
Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the most popular buzzwords in the marketing world right now. Businesses know they need it to reach new customers, but there’s no one-step SEO solution to getting leads online. Multiple efforts must work cohesively to drive optimal results.

Organic and/or PPC?

If you’re creating blog content, you need to use social media to promote articles. If you’re putting blogs on social media, you need to engage with your connections, fans and followers. But of course, you need to make sure you have fans and followers to engage with in the first place. Paid Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn Ads are a great way to build those audiences.

That’s just one example of how paid and organic SEO strategies work together. If you’re diving into a pay-per-click campaign (PPC, a.k.a. cost-per-click or CPC), you need to make sure you’re leading would-be clickers to something worth their time and your ad budget.

Confirm quality of ads and website content

When setting up a Google PPC campaign, you’re given the ability to fully customize the ad. That includes the keyword you chose to bid on, but most importantly, the landing page.

Build better landing pages

I often tell my clients that landing pages can also be referred to as “conversion pages,” simply because searchers have short attention spans. If they make it to your site, you want them to convert as quickly as possible. It’s great if they click around, but why not make sure they have all the info they need to make a purchase decision on the first page they land on?

That’s not to say that this page should include a complete rundown of your services and product features, but it should sell them on the fact that your company is exactly what they were looking for when they searched for your keyword.

The content of a converting landing page will:

Have an interesting/informative meta description to convince searchers to click on your ad and not your competitors’

Give an example problem that your product/service solves

Provide an explanation of how your product/services solves that issue

Feature a list of the best features of your product/service

Have interesting sub-headlines to break up long text blocks

Have a call to action in the content (i.e. an explanation of how they can get more information, buy your product, request service, etc.), but include a graphic CTA button on the top right-hand side of the page to catch readers’ eyes

Be relevant to the keyword that you’re targeting

Show visitors why you’re the best

Having great content is crucial, but your visitors will abandon the site immediately if it isn’t aesthetically pleasing. Put yourself in your customers’ shoes – are you more likely to patronize a store that’s clean, organized and well-kept or a location that looks like it hasn’t been touched in a decade. The fact of the matter is that companies with good designs seem more credible.

Earn visitors’ trust and confidence with a great user experience. Show new prospects that you’re the company they’ve been looking for. An easy-to-navigate website, appropriate design and user interface are absolutely critical if you want the majority of visitors who clicked your paid ad to actually end up partnering with your business.

The stakes are higher when you’re paying for web visibility, so optimize your site in advance to get the most out of your PPC campaign. Check your Quality Score through Google AdWords to see how you stack up with competitors vying for the same keywords. A higher score means there’s a greater chance SMBs will dominate prime search results page real estate. A lower score indicates there’s work that can be done to add SEO value for paid and organic search results.

Ultimately, the goal of paid campaigns is to get some immediate wins under your belt that will drive organic results in the long term. Make the most of your search marketing strategy by syncing both practices and making website improvements across the board.

The post For more conversions: Marry PPC and content appeared first on ContentLEAD.

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