Are you saving money on home gym equipment by training or exercising at one of the big gym or health club chains? Well done but are you exercising or swiping?
I train at a commercial gym and I love the ability to use the array of treadmills, exercise bikes, rowing machines, recumbent bikes, free weights and strength training equipment in the morning.
This morning during my daily foray into the sweltering chilliness of the Port Elizabeth early morning rush for the gym entrance I was abstracted by a member parking his car at the entrance to the gym.
Are you Taking a swipe at the Virgin Active and Planet Fitness?
“You can park there, You Twxt” my internal dialogue screams and that protective part of me manages to shut my mouth before I am laid out cold before I get into the gym.
But, of course he was not parking for long he was just taking a swipe at the gym access control. This rather portly, (read FAT) man toddles into the reception and parks his ample tummy against the reception and …. that’s the closest that belly will get to any piece of gym equipment or a sit up bench.
This is the Discovery Swipe method of training and the unintended consequence of this is that I stubbed my toe whilst avoiding his illustrious bulk at the reception. This means that I have driven up the costs of the medial aid as I will not only be prescribed pain killing medication, but I will need physiotherapy as well as psychological counselling for the trauma. Its tough out there, I tell you.
Why do Gym Members Not Use Their Gym Memberships?
In the gyms, Of course this behaviour seems to have a somewhat cyclical reasoning. Why does this man want to keep his health club membership if he doesn’t use it?
Logically it means that he will spend the rest of his life having to park in my way to keep swiping his card in an effort to prolong the life of his gym membership that he never uses .. so he can carry on… You get the point I am sure.
I was once told by a mentor of mine that like it or not exercise is rather like brushing your teeth and washing in the morning; it’s something you have to do and you feel a lot better after doing it.
I sell a lot of Home Gym Equipment
My company sells a lot of home gym equipment as well as commercial gym equipment and the conversation always starts with clients looking for the cheapest home treadmill.
When I ask them if they would see the sense in making a call looking for one of the cheapest cars available, (that matchbox thing with a steel straw as an exhaust pipe with windows that don’t open), they often laugh. That is a hearty type of laugh.
“Oh no!” laughed my last happy client. “I like to be able to actually enjoy the jounry, not just get there feeling uncomfortable.
Are You Motivated by Your Gym or Home Treadmill?
If you are not using the home gym or your commercial gym then you are a member of the wrong gym or you have the wrong gym equipment.
You should then be considering a good investment at home.
That is the illustrious home gym.
If you are motivated not to be at gym then you are in actuality motivated to be somewhere else doing something else.
And yes, you do have time; you have the same 24 hours in every day that I do and your company and your family are not going to be better off with you in hospital for somebody abuse related syndrome.
Of course you may decide to do what thousands of South African consumers have decided to do and that is begin investing in a gym at home.
Home gym based exercise does not have to cost a fortune.
Home Based Gyms Are Not Expensive
I get about 10 calls every day form clients looking for help with setting up their home gyms. At least half would like the cheapest treadmill possible.
If you don’t have budget then let me help you set up a home gym with no treadmill. Treadmills are like car engines.
The tiny little ones that break down all the time are no fun and end up causing a lot of problems when you can’t use them for their intended purposes.
It is not the treadmill that helps you lose weight and get fit, it is the motivation and effort that you put into the workout.
Here is the bottom line, in my experience if you are not willing to invest between R10 000 and R15 000 then do not look at a treadmill. Call me for something else.
I promise you that some of the most arduous workouts have been done with less than R2000 worth of gym equipment
Home based exercise programs with quality pieces of equipment such as my Holistic gym Home Gym Starter Pack, (don’t just settle for mine! Shop around) with the exercise and program advice needed can cost below R2000.
Motivation is Key to Achieve Your Home Gym Fitness Results
If you find that there is already so much more interesting stuff to do that go to the gym for one hour three times per week, then you may need to have a look at exercise and having a wonderful physique from a different perspective.
Although I may not have met you yet, I know one thing about you. You have certain needs and you are doing the best you can with the resources available to achieve those needs.
By following a really easy program you can congruently and ecologically put your time and activities in order of importance so that they support each other and you get your life in balance. It’s not about time management because your unconscious mind will manage it automatically, it’s all about setting your direction by reviewing your values and motivation strategies.
This is what I have been studying and refining for 25 years and this website and the programs represent the cutting edge of my research into what drives people to achieve their health and fitness goals and how come some people haven’t… yet.
So read on or call me to find out how we can put something together that will help you achieve that transformation that you have been dreaming about. Today is the day. You can do it! Call me to find out how!
You can call Miles cell: 071 863 7398, or email