
WASHINGTON, D.C.-Political campaign veteran Zac Moffatt believes a big key to success for future election cycles is more optimized television spending to heighten targeting and reduce waste.

“Being able to optimize your linear TV is going to be the single most important thing a campaign can do,” The Co-Founder of Targeted Victory said earlier this month in an interview at the Beet.TV summit on politics and advertising.

“The reality is that by optimizing television you could find 10, 15, 20 percent budget savings, which could power your turnout programs, your digital programs, your mail programs,” said Moffatt. “To me it’s unleashing the creative potential of what it costs to do things on a campaign.”

As the Digital Director of Romney for President in 2012, Moffatt says a big takeaway from that election cycle for political marketers was that the time and investment in human capital “is as important if not more important than all the partnerships you have and things that you build out.” In addition, “2012 showed a lot of people the power of programmatic advertising,” nascent as it was.

As reaching people with tailored messages on a variety of devices increases with each passing year, better metrics are needed to plan and measure campaigns.

“I think the reality of where we are moving is that you have to have some kind of targeted rating impression system across all screens,” said Moffatt.

You are watching videos from Beet.TV politics and advertising summit presented by OpenX along with Intermarkets. Please find additional videos from the series here.

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