
A Progress Report & To-Do List

On the Development of Our Local Whole-Grain Economy

When: Sunday, March 9, 2014, 10 AM to 4 PM
Where: Oliveto Restaurant, 5655 College Ave., Oakland California 94611

We’ve made great gains toward establishing a thriving local grain system–with genuine, tasty, healthy grains–an alternative to the existing, largely industrial system. But those gains are still only baby steps, and what’s ahead is daunting as well as thrilling. Understanding why such an alternative system is important; creating a new farming knowledge-base, capacity, and infrastructure; understanding health implications; re-establishing traditional cookery and creating stunning new cuisines; and learning how to market the new whole grain products–are objectives for our local whole-grain economy. In a set of conversations, our presenters and participants–all leaders in their fields of endeavor–will have a chance to state for the record their visions and what must be done to realize them.

Intact Whole Grain–Why Is It Important?


What I’ve learned about grain. Where does it lead?
Michael Pollan

Professor, Graduate School of Journalism, UC, Berkeley,

author, Cooked: A Natural History of Transformation

Food synergy and food patterns: are whole foods more than the sum

of their individual nutrients and bioactive substances?
David Jacobs, PhD

Professor, School of Public Health

University of Minnesota

If you take it apart, can you put it back together? Knowing what’s in your flour
David W. Killilea, PhD

Staff Scientist, Nutrition and Metabolism Center

Children’s Hospital Oakland Institute

The state of our understanding of whole grains and positive health outcomes
Mark K. Shigenaga, PhD

Assistant Scientist, Nutrition and Metabolism Center

Children’s Hospital Oakland Institute

Why local?
Bob Klein

Founder, Community Grains

~Break for lunch~

Nuts and Bolts


Developing seeds, farming knowledge,

and evaluation techniques for a local grain economy
Stephen S. Jones, PhD

Plant Geneticist, Washington State University

Our local grain economy
Doug Mosel

farmer, North Coast Grain Growers

Roller milling and stone milling
Joseph Vanderliet

Bay State Milling, Woodland, CA

. . . reports from
Craig Ponsford

baker, owner Ponsford’s Place, product development,

gold medal winner, Coupe du Monde de la Boulangerie, Paris

Chad Robertson

owner, baker, Tartine Bakery, author, Tartine Book No. 3

Sherry Yard

Helms Bakery, Los Angeles, former Executive Pastry Chef, Spago, and Wolfgang Puck restaurants

Learning to market whole grain foods
Matthew Mestemacher

Bakery Coordinator, Whole Foods Market, Northern California


(Includes attendance for the day and lunch)

Tickets go on sale next week. Check back for details.

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