
Teaching Over 1000 Classes

Nothing has been more consistently profitable for me over a long period of time than my Kettlebell Classes. I was having a count up before writing this article and realized that I have now taught well over 1000 classes. Running kettlebell classes has been extremely rewarding, generating some fantastic friends, getting some truly incredible results for people and earning more income than I ever thought possible.

This article includes everything that I have learnt over the years of teaching these classes. Although I love writing, this article it not a padded out 100 pager. I want to get straight to the point and give you a clear blueprint to start up your own classes. Soon you can begin to get all the great rewards out of KB classes that I have.

Earn £200 ($300) per hour

Kettlebell Classes should be looked upon as Group Personal Training sessions. You should not try to train too many people at once and the ultimate objective is to teach people how to use a kettlebell correctly. These are not beasting sessions or boot camps. It is your chance to shine as a teacher or instructor and to take the time to get things right. I always approach kettlebell classes as an education rather than a fat loss session. Using this approach creates better client retention and defers attention away from Fat Loss and into learning a new skill.

Offering this level of service comes at a price. People expect to pay more when the service is personalised and the quality of teaching is top notch. I currently charge £10 ($15) per person, have 10 clients per class, and teach 2 classes per hour. That’s £200 ($300) per hour. How does that sound? Get this right and you can not only have a rewarding job but a very profitable one too.

Good Continuity of Business

Some of my classes have been running for over 4 years. Yes I have had breaks for holidays etc. but mostly these classes have been dripping in money on a consistent basis. How many personal training clients last this long? The great thing about running Kettlebell classes is regardless of how many people show up you still earn the same amount (more on this later). Plus, with a huge variety of kettlebell exercises to choose from means that you can structure a different session every time. This means no bored clients and no bored instructor. It’s a win win situation and will keep your clients coming back for years to come.

What to Charge?

I mentioned earlier that I charge £10 ($15) per person and my classes last for 30 minutes. You can of course charge more or less that this but I find in London this is an acceptable rate. Remember this is Group Personal Training, not a Boot Camp or Fitness Class. It is important to state to new members that you only accept a small amount of clients and that they will receive personal attention. People will pay for this level of service. I also throw in my Full Nutrition Plan as an added bonus.

Once you have decided what to charge you can decide how to structure payments. I have tried lots of different methods but in my opinion selling the classes as a course works best. So I will offer a 6 week Beginners Course, 2 sessions per week. This equals 12 sessions. So each client pays up front for 12 sessions at a total cost of £120 ($180).

I find this system works well for a number of reasons. Firstly, it creates a commitment from the client and yourself to get the job done. I never waiver from this contract. If a client misses a class then they lose that session, if they say “I can’t make 2 of the sessions can I just pay £100” then sorry no. Sell this as a course, you pay for the course not the sessions. The second reason I do this is because often I have to pay for venue rental and regardless of whether the client turns up or not I have to pay. I ensure that the venue is covered by getting the full payment and commitment up front.

Frequency & Times

When, how often, and for how long you run the kettlebell classes is up to you. I have run a number of classes at varying times from early mornings eg. 7.30am (before work), lunchtimes (great for businesses), after work 5.30pm and Evenings 8pm. The most important thing is to think about your clients. Who are they? When are they free? Most importantly what is easiest for them.

I find classes that last 30 minutes are the most productive. 30 minutes is adequate if structured correctly, plus you can offer 2 sessions in 1 hour which is great for maximizing rental costs.

Sessions lasting for 45 minutes are another option but 1 hour is too much. The advantage of Kettlebells is the dynamic intensity; it is not possible to maintain this for long periods of time. I also find that short sessions attract more clients.

My most popular classes are run twice per week, Tuesdays and Thursdays. You could opt for Monday and Thursday, but I would stay away from Fridays. Fridays are generally a busy time and many people go away for long weekends. I also try to avoid Mondays for the same reason. I have run classes 3 times per week but for most people this is too much of a commitment.

