
I don't know about you, but it is always lovely to receive praise and thanks. We are all so busy, meeting deadlines, managing clients and chasing leads that there never seems enough time to take stock of a finished project and to spend time appreciating how well it has gone.

So today I thought that I would share Code Promotional Merchandise's feedback on the team here at iPages: "Suppliers in your field like you guys are like gold dust!". Wow! We always like to think that we do a good job, but this was praise indeed as Code Promotional Merchandise have worked with other companies prior to using iPages, and we were pleased that we were able to help them.

The Code Promotional Merchandise website was a challenge. We wanted to put all of their products into an e-commerce website, but allow the ability for visitors to ask for a quote, or add the product to a wish list. Code Promotional Merchandise also wanted the ability to send out weekly targetted email campaigns to customers, and for the results of these campaigns to be readily available. It was also part of our brief to help the company improve its ranking on Google, which is never an easy thing to do, and again was a challenge for us.

So far we have seen the website jump 8 pages since its launch a week and a half ago, but it is early days and only constant work on the website by the owners of Code will help to secure the site's future position. However, for this afternoon, we are taking some time out to acknowledge that the website that we created was good, and that it has been well received.

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