What is Chartered Accountants Business Directory :
Where you can get all the detail of CA in one file and can filter with city is know as Chartered accountants business directory.
Person who has passed CA exam and doing practice by job service or an individual business company are included in this Directory.
Categories of Chartered Accountants Directory List :
Companies who are in field of any type of accounting. They can be individuals or and working company. From Small accountant to big CA firms are register in this business directory which provide a database list of database at one place.
What is the source of Chartered Accountants Directory Listing :
Many CA and accountants individual or companies get them-self register in association list and some register in an online directory listing website or portals. There are many cd’s and dvd available in market we collect and put all together, so clients get all information of Business directory database in one file.
Details and Format of Chartered Accountants Business Directory Sheet :
List is supplied in Excel format, that can be copies and edited by buyers. There are many column with company, name, contact person, email address, companies dealing with, contact number, pincode, website, etc. we do not edit list, we pass-on as they are submitted
Use of Chartered Accountants Business Directory Data List :
Any person who want services of ca, can contact them, even ca also refer the list. If there is any updates in law and regulation, all are informed with news.
All Chartered Accountants members have done business listing in directory for free or paid, if your need some particular company or few count than you can search and get their information for Free. We collect all pan india business directory list data. As it is in excel format you can filter buy state or cities you wanted for marketing.
RS. 499
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