The Kettlebell Class Venue

Choosing the right venue or place to hold your classes is vital. Outside classes in the Summer are a great option, no rent and fresh air. The only drawback with this option is how to provide the kettlebells. The best option in this case is to lend (even better sell) a kettlebell to clients and have them bring it along to the session. The other option is you supply the bells each session but this means transport etc. The only other problem with outdoor venues is dealing with the weather. Best policy for this is “come rain or shine the session is on”. Just beware that wet slippery bells can be a problem.

Indoor venues can offer a better option but they generally require payment. Sports Halls, Studios, Old Churches, Recreation Clubs, Town Halls are all possible options. Find out what other local people, like yoga teachers, are using and then see if you can strike up a deal. One consideration with training indoors is the flooring. Nice sprung flooring or shiny wooden floorboards aren’t always happy if a kettlebell gets dropped or dragged across them. You can use yoga mats to minimilise damage but be careful.

My favorite option is corporate venues. I have trained both Dow Jones and Aviva in London. Both have good sized function rooms that can be used for lunchtime training. The venue is free and the flooring is hard carpeted. Jumping around is limited but why jump around when you have kettlebells to swing.

My advice is to choose your venue carefully. Can you consistently book it for 6 months? Is there a discount for block booking? Will they help promote the class? How many clients do you need to break even? I have even used clients backyards as venues. If you cannot eliminate rental costs or at least keep them to a minimum it can totally kill your business.

Important Safety Measures

If there is only going to be one instructor then I think 12 clients is the maximum you should have in your class. Kettlebells are too technical and require too much attention for more than 12 people. My favorite size is 10. I put a ceiling on this and say “first come, first served” anymore than this and we start a new class.

Ensure that the venue is large enough to take your clients. The great thing about kettlebell classes is that you don’t need as much space as you may think. Clients will rarely move out of a 4 foot square. Just ensure that each has enough room to swing their kettlebell and get down and up off of the floor. I personally try to avoid mats because of tripping hazards but you may use them to avoid marking the floor with the kettlebells.

I ensure that each client is vetted before starting the classes. Each has to complete a PARQ (health questionnaire) before starting. Sometimes I will ask for a letter from their local Doctor. If you have any doubts then either refuse to train them or insist on Medical Clearance first. You will also want to make sure that you have full Insurance to cover the sessions. I have never had any problems yet but you never know.

One last thing, clients will rarely if ever drop the Kettlebell. If they do drop it then it never hits them it’s always the person next to them. Keep your eyes peeled especially during static holding moves like Turkish Get Ups and Windmills.

Obtaining the Clients for Your Classes

The big question is always “how do you get the clients”. With a little planning it’s easier than you may think. First find your venue, second kit it out with kettlebells (more on this later), third offer a free session. This is a try before you buy. In my experience everyone signs up after a free class when they see what a kettlebell class is all about.

In order to promote your free class you can advertise in the local paper, on Craigslist or Gumtree, on your Blog / Website, Hand out flyers, at the Venue itself, speak to friends, email current clients and ask for referrals, produce a press release, speak to local clubs (I have started a few classes by giving a free presentation to certain groups and clubs). The options are only limited by your imagination but I recommend that you do as many of these as you can and all in one go. Avoid spending any cash on this unless you absolutely have too.

One useful piece of advice is to make sure you set the free session date reasonably close to when you promote it. I would recommend 2 weeks maximum, this creates a sense of urgency.

You should also try and collect as many email addresses as you can and then send the potential client an email close to the date to remind them along with a PARQ form to complete. Try to create a buzz, make it exciting and something not to be missed.

Concentrate on the benefits of the class rather than the features e.g. “Build Muscle and Lose Fat in only 6 weeks”, rather than “12 sessions of kettlebell Training”

How to Get Referrals?

