Cam McDonald:

Precisely. Exactly. It becomes very specific. It’s not just on food. It actually gets into the way your mind works. Why different people might be anxious, and how that might be created, versus depressed, and how that can change for different people. Even into social settings and what social setting their brain is going to be most naturally at home and even work. Even, then, down to things like climate.

All of these sciences currently exist in western science. There’s papers on all of these stuff that the practitioner’s ability to hold all of these papers in their mind at one time and then think, “I’ve got an individual here with a particular genetic lineage with parents from Yugoslavia and Croatia, how does that differ?” Keeping all of that information in your head, super hard.

Even the guys who’ve designed this program who know the majority of the content, they still need this algorithm to get the most accurate results for their clients.

This whole thing is about giving control back to you. Letting you know where you are. Letting you know why you respond the way you do. In that way, you become more accepting of why your body acts the way it does. Eventually, let’s fast-forward 40 years in a generation of people doing the right thing, communicating with their body as to how that feels, and all of a sudden you start going, “Oh, no. This is right for me.” I actually don’t need to rely on the technology as much, because now I have a communication with my body that works.

That’s how we used to operate. We used to say, “I don’t walk into that lion’s den because bad stuff happens.”

Kylie Ryan:

Because my heart rate increases, and my palms are sweaty, and I’m feeling crazy, and I want to run away.

Dr Cam McDonald:

Exactly. Exactly. I lose limbs if I walk into lion’s dens. Now, we’re starting to know that, sometimes, foods that we think are healthy for us can be that lion’s den, but we don’t know. It’s about reeducating our bodies as to what you need for you. This is the first program to formalize both the genes and the environment in one fell-swoop, and then actually give you something to use it with. It’s exciting times. Yeah.

Kylie Ryan:

It is exciting times. It’s super exciting times. I’m thinking of that movie where the person goes into this pod and get something, they’re like [inaudible 00:10:00]. It’s like, “Wow! This is almost as crazy as that.” This is science fiction in the present day. We’re living in a really incredible time for being able to optimize our health and optimize our energy and vitality and to have a system and a simple way to be able to actually follow through on the right decisions to give ourselves the right nutrients to be at our best. That’s incredible.

Dr Cam McDonald:

Exactly. Exactly. We’ve got some really cool things coming up in the next six weeks. The first edition of the app is going to be released. The program is called. PH360 and it’s available online now, and you can actually … You can go and access it yourself at home, or there’s people trained specifically on how to deliver it. The app will actually be telling us in real time, “Now, is a good time to get up and move.” For your body specifically, this is the best time.

Kylie Ryan:

Go for a run Cam. Go for a run.

Dr Cam McDonald:

Yeah, 100%.

Kylie Ryan:

Dr. Cam, it’s time to go for a run.

Dr Cam McDonald:

We’ve got things, like at between six and seven is the time that I need to rest my brain. When I do that, I feel far better the next day than when I miss it. I’ve structured my work around that time. Since I’ve done that, my brain just isn’t a [inaudible 00:11:25] anymore. That’s specific to me for … I guess we’ll be talking about that and a whole lot of more really cool stuff, like toilets that measure your microflora in the toilets and to really get a good snapshot of what’s going on of your health right now.

Even apps of the feature which are only about six to nine months away, where it’s going to ring when you’re stressed and tell you to de-stress at that time because you’ve been in a state of stress for the last three hours, and that’s not good for you specifically.

We’re getting to a point where we won’t have to think as much about what we need to do, and that can really help start that conversation about how do I feel now that I’m doing these right things. Which then gets us on the right path.

Kylie Ryan:

Yeah. Because there’s so much confusion, is it? After, what? Forty years of diet books and dieting, and industrialized food, and packet food and all sorts of … But we’ve just lost our way and we don’t know what to eat. Maybe do an evidence diet, paleo diet, or maybe we do Sarah Wilson, “I quit sugar for a few weeks.” The next person next to us got a really great result on that, but we find that we struggle or we can’t follow through with it, or it’s really difficult.

