
As a digital nomad, life can be hard.

Sure you have freedom and the luxury of being location independent.

But there’s still an online business to run or freelance work that has to be done.

It all takes hard work, focus, discipline and determination to actually make it work.

It’s not always a utopia in which you’re careless and free while your business automatically brings in cold hard cash.

To be able to live your dream life, you have to get a steady flow of clients and sales every month.

Especially at the starting phase this can be an uphill battle.

It’s though.

And there you are behind your laptop in the middle of the night. All by yourself.

Trying to implement that new idea that will bring your business to the next level.

But later that new idea proves to be a little less good than you thought. You wasted three weeks on it and still no new clients.

You must be doing something wrong, but you can’t figure out what.

What if there was a way to save you a lot of time and frustration when trying to achieve success? Well, there is.

It’s called a mastermind group.

And in this article I’ll give you 20 reasons why they are awesome for digital nomads.

What is a mastermind group?

Before I start listing all the reasons, I’ll first explain what a mastermind group is.

A mastermind group is a group of people who meet on a regular basis to help each other with common goals.

Usually these groups consist of 4 to 10 people who meet on a weekly or monthly basis.

The idea is that every person is there to learn from the other members and to add value to the group.

You share experiences, ask for advice and provide others with feedback.

A mastermind group can be about any topic the members feel compelled towards. But common mastermind group topics are:

Entrepreneurship and online business

Social skills and dating

Productivity and performance

Meditation and spirituality

Health and fitness

Personal development in general

Mastermind meetings are often done in a face to face format. But because digital nomads travel a lot, communication tools like Skype are preferred.

Online meetings can work and still provide a lot of value.

Yet there’s much more power in actually meeting each other face to face. Because doing this, makes things much more personal.

I have a lot of experience in mastermind groups and meeting face to face always has my preference.

The energy during face to face meetings is one of harmony and openness. It feels good to sit together with other people and work on each other’s challenges.

It’s also easier to do exercises together which accelerate business and personal growth. These are harder to do through Skype and they don’t feel the same from behind your laptop.

Until virtual reality mastermind groups become the norm, real life meetings will be better most of the time. They’re worth the effort of getting everybody in one place.

I would recommend finding a way to meet with your mastermind group face to face. Even if you meet through the web for meetings, try to also schedule them in person every so often.

So now that you know what a mastermind group is, let’s look at the reasons why they are awesome for digital nomads. Here are the 20 reasons:

Reason #1: Mistakes cost a lot of time and money

Failing and making mistakes is part of the game.

When you want to succeed, you have to be willing to fail and learn.

However, it’s wise to limit your failures as much as possible because they cost a lot of time and money. The smarter approach is to learn from others.

There are others out there who’ve already achieved what you want and have made tons of mistakes you can learn from. Those are the digital nomads you want in your mastermind group.

Reason #2: Become aware of your success barriers

You’re probably a smart person and you know a lot.

But the fact remains that you don’t know what you don’t know.

It’s easy to have blind spots for yourself that limit your business and personal success. What you consider as not possible might be a no brainer for someone else.

For me, it’s mind blowing to see someone do what I didn’t even consider as a vital option. It can open your eyes so that you see those nasty success barriers that you’re unaware of.

Reason #3: Beat loneliness during the struggle

Doing everything by yourself will almost always cost more time and effort. But besides more time, there’s another negative side.

It’s a lonely path to follow.

The grind can become heavy without a group of like-minded people to share your struggles with. It’s natural for people to want to talk about their journey with people who understand them.

A mastermind group is a good way to combat loneliness when you’re a solo entrepreneur. Of course, you could also get a business partner, but that’s not ideal for everyone.

Reason #4: Accountability

Sometimes it’s hard to actually follow through on what you set out to do.

When you run an online business or freelance, life can become busy and there’s so much to do.

There are also many temptations in the world and social media procrastination can be a common pass time. It’s easy to lose your focus on the important goals in your business.

To make sure you do what you say you’re going to do, other group members can hold you accountable. This will bring you a lot of motivation to make it happen no matter what.

Reason #5: Access to skills, resources, and bigger network

Everyone in the group has a different skill set and access to other resources. Being in a group with a common purpose, you can combine strengths.

Someone might be a good designer and someone else could be good at SEO. Or someone might know a lot about social skills while the other knows more about health.