Don’t be surprised if only a few people show up for your free session. This is no problem. Get them to sign up. Tell them “this is really personal training!, you are lucky”. Now if you teach this class well they will refer others, I guarantee it. Allow new clients to filter in to these first 12 sessions by only paying the remainder of the course e.g. £80 for 8 more sessions. This is the only time you should do this. Usually I only allow new members at the beginning of a course but in this case you need to fill the class, get up to your 10 clients.

One option is to bribe your current clients into “bringing along a friend”. Offer them 3 free classes next time they sign up per friend that signs up. Yes you will take a small hit in profits at the beginning but this is only short term. Your goal is to create lots of clients through a network of other classes. The future will be bright just get the numbers in to start with.

What Types of Kettlebells to Use?

There are basically 2 types of Kettlebells, Regular and Competition. Competition bells tend to be larger with a smaller and squarer handle. The size of the competition bell stays the same regardless of the weight, this helps with consistency as you change weight. The handle is smaller to avoid sliding and lateral movement of the hand.

Competition bells are great for personal usage and for high repetition but for the various changes of hand and holding positions not ideal for classes. This said I have used them but they would not be my first choice.

Regular Kettlebells have a larger domed handle and the overall size of the bell increases with the weight. The larger handle will allow moderate lateral movement but the trade off is that you can use 2 hands and also hold the bell by the horns (sides of the handle) for lots of beginner exercises. I use regular bells whenever possible for classes, and if there is mixture of the two types clients always opt for the regular ones first.

When buying your kettlebells make sure that the handle is not too oversized and conversely not too small. The bell should sit comfortably into the racked position on the forearm. Look for consistency in the curves of the bell, sharp angles out of the body of the bell will cause wrist problems as will an overly rounded body.

Cast iron are the only bell worth considering, avoid cheap vinyl options. Finally, bells with a flat rubber foot should also be avoided. Go for cast iron all over and nothing more. I use different coloured cast iron bells for my classes and the clients love them. They will also last you practically forever.

Who Provides the Kettlebells?

One cumbersome task that kettlebell classes can present is carrying around all the kettlebells. Here you have a few options: sell each client a kettlebell and have them bring it to each session. This option can work but as they progress onto larger weights they have to re-buy (can be good and bad). Some are put off by this option because they don’t want to commit to more expense, others like to have their own kettlebell to practice with at home. You will find that with time clients will want to purchase their own bell for home use.

The second option, and in my view the worst, is to take along all the bells each time you hold a class. This can be exhausting and time consuming especially as classes grow and clients get stronger.

The third option is my favourite, have the venue store the bells for you. Store whatever bells you need for that class and as they progress add and take away bells as necessary. You can also then sell the bells straight from the venue.

What Kettlebell Weight to Use?

Knowing what kettlebells to use will save you a lot of time and money. All women will start with a 8kg kettlebell regardless of how much they complain that it is too heavy. If it’s too heavy then you are doing the wrong exercises.

All men will start with a 12kg regardless of how much weight training experience they have had. Explain that this is strength endurance and that it’s about technique to begin with. The only exception to starting with these weights is if a client can demonstrate competency and experience with a higher weight.

Never get drawn into buying mid-range or smaller kettlebells just to please clients. You are the expert and they will only use: 8kg, 12kg, 16kg etc. Explain that if done correctly they will never need to use alternative sizes. I am always amazed at female clients that complain about the weight of an 8kg bell but within 2 months are happily using a 12kg.

Adapting to Different Kettlebell Skill Levels

As your classes progress you will be confronted with a problem but it is a good problem. You have been running a class for 3 months and someone new wants to begin. What do you do? Your current class can Swing, Squat, Lunge, Turkish Get Up etc. but your new client is nowhere near this level.

I think there is only one solution to this problem. You have to start a new beginners class. Yes you can try to integrate them into the group but teaching someone to Swing who has never used their hips correctly before while instructing a class on Turkish Get Ups is too confusing. You end up not teaching the new client properly and you neglect your old clients. It’s a lose lose situation.