That confusion, I think, is a really huge issue, especially in what I say with my clients. They’re like, “I just don’t know what to eat.” Being able to listen to their own signals is really challenging, because there is so much noise around in the world saying, “This is good. This is bad. This food is bad. This food is good.” They are these blanket statements that don’t aren’t useful for an individual trying to navigate their own world.

Dr Cam McDonald:

Absolutely. This is probably one of the things I see all the time, is the distribution of what we have access to, food-wise, movement-wise, mindset-wise, the distribution of all the stuff out there that we could possibly have is not all the distribution of what we need. We’re constantly battling two-thirds of the supermarket that’s no good for us.

Even to that point where … For paleo, it’s actually really brilliant for some people with a couple of additions.

Kylie Ryan:

Of course.

Dr Cam McDonald:

Then, for another person, it can cause significant health problems. Those types of differences, and all of those different little diet trends have some truth for the right specifics.

As soon as we say that there’s one answer for everybody, automatically, you’re incorrect. That’s probably the biggest thing to come out of this experience that I’ve had is everyone, truly, is different and needs different things. The way your life is influenced by all the things that are unique to you make that even more so without the genetic individuality.

Kylie Ryan:


Dr Cam McDonald:

Yeah, it’s really cool. We’re running some free seminars, which is …

Kylie Ryan:

How can we find out more? It that for a regular person? Can they come along to these seminars?

Dr Cam McDonald:

Absolutely. These seminars are designed for anyone who’s wanting to really understand where the future of health is going. Obviously, there’s a lot of health professionals interested into this world, because, then, being on top of what they do is really, really important.

Kylie Ryan:

It’s important to be at the cutting edge of what you do.

Dr Cam McDonald:

Yeah. We’ll just be going through. It’s three hours. We’re in Sydney on August 6th, and I guess we’ll popup a bunch of these days.

Kylie Ryan:

[inaudible 00:14:54] below. Yeah.

Dr Cam McDonald:

Sure. We’ll just be going through … It’s a three hour chat just on where the future is going and how you can take a bit more control of your own health or even how you can learn more about this whole thing as well and train up to be a practitioner, so on. From life coaches through the medical doctors can use this program. It’s so user-friendly.

In my team right now, I’ve got a life coach and I’ve got a dietitian and we’re looking at grabbing a GP at some point to do it as well. Really, it allows you to be so much more specific and takes a lot of the guest workout of everything you’re doing, whether you’re practicing with clients or doing your own thing.

Kylie Ryan:

Awesome. Tell me how quickly … Obviously, there’s a lot of information that goes in the middle bit. Let’s say that I’ve just got PH360. I’ve just logged in or signed up or whatever it is. How does it work from there? Do I have to give them some hair? How do they know what my genes are? Do I send in a blood sample are a cup of wee. What happens?

Dr Cam McDonald:

It’s a very good question. Please keep the cup of wee to yourself.

Kylie Ryan:

Thank you. I will keep it to myself.

Dr Cam McDonald:

Yeah. I will take a lock of hair though, which is a little bit weirder. This is probably … Revolutionary parts of it. That is … They’ve actually been able to reverse engineer genetics of a combination of the shape of our body, and that’s measured by a number of tape measure things. The size of our skull, the length of our jay, the thickness of our neck, the thickness of our arms and wrists, and length of fingers, and heights and weights.

Kylie Ryan:

Biomarkers. Yeah.

Dr Cam McDonald:

Yeah. In a big picture all together, they actually paint a very accurate story of not only what a baseline gene, genetic situation is, but also what the environment has done to create hormonal responses for you to hold fat in different places with your skeletal structure.

That’s the one. The first layer of about 15. There’s skin, height, hair, eye color, quality, symptomatic stuff. Disease history in the past. Your family history. All of that information is collected. Normally, it takes me about 25 minutes to get through an assessment. If you’re doing it at home, it can take about an hour to get through all the questions.

Kylie Ryan:

Yeah, because maybe you’re like, “Please help. What does this mean.”

