Multicians. It was a major influence on subsequent computer operating systems.

Today's headlines: Observe fresh posts and updates on Multicians. It is pretty active and updates frequently with 90+ articles published this month alone (they might potentially reach about 19.1K visitors within the said period of time). It is generally safe for browsing, so you may click any item to proceed to the site.

News, stories and media buzz related to Multicians

  • A while back Jeremy Druin asked me to be a part of a password cracking class along with Martin Bos. I was to cover the very basics, things like “What is a password hash?”, “What types are there?”, and “What is the history of passwords, hashes and cracking...

  • Multics, developed in the early to mid 1960's, was an operating system developed in the early to mid 1960's. It was developed with very ambitious goals, and while it itself has fallen on the wayside, other systems have successfully implemented its goals...

  • Hi @evileyes, First of all, thank you for your good job. I`m wondering if you want to implement a function in future multics releases to fetch data from mysql database and be configurable in multics.config using parameters like: [MySQL] mysql server...

  • This week, we faced a disastrous plan from the Copyright Office to strip thousands of sites of their DMCA safe harbor protections if they don't re-register with a new system. We suggested that the correct way would be to engage in a proactive campaign...

  • Security has been taken seriously in WordPress, with a large number of experts constantly developing the most stable WordPress versions, refining the code for flaws, as well as doing security updates. However, you need to know that no system can be completely...

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  • Multics

    Multics was a mainframe time-sharing operating system begun in 1965 and used until 2000. It was a major influence on subsequent computer operating systems.

  • A General-Purpose File System For Secondary Storage

    Classic 1965 technical paper describing the Multics operating system: file system.

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