
I want to introduce you to two world-class strength coaches Joe Kenn and Mike Robertson. Both have experience training high school to elite professional athletes.

A few months ago, Joe and Mike put on an exclusive seminar called the Elite Athletic Development Seminar held in Indianapolis, IN. Over the course of 2 days (15 hours) they pulled back the curtains to show exactly how they write programs and coach their athletes.

I wanted to let you know that they recorded the seminar and are making it available to you. If you’re a fitness professional looking to deepen your knowledge of training athletes, watching this seminar won’t disappoint. For this week only, they are offering a discount of $150 to get the entire DVD series with 15 hours of awesome information. And if you are NSCA certified, you get up 1.4 CEU’s after watching the videos.

Mike Robertson, MS, CSCS, USAW

Joe Kenn, MA, CSCS, RSCC

Here’s a small sampling of what’s in the course:

Critical approach to make sure all of your programming bases are covered

How to develop programs that address multiple physical qualities (i.e. speed, power, strength, conditioning, etc)

Where most programs fail miserably – and what you can do to avoid it

A “behind-the-scenes” look at real programs, designed by real coaches, No theory and conjecture here, just the good bad and the ugly behind real world programs

A step-by-step process on how to build complex programs. Chasing one physical capacity is easy, but how do you address multiple factors without killing your athletes?

How to organize daily and weekly training sessions for maximum success

The evolution of Joe Kenn’s Tier System, and how he’s using it today to build elite athletes

6 factors for coaching success

You can learn more about the course here, which is an NSCA approved course (1.4 CEU’s) => Elite Athletic Development Seminar

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