Dr Cam McDonald:

Yeah. Totally.

Kylie Ryan:

“What is this question? I don’t understand.”

Dr Cam McDonald:

Exactly. From that, it automatically calculates everything on the spot. Once you’ve finished it, you actually got your assessment. The future is coming where you’ll be able to drop a full DNA sample into the program as well. Right now, the accuracy that you get … Going even through the psychological profiles of people, and then reading out what it’s coming to them. It’s time-stopingly accurate.

There’s no psychological questions at all, it’s all just based on very objective things that you can see and touch and feel on your body. There’s no personality questions of anything like that. It’s been fascinating.

A lot of it … I know that we talked about those some other types, like etomorphs, endomorph, mesomorphs.

Kylie Ryan:

Yeah, that’s thrown around in personal trainer language. Yeah.

Dr Cam McDonald:

Exactly. Yeah. That was thrown around an emphatic language, and Chinese medicine language.

Kylie Ryan:

Yes. Yes. The [Peter 00:18:13], the [vata 00:18:14]. I don’t know all the other ones. Yeah.

Dr Cam McDonald:

Your got it. You got it. That’s what they’ve really been able to validate, and the Chinese are hitting up a lot of this research where they’re looking at body types and understanding, “If they’ve got this disease, which body types can have these types of outcomes?” Really getting down to those elemental types and validating what they saw many thousands of years ago. That’s what I love about the science, it’s very pure. It’s nonjudgmental and if it works and it’s a consistent relationship, then why wouldn’t we look at it? Rather than thinking, “There’s no evidence. Let’s test that evidence. Let’s create prophecies.” Yeah.

Kylie Ryan:

Awesome. Awesome. Let’s say I’ve done the questionnaire and I’ve got the thing, and I know I’m a blah-blah type.

Dr Cam McDonald:

You’re a Kylie Ryan [crosstalk 00:19:04].

Kylie Ryan:

I’m a Kylie Ryan type.

Dr Cam McDonald:

Yeah. There’s no one else like you Kylie.

Kylie Ryan:

There’s no one else quite like me. I’m super unique and a special snowflake just like everybody out there. I know that I’m a Kylie Ryan type, and so then, what happens? Then it will tell me this is a good time to sleep. These are good things to eat. This is things that maybe shouldn’t … These are are things that maybe don’t work so well with you.

Dr Cam McDonald:

Yup, 100%.

Kylie Ryan:

It gives you all that.

Dr Cam McDonald:

It gives you … There’s probably about … Obviously, it’d be close to a thousand foods in the program. All of the main ones that you’ll eat. I don’t really have any foods that I come across now that I can’t find. It gives you a rank list of every single one of those. As far as vegetables are concerned, “Which are my top 10 veggies, and why?” It gives you a heap of details as to why each vegetable is there, or why it’s not recommended.

There’s exercise, timing recommendations. There are real suggestions for how you can start to putting your thoughts and how your brain works as well. Like a horoscope on steroids, really. Same stuff for what’s going to happen if you’re in a particular climate? How your body might respond. The best time to of year to take a holiday.

As the app comes along as well, it’s going to give you real time updates, “You need to eat right now.”

Kylie Ryan:

“Eat now Dr. Cam! Eat now!”

Dr Cam McDonald:


Kylie Ryan:

“Drink some water Kylie! Drink some water!”

Dr Cam McDonald:

Exactly. Do some meditation as well.

Kylie Ryan:

Do some meditation.

Dr Cam McDonald:

Calm down before your meal.

Kylie Ryan:

Calm the hell down.

Dr Cam McDonald:

Yeah, it’s all of that. Once you’re in the platform, there’s a heap of video tutorials as well about how you can interpret the program and go through it and understand it. Having all of that there, and that’s all on the PH360 website. The whole thing is just about creating a different conversation with health about somewhat like you being in control of your health so that you can go to your health practitioner and say, “This is my book on health. Can you please help me use it?” Rather than, “Let me ask you about all your books that don’t necessarily relate to me.” Yeah.

