
Chief Marketer and NextMark offer a selection of files new to market. The criteria for selection for Chief Marketer Listline is:

New list to market in past 7 days

Exclusive to list manager

Data card quality score 85 or higher on NextMark

Data card publicly available online

Coins of America PIP

Inserts will appear in packages going to collectors of commemorative or collectible coins.
Universe: 30,000
Price: $75/M
Contact: List Acquisition, Alicia McCray, alicia@listacq.com, (407) 391-3000 x3221
Datacard: http://lists.nextmark.com/market?page=order/online/datacard&id=432015


International Society of Performance Improvement members are performance technologists, training directors, HR managers and project managers in the public, private and social sectors.
Universe: 12,210
Price: $130/M
Selections: Job title, member category
Contact: Marketing General, Inc., Evan Thorne, listmanager3@mgilists.com, (703) 706-0304
Datacard: http://lists.nextmark.com/market?page=order/online/datacard&id=433140


This buyer file of PajamaJeans is sourced via direct mail and online.
Universe: 49,466
Price: $105/M
Selections: $100+ and $75+ buyers; ethnicity; gender; last purchase; radio/TV buyers; religion; SCF/State/Zip
Contact: Belardi/Ostroy, Lindsey Brooks, lindseyb@belardiostroy.com, (212) 367-4078
Datacard: http://lists.nextmark.com/market?page=order/online/datacard&id=433006

Telebrands PIP

This package insert program reaches buyers of DRTV promoted products such as the Pasta Boat, Chef Basket, Robostir and Ped Egg.
Universe: 600,000
Price: $65/M
Contact: List Services Corp., Kerri Matteo, kmatteo@listservices.com, (203) 791-4104
Datacard: http://lists.nextmark.com/market?page=order/online/datacard&id=433196

The Wealthy Doctor Newsletter

Doctors and dentists get financial investment information from this newsletter every Monday.
Universe: 316,530
Price: $175/M
Selections: Email
Contact: Lake Group Media, Inc., Jinelle Cruz, jinelle.cruz@lakegroupmedia.com, (914) 925-2400
Datacard: http://lists.nextmark.com/market?page=order/online/datacard&id=432315

Casey McClay is a client success director at NextMark.

The post Chief Marketer Listline April 22 appeared first on Chiefmarketer.

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