One solution is to offer some sessions on the side to “get them up to speed”. This method can work but only if the old clients aren’t too far ahead. The solution I use is to start another new group and call them beginners and then call the old experienced group intermediate. Using this method enables you to grow your classes offering different skill levels and the capacity to take on new clients.

The Kettlebell Session Explained

OK, lets get into the session itself. I’m going to presume that the session with only be 30 minutes long. If you choose longer then you can just take more time and spread things out a little.

It is important to realize that these sessions are very different  from my Personal Training Sessions where I would include 9 different phases into the session and focus a lot more on correctional exercise, soft tissue, muscle activation etc. Kettlebell Classes “are what they are” and you can’t expect to do everything. However, what you do do you must do well.

I start by dividing each session up into 3 phases: Mobility and Core Warm Up, Strength Endurance, Cool Down and Stretching.

Lets address each one individually:

# 1 – Mobility and Core Warm Up

Mobility should take the form of moving through the body from Head to Toe increasing range of movement and preparing the joints for action. Here are the joints you need to focus on:


Upper Back / Thoracic Spine







Following Mobility I move onto a series of movements that will replicate what we will be performing during that session.

Generally this consists of:

Bodyweight Squats and Variations

Bodyweight Lunges and Variations

Bodyweight Deadlifts and Variations

I will put these together into a circuit and perform 5 on each side, up to 3 circuits.

Here is a selection of Movement Preparation Exercises that I may use:

Finally, I take the clients to the ground to perform a circuit of core activation warms ups. I usually include 3 core exercises:

Front Stability: Front Planks, Mountain Climbers, Up & Down Dogs etc.

Side Stability: Side Planks, Dynamic Side Planks etc.

Rotary Stability: Cross Mountain Climbers, Rotational Side Planks, Half Get Ups etc.

I use progressions with this section and start with the very basics and 30 seconds of each, up to 3 rounds. I later increase the time and also difficulty of the exercise. I always write everything down. It is during this phase that I will start to teach the Turkish Get Up without the Kettlebell. I break the Turkish Get Up down into 7 phases and slowly move through it session by session.

The whole of the Mobility and Core Warm Up should take less than 10 minutes. Move through this quickly, seamlessly move from one exercise to the next. As you and your clients get familiar with the format then things will quicken up.

# 2 – Strength Endurance

Following the Mobility and Core Warm Up we go straight into the Strength Endurance section. The simplest and most efficient way to design these workouts is based upon movement pattern. We only have a few movement patterns that we are physically designed to move through. Using these movement patterns ensures that you use all the muscles in the body creating maximum metabolic overload.

Here are the 5 key movement patterns:

Squat: Twisting, Lateral, Yoga, Y etc..

Lunge: Static, Side, Reverse and Forward

Deadlift e.g. Swing, Clean, High Pulls, Snatch

Pull: High Pulls, Rows, Snatch

Push: Presses, Push Ups, Static Holds, Turkish Get Ups

How simple is this? Providing you use all the above movement patterns during your session the job is done. The whole body can be conditioned in one smooth workout.

So let’s look at an example workout:


Reverse Lunge


High Pulls


I would perform 30 seconds on each side, moving from one exercise to the next until all exercises were complete. That is a total of 5 minutes. Rest for 1 minute and repeat up to 3 times. That’s it! All finished in 17 minutes.

So in a nutshell that is how I program the Strength Endurance section. Problem is, that is too hard for beginners. This is an intermediate workout. In order to train beginners we need to strip things down and go back to the basics and look at progressions. I address this in the Progressions section below.

# 3 – Cool Down and Stretching

Following the Strength Endurance Section we are into the Cool Down and Stretching. You should have around 5 minutes left to cool down and stretch. Keep the clients moving to avoid blood pooling by performing some thoracic rotations and knee hugs. Once heart rates are down move onto the stretching education.