Kylie Ryan:

Awesome. Let’s ground it now into right down … Because you’re psyched about it. I’m psyched just thinking about it. Tell me one amazing tangible benefit that being a part of this and learning about this for yourself has had for you personally in your life. What changes have you noticed in your life as a result of doing this?

Dr Cam McDonald:

I’ve got a very structured brain, and not everyone’s got the same structure of their brain. This isn’t going to appeal to everybody as a benefit, but I’m going …

Kylie Ryan:

Tell us what it is. This is the Dr. Cam benefit.

Dr Cam McDonald:

It’s helped me categorize, I’m more of my health. I know that systematically, if I rest between six and seven, I know that I’ll sleep better and feel better the next day. I know that when I miss that, there’s a reason why I don’t feel so good. I know how to get back to [inaudible 00:22:03] advice.

I know that when I eat foods that aren’t necessarily good for me, I know that a symptom is going to come, and I get to make a really cool decision as to whether I want the symptom or whether I want to choose something else.

It helps me realize that I’m only meant to really do three kind of really intense exercise sessions per week, and then two yoga type mental space. Exactly. When I start exercising more, I actually feel my body starting to [miggle 00:22:29]. Rather than me thinking there’s something wrong, I can go, “Oh no, I just need to do a yoga session.” I feel way better.

What it does, it gives me an ability to come and check in and understand myself more. I guess I’m living a pretty busy life, and I could be more connected with my body as well.

Kylie Ryan:

Hundred percent. We all could.

Dr Cam McDonald:

It gives me the tags and the strategies to get to that place a lot faster. I guess our education at all completely ignores all of these. Back in the say, when we were doing the stuff more naturally, the education was about listening to your body and cultures were set up around these types of things. It wasn’t so hard, you just do it, because that was part of the lifetime then.

It really helps just cut through … Cut your path back to your best body and just create awareness. It’s a bit mind-boggling how accurate it is and how effective it is.

Kylie Ryan:

I’m psyched. I’ve got a meeting right after this, but I want to go and do the questionnaire right now, because I’m an action taker.

Dr Cam McDonald:

That’s it.

Kylie Ryan:

Anyway. Tell me what are some of the results. A lot of my ladies have some struggles with their body shape an their weight. Tell me, of your clients and the people that you’ve worked with. Maybe, some of your clients as well have had issues with their weight. How quickly do they start to see results in getting that body shape that they want when they’ve got this type of accurate information about what to put in their bodies and when to exercise an that thing. What results can you expect to see?

Dr Cam McDonald:

Cool. Okay. I’d love to answer that question in a slightly different way, if it’s okay.

Kylie Ryan:

Yes. Do the politician’s answer.

Dr Cam McDonald:

No. No. Not at all. Not at all. I feel like what it does is it takes the focus off this body shape and it actually helps you go, “This is me.” Particularly, for one body type. Normally, it’s the body that has … They’re incredibly nurturing. They’re like the mama bear of their friends and family. Typically, that body, as well, has an amazing ability to hold muscle, bone and fat tissue. It’s that type of body where you look at a donor and feel like you’re putting weight on and you’re going, “Why is my body reacting so differently to my friends? It seems so unrealistic for me to think that I’m going to look like that chick in the magazine.”

That’s because the whole system is actually set up to be a nurture of the people around them. In order to be a nurturer, what that body has to do is it has to think, “Okay. If there’s a famine coming, and I need to be giving, but not getting, which is my role. Then I need to conserve energy now. I’m going to exercise 10% less. I’m going to be a little bit slower and sit a little bit more. I’m going to extract more nutrients out of my food, and I’m going to slow my thyroid function down and my sugar control down so that I can conserve as much energy now.”

If there’s that little bit of stress now, imagine if it gets worse. When there’s stress in the body, that body will just consolidate mass because this is where it’s beautiful to protect their community later. They’re setting up for this future idea of, “I am the mother bear, so I need to make sure I’ve got energy reserve for that.”

Kylie Ryan:

I think it is. Yeah.

