
Can Twitter help you achieve your fitness goals?

Though some dismiss the micro-blogging site as a platform for sharing minutiae, Twitter can actually be a powerful tool for finding fitness information, reaching out to health experts, and staying on track with your goals.

Following the right fitness-focused brands on Twitter can help you stay up to date on fitness news and motivate you to stick to your own exercise and diet plan. Try following our favorite fitness brands for a wealth of fitness inspiration and information:

Top 20 Health & Fitness Brands To Follow

1. Greatist: @greatist

The Greatist brand and message is unflaggingly positive and motivating. If you’ve seen anyone use the popular hashtag #imagreatist on social media to describe a fitness accomplishment, this is the site they’re referencing. On the Greatist Twitter feed you’ll discover healthy recipes, fitness tips, and lifestyle advice.

2. Huffington Post Healthy Living: @healthyliving

From managing a low stress routine to eating right, you’ll find an encompassing approach to a balanced, healthy lifestyle with Huffington Post Healthy Living. The site delves into fitness as well as more general health and wellbeing topics.

3. Men’s Fitness: @mensfitness

Stay up to date on the latest fitness news along with easy, healthy recipes from Men’s Fitness magazine.

4. Precision Nutrition: @insidePN

Precision Nutrition shares top-notch health articles and infographics from all over the web.

5. CNN Health: @cnnhealth

CNN health brings you the breaking news about health-related studies on all the hot topics, such as obesity and marijuana legalization.

6. Equinox Gym: @equinox

Get regular updates and fresh content from Q by Equinox, the Equinox fitness blog, plus links to great health-related content from around the web.

7. Cooking Light Magazine: @cooking_light

This site has a wealth of fresh and healthy recipes that you can make (often without breaking the bank on ingredients) any time of year.

8. Men’s Health Food, Guy Gourmet: @guygourmet

The food section of Men’s Health is full of easy-to-make and healthy recipes that even the most amateur chef can pull off.

9. Rise Bar: @risebar

Rise Bar, one of our favorite protein bars, has a lively Twitter page with active contests and links to their blog, whichfeatures a different health expert interview every week.

10. T Nation: @t_nation

T Nation tweets great bodybuilding and strength training resources, as well as useful and inspiring quotes from fitness pros.

11. Spartan Race: @SpartanRace

Whether you’re a rookie or a seasoned obstacle race competitor, get tips to conquer a Spartan Race. Stay current with new races as they open and get inspired by #spartanquotes.

12. Scrawny to Brawny: @insideS2B

Scrawny to Brawny serves up snappy tidbits of healthy lifestyle advice on everything from nutrition to productivity.

13. Tribesports: @tribesports

Tribesports is a social network for people passionate about fitness built around the idea that sharing your fitness goals helps you achieve them. Their tweets offer useful advice, articles, and information to help you attain your goals. The company also currently has a cool Kickstarter campaign for a project to produce premium quality sportswear for 40% of major brands’ prices.

14. American Council on Exercise: @ACEFitness

“America’s Authority on Fitness” offers up expert exercise advice that anyone can use to increase performance.

15. National Academy of Sports Medicine: @NASM

NASM is a top certifier of fitness and sports medicine professionals. Whether you’re a fitness pro or just want of-the-moment health news, the NASM Twitter feed has something for you.

16. American College of Sports Medicine: @ACSMnews

As the world’s largest sports medicine and exercise science organization, ACSM offers top quality research-based insights on health and fitness issues.

17. Anytime Fitness: @anytimefitness

A brand that adheres firmly to the principle that you don’t need endless free time to work out effectively, Anytime Fitness is a great resource for people with busy lives who want to fit in fitness into their schedule.

18. Healthline: @healthline

Healthline keeps up an active Twitter feed of doctor-reviewed articles and resources on both mental and physical health.

19. Everyday Health: @everydayhealth

This feed has a balanced mix of health news, nutrition, and fitness tips.

20. BuiltLean: @builtlean

And last but not least, follow BuiltLean on Twitter to stay up to date with our articles and forresources that will help you stay lean for life!

Let us know who inspires you on Twitter or if you’ve got a Twitter to help inspire others!

The post 20 Health & Fitness Brands To Follow on Twitter appeared first on BuiltLean.com.

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