I’m a strong believer in empowering clients so I teach them how to stretch so they can stretch in their own time, preferably when their heart rate is slow and their nervous system is parasympathetic. This way clients will become aware of what is required and it is up to them to work on areas that need attention. Everyone is different so the stretch that one person requires may be totally different from another.

All this being said, most peoples biggest problem areas are:



Hip Flexors


Pecs / Lats

Progressions for the Classes

I cannot stress this enough. Progression is the key to success for all your sessions. Every session needs to add just a little bit more. You need to plan the sessions accordingly and not just make them up on the day. Follow a system and you will get great results for your clients and make your life a whole lot easier. Plan, Plan and Plan some more.

I have found dividing my classes up into a course of 12 sessions to be the most effective. Using this method you can also plan what you will teach during that course. Do this correctly and it will keep the clients coming back for more. Dangle the carrot saying “next course we will be learning the …….”

Here is what I have found to be the best exercises to include in each course of 12 sessions:

Course 1 (12 Sessions)





Naked Turkish Get Up (no weight)

Course 2 (12 Sessions)

Windmill (unloaded / loaded)

Side Lunge

½ Get Up Weighted

Push Ups

Clean & Press

Course 3 (12 Sessions)

Full Turkish Get Up Weighted


Overhead Lunge

Sit & Press

High Pulls

From here your clients have a whole collection of skills that they can use so programming becomes more varied. You can then introduce more complex movements and combinations.

Don’t get ahead of yourself during these courses. I have spent months with some classes just teaching the swing. You may think this would get boring but not if you plan it correctly. I want perfection before I move on to teaching the next exercise. You should know by now that the Swing is the “Centre of the Universe” for kettlebell training. You have to get this right before moving on. Take a look at the Clean; it is just a Swing with a bit more arm involvement. The same applies to the High Pull and the Snatch.

Don’t get ahead of yourself, perfect the basics first before moving on.

Here is how I may layout a beginner’s class:

Left Handed Swing – 30 seconds

Around Body Pass – 30 seconds clockwise

Right Handed Swing – 30 seconds

Around Body Pass – 30 seconds anticlockwise

Rest – 30 – 60 seconds

Repeat 3-5 times

As the fitness level improves then add in another exercise, so:

Left Handed Swing – 30 seconds

Double Handed Squat – 30 seconds

Right Handed Swing – 30 seconds

Double Handed Squat – 30 seconds

Rest – 30 – 60 seconds

Repeat 3-5 times

Continue to add in exercises until:

Left Handed Swing – 30 seconds

Right Handed Swing – 30 seconds

Left Leg Reverse Lunge – 30 Seconds

Right Leg Reverse Lunge – 30 Seconds

Left Handed Clean – 30 Seconds

Right Handed Clean – 30 Seconds

Double Handed Squat – 30 seconds

Rest – 30 – 60 seconds

Repeat 3-5 times

Remember that most exercises can be done with or without kettlebells. So for example if a client has trouble squatting don’t load them it will only encourage poor movement patterns.

Don’t forget your movement patterns when programming. The above workout utilises the Deadlift, Swing and Squat. Never overload a single movement pattern in one session as you risk injury and imbalance.

Condition your clients from the ground up. In other words start with the kettlebell exercises that are low down, so the swing would be first and all pressing would be last. In fact pressing is hugely overrated and is a huge cause of injury and upper trap tightness and over facilitation. Static overhead work like Turkish Get Ups and Windmills should always be mastered before pressing. Using this progression ensures that stabilisers are stronger than prime movers.

Using Different Kettlebell Workout Formats

There are many formats that you can use to program your strength endurance section. In my experience performing “circuits for time” is by far the best. The formula is simple. Perform one exercise for a certain period of time before moving onto the next. After a certain amount of exercises (between 4 -6) rest and then repeat the circuit again.