Dr Cam McDonald:

The kind of results that I see, I guess, is when people …

Kylie Ryan:

Especially, with those mama bears, because I know there’s a few that will be watching going, “Yes! That’s me! That’s me! How do I …”

Dr Cam McDonald:

The first thing is they’ve got … The place where I see the best results with this is when they embrace the power that is their growth. Their ability to grow. Their ability to store energy. As soon as they start loving that component themselves, and getting foods right. There’s no doubt about that. Getting their exercise right. That when they get their mind on this track of, “This is me, and this is my power.” Yeah, not a weakness.

Kylie Ryan:

“This is my power. This is my power.”

Dr Cam McDonald:

Yeah. Then it doesn’t matter so much about their weight, but what happens then, that stress comes off their system and their body doesn’t think there’s a famine coming. It can start using a bit more energy.

Particularly, over winter … This is the beauty of this program that actually takes climate into account. In winter, once it gets below 20 degrees, you’d go into a hibernating state, and this group does it a lot more than any other group.

Kylie Ryan:

Right. They’re storing for winter.

Dr Cam McDonald:

During winter, you’re beating yourself trying to get this weight off, but your body is going, “You know what? This is cold right now.”

Kylie Ryan:

“It’s cold. I need it. I need some padding.”

Dr Cam McDonald:

“It’s my time. It’s my time to store.” Come summer, it becomes a completely different situation. Even expectations around your results. During winter, it’s not the time. It is about exercising and doing the thing that’s really good for you. Then, comes summer, that’s when you can expect some change in your weight. Particularly, if you’re in a warmer climate.

Having that little of expectation, I would say that when we know we know a bit about these guys and groups around their types of genes, they’ve got a rhythm in their brain that’s very alpha wave, which is that meditative, deep breathing state. That’s their natural state. That’s the way I like to think about their weight loss as well. It’s a cruising off of weight, rather than this dramatic drop.

They might experience a big forward shift at the start if they get their foods right. The best success I see with individuals with that kind of body and even a little bit taller, which is a slightly different body, again, is if they consistently stick and embrace who they are, they get this beautiful consistent weight change that’s not stressful. It becomes less of the focus. Every time I remeasure these guys, they’ve just lost more.

Kylie Ryan:

It’s no big deal.

Dr Cam McDonald:

Exactly, because they’re doing the behaviors matter. This whole thing is about what is the behavior that you need to do. What is that thing you need to do? Rather than, what do you need to worry about weight loss? It’s what’s the thing that you need to do. Yeah.

Kylie Ryan:

Awesome. I love that, because I’m often teaching people about the difference between process goals and outcome goals. The outcome goal is, “Oh, I want to lose 20 kilos.” I’m constantly saying, “Okay. Yes. All right, there’s that.” Let’s think about what do you need today. What’s the process that’s going to help your body feel good along the way.

What’s worked for you right now to help you take that process toward self-acceptance, self-love, listening to your own inner nutritionist, your own inner feedback that’s coming back to you telling you, “Oh, yeah. I do like spinach and it makes me feel good. It makes me feel light.” or “Oh, no. I don’t like the way that this feels in my body.” And helping them to tune in to those things as a process of becoming present with their bodies.

I love that this is a really systematic proven sciency tool that people can use to help along that journey. I love the way you just framed that as embracing who you are and embracing the things that you think are a weakness, as a strength and as a power. It’s interesting that saving fat for famine.

I remember when I first got pregnant with … Which one? With Ruby. Which one? I was just trying to think about what time was it in my life.

Dr Cam McDonald:

Too many children.

Kylie Ryan:

No. Just two. I was away on a getaway with some friends and I’m, “I’m going up.” A friend of mine and I, we actually have [inaudible 00:30:26] mindsets about this. I was, “I’m eating. I’m getting my insurance of this … I’m padding up for winter.” That was my mindset, “It’s okay. This is cool.” I used to think about it like breastfeeding insurance. My hips were my breast feeding insurance. Then if I missed a meal or something, I still had to feed my child. I had some insurance to get that happening.

