
Bryan Fendley, Director of Academic Computing at the University of Arkansas at Monticello, is one of the 12 higher ed professionals presenting at the 1st Higher Ed Social Media Conference.

Bryan is on the social media committee at his institution.

In this 3-question interview, Bryan tells us about one of her great social media moments, his favorite social tool and shares some advice.

1) Can you share one of your great social media moments with us?

For me, the greatest social media moment is when we film interviews of students and their families after graduation. It’s an emotional time, and the excitement of the day is contagious. Being allowed into people’s lives during this time is a privilege. Combine this with the rush of posting the videos to YouTube as quickly as possible, it doesn’t feel like marketing. It feels like you are a superhero that helps people tell their story to the world.

2) What is your favorite social media tool of all time?

Twitter is my favorite social media tool. With twitter, I feel like I can really tap into what others are thinking. For some reason, Twitter has always worked for me. It’s like a digital pulse for a target audience. I use HootSuite to manage multiple streams, and I try not to let it suck up my whole day. I am also interested in anything that runs analytics against social media. I love statistics.

3) What advice would you give to somebody who is just starting in social media?

If there is anything that I would pass on, it would be that you can’t do every social media channel well. Popular advice dictates that you have to have a presence in as many social media channels as possible. That can be a huge challenge, and a potential fail point . Try and establish a social media presence that strategically uses the differing strengths of each platform you choose. always squeeze the most out of content, by working it through some sort of content life cycle.

I approach social media like writing. Be consistent, stick to a schedule, and avoid chasing every new idea that comes along. If what you are saying doesn’t resonate with your audience, say something different. Social media marketing can become somewhat of an addiction. You can really lose your way. Develop a plan and see it through.

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