Make sure you consider progression here. You can add more exercises, increase the time, reduce the rest periods or increase the exercise difficulty. I find 5 minutes divided into 5 exercises 30 seconds on each side to be optimal. You can of course start at 20 seconds with a good goal of 60 seconds per side. Make progressions for this in 10 seconds intervals eg. 20, 30, 40, 50, 60.

I have written a complete book on the topic of Workout Formats called “125 Kettlebell Workouts” which outlines lots of different formats from Movement Ladders and Tabata to Density and Timed Reps.

Get 125 Kettlebell Workouts Here

When to Increase the Kettlebell Weight?

There will come a time when clients need to increase their weight. How do you know? The best way is to test them. I like to use 60 seconds as a good gauge. Can a client Swing for 60 seconds on each arm without resting? If so increase the weight and reduce the time back down to 30 seconds again.

Here is how it looks:

8kg Kettlebell

60 Seconds Swing Left

60 Seconds Swing Right

Progress to a 12kg

60 Seconds Double Handed Swing

Progress to:

30 Seconds Swing Left

30 Seconds Swing Right

Progress to:

40 Seconds Swing Left

40 Seconds Swing Right


You can apply this exact same formula to Squats, Lunges, Cleans etc. but remember that the Swing is the foundation exercise so only progress when the Swing is ready. Never progress the Press before the Swing, Turkish Get Up or Windmill.

In real time it usually takes between 1 and 3 months for the first progression and then slower after that.

Using Competitions and Fun Challenges

I love to spice up my classes with a bit of controlled competition. Recording your clients times during a kettlebell challenge can be great motivation and a good benchmark to look back on. I would wait for a couple of months before performing a challenge.

Here’s one of my favourites:

Swing (changing hands when required) – 100 total
High Pulls (changing hands when required) – 50 total
Clean & Press (changing hands when required) – 50 total
Reverse Lunge (changing hands when required) – 50 total
Squat & Press (changing hands when required) – 50 total

A time under 20 minutes is a good start, get under 15 minutes and they are doing well.

Another great challenge and form of assessment is the 3 minute challenge. Basically each client performs the following exercises and then shouts out there reps for you to record. Stay strict with the rest periods between the exercises.

Kettlebell Squats – 3 minutes

Rest 1 minute

Kettlebell Alternating Reverse Lunges – 3 minutes

Rest 1 minute

Clean & Press – 3 minutes

Rest 1 minute

Burpees – 3 minutes

Rest 1 minute

Kettlebell Sit and Press – 3 minutes

Feel free to experiment and have some fun with these challenges based on your client’s skill levels. Just remember the 5 basic movement patterns.

Nutrition for Results

It is very rare that a client will take part in a Kettlebell class just for fun. 99% of the time clients want results. One of your biggest roles as a teacher / instructor is to educate. It should not come as a shock to you when I tell you that exercise without good clean nutrition will make not an ounce of difference to fat loss. You cannot out train your nutrition. If you want your clients to keep coming back for more then they need to see results.

I have read a great many books on nutrition and they all contradict each other and make things very complicated. Nutrition is not complicated, you just need to eat what you body is designed to eat. I have found an all natural approach based on our evolution to provide me with the best results.

Encouraging clients to eat more vegetables and give up: wheat, sugar, and dairy, makes the biggest difference by far. Most of my clients lose between 7 – 14 lbs in 30 days just by following these simple rules.

Final Conclusion

I hope that you have found this article useful. Rest assured that all areas of this article have come from years of experience teaching, setting up and planning kettlebell classes. All the workouts and formats have been tried and tested again and again.

Now get busy building your kettlebell classes. I look forward to hearing how you get on. Remember to plan in advance and work on those progressions. Get results for your clients and they will stay with you for years to come

Best of Luck,

Greg Brookes

The post How to Start and Teach Your Own Kettlebell Classes appeared first on Kettlebell Workouts.

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