Dr Cam McDonald:

Yeah. Perfect.

Kylie Ryan:

I think that could be a useful way of thinking about it, that with these particular body type that really stores fat. It’s like they’re storing it as insurance against this potential famine. The longer they’re staying stressed by trying to project some goal about some bikini model that is a completely different body type and saying, “Oh! I’m never going to be that. I’m not worthy.” Then they’re putting more stress on their body. So they think there’s this famine coming up, and then it stores more and blah-blah-blah, cycle-cycle.

Yeah. I love this work that you’re doing. I can’t wait. I’m going to be at the Sydney one. I can’t wait to learn more about it. I’m going to go sign up for this thing right now, because I’m psyched.

Yeah. I’ll put the details below of the event. It’s free. Right?

Dr Cam McDonald:

Yeah. Yeah, it is. The three hour one is totally free, and it’s just designed to help people understand where the science is going exactly. It’s just about increasing awareness. This opportunity is to coach, and we ran conferences on that too. We’re running eight next year and three this year as well. The priority though is just helping people understand, and then if they want to take it further, they do. That’s cool.

Kylie Ryan:

Awesome. I think it will be so valuable regardless just to understand. I’ve seen you talk before, and you give a hell of a speech and with lots of important sciency data and evidence based facts thrown in with lots of cool stories and things to really easily understand that. I really love that about your presenting style.

Yeah, I’m psyched to talk to you about it. I’m psyched to come along. I think everybody should come and do this if you want to learn how to optimize your own health and learn to love yourself a bit more. Understand who you are. Love yourself a bit more along the way, because you can just be like, “Oh, well, I’m this type. I am me.” and that’s okay.

Dr Cam McDonald:

Exactly. Probably, before you even do the profile, you can just start understanding you know everything about you right now. Exactly. You know the type of person that you are, and it’s just looking for that and being comfortable with that as a start. That will get you so much further than trying to fight against your body the whole time, for sure.

Kylie Ryan:

A hundred percent. I love that, because so often, we’re looking for external validation of, “I’m okay to be doing this. Am I okay to be making this choice?” Sometimes there’s that indecision about the intuition that we already have about what might be right for us. Then we don’t necessarily follow through because we’re doubting ourselves or we don’t have that validation.

To have these really clear evidence based, this is science validating the decisions that we probably already knew to begin with. That’s really cool.

Dr Cam McDonald:

Yeah. It’s really cool.

Kylie Ryan:

Awesome. Anything? Any parting words that you’d like to say before we wrap up? Parting words of wisdom?

Dr Cam McDonald:

Yeah. I guess look into it and without the expectation that you actually do anything with the information.

Kylie Ryan:

Check it out.

Dr Cam McDonald:

We’ve now got a solution that is right for so many people … For everyone. You want to be very considered about getting involved. We’re not looking at forcing this on people. It’s accessible to you if you want it. At least give it the time to investigate, because there’s so many people out there who are searching for this answer. It just takes a little bit of time to actually look and understand it and feel right about it.

Yeah, it’s … For me, I’m slowly concerting everybody in my life to understanding themselves a little bit better and my family were first victims of that. If my son was old enough, I’d be doing it for him. I do it to him, I’d recommend it to everybody.

Kylie Ryan:

Yeah, exactly. If it goods enough for your own children, then it’s good enough for everybody. Awesome. Awesome. It’s an absolute pleasure to talk to you Dr. Cam, as always.

I’ll pop the links below so that people can find all of the details and find out more. If for some reason, I can’t see it, what’s the web address that they could go to?

Dr Cam McDonald:

Yeah. The best one for this three hour is healthevents. Just as it sounds, healthevents, all one word, .ph360.me, healthevents.ph360.me will get you to the info.

Kylie Ryan:

Awesome. Awesome. Thanks Dr. Cam. Thank you for your time, and we’ll see you soon.

The post Optimising your health through epi-genetics with ph360 appeared first on My Mind Coach.

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