
I didn’t get some gifts in time for Christmas that were supposed to be shipped by FedEx and UPS, and I was not alone.

Both FedEx and UPS missed promised shipping dates and times all around the U.S., according to the Associated Press.

The companies didn’t say how many packages were delayed, and they blamed the problems on “poor weather” and “overloaded systems”.

I sent a standard overnight FedEx on Monday for a Christmas Eve delivery, and the delivery time changed from 8pm to N/A in the late hours of December 24, 2013.

Also, there was a FedEx sent to me for a December 24 delivery, and while it also ended the day with a delivery time of N/A, I did receive it Christmas day.

It seemed like everybody in my Facebook stream was ranting about missing gifts, and while we can typically expect poor weather in December, what about the overloaded systems?

Could it be that online shopping is simply growing too fast for the shipping companies to keep up?

The data shared from Affiliate Window, eBay Enterprise, and Rakuten LinkShare, all points to significant growth for online Christmas shopping from 2012 to 2013.

I’m looking forward to seeing the final stats for the holiday shopping season, and it looks like FedEx and UPS better start figuring out their strategy for avoiding this in December 2014.

The post, Can FedEx and UPS Keep Up With Online Shopping?, by
Shawn Collins appeared first on Affiliate Marketing Blog.

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