You can complement each other in many ways!

Every member also has a different network, so this can give you access to more people. The group can help you grow your social circle or business network.

Reason #6: Brotherhood and bonding

If you would ask me, the brotherhood aspect is one most important benefits of a mastermind group.

Mastermind groups provide a depth of relationship that is hard to replicate in normal social contact.

This is especially true when you start a personal development mastermind group. Because in these kind of groups, everyone shares their private challenges and personal experiences.

The sharing of the good and the bad will result in deep connections. You’re all there to give each other mutual support and it satisfies something deep within us.

Reason #7: Have multiple mentors and mentor yourself

The power of having mentors is known to many people.

Being part of a mastermind group is like having multiple mentors at the same time.

The trick here is to find people for your group who have different qualities than you. This way they can mentor you when it comes to these qualities.

On the flip side you get the chance to mentor other people. This will help you internalize your own ideas and concepts on a deeper level, since you’ll have to explain them to others.

A double win for you.

Reason #8: Help each other with promotion of content, services and products

You can have great stuff, but you will always need eyeballs.

The other members can help you with this and since you know them well, they’ll be more than happy to.

One thing you can do is help each other promote content. A simple like or a share of your content will go a long way if all the members do it.

You could even promote each other’s services or products. Other group members know the value of what you offer so it’s easy for them to help you out.

Reason #9: Partner up with fellow mastermind members

It can be hard to find good business partners.

Because when it comes to choosing a business partner, you should always take your time.

The wrong decision could mean absolute failure and a waste of precious resources. So it’s best to get to know someone on a deep level before starting a possible joint venture.

When you’re in a digital nomad mastermind group, you have a lot of time to get to know the other members. You find out their strengths and weaknesses naturally.

This way it’s easy to spot the possibility for a valuable partnership.

Reason #10: Challenge each other to get out of the comfort zone

The magic always happens outside of the comfort zone.

When we get out of the comfort zone, we grow in life. That’s just how it works.

The power of a mastermind group is that the other members want you to reach your goals. Often this requires doing new things or pushing through your own limitations.

This is something that can be hard to do all by yourself. With the support and help of the other members, breaking out of your comfort zone will become much easier.

Reason #11: Learn from and share travel experiences

Who wants to talk business the whole time?

With a digital nomad mastermind group, you can also discuss travel experiences.

You get easy access to the wealth of information that the group can provide you. It can save you a lot of time that you would have to put in researching everything yourself.

It’s also a great environment to share your own travel experiences. Because your fellow digital nomads will understand them much better and they’ll be useful for them.

Reason #12: Harness the power of positive social influence

Whether you like it or not, as a human, you’re automatically influenced by the people around you.

Behaviours, beliefs and emotions of the people around you are contagious.

The truth is that you’re the average of the group of people you spend the most time with. If you want to grow in life, you should choose your friends wisely.

You’ll have an easier time to achieve what you want when social influence is positive. Being in a mastermind group with like-minded people is a great way to achieve this.

Reason #13: Regularly receive constructive feedback

You probably know someone in your environment who is pessimistic about your dreams and aspirations.

When you tell them about it, they just vent their negativity. It can drain your energy really fast.

A lot of people will always tell you why things won’t work out. If you share a new idea, they’ll tell you all reasons why it won’t be successful.

In a mastermind group you have common goals, which translates into mutual support. A big part of this is giving each other constructive feedback instead of being flat out negative.

Reason #14: Information is nothing without action and execution

You can learn a lot by reading books and going to seminars, but the most important thing is always taking action.

Implementation of what you learn is vital.

It’s even easier these days to consume endless streams of knowledge through the internet. All the information you would ever want is just a mouse click away.

Since you reflect on progress and share goals, a mastermind group stimulates taking action. Everybody will be challenged to implement what to learn to achieve progress.

Reason #15: It’s therapeutic to share your own experiences

We all have certain setbacks and painful experiences. They are a part of life.

Although there can be a barrier, it’s important that you deal with these.

In a mastermind group there’s room to share all of your good and bad experiences. The members will be like-minded people who understand you and your way of life.

Of course, the group can give you new insights on how to deal with problems. But just being able to tell your story has a therapeutic effect and is good for processing your experiences.

Reason #16: Improve your motivation and become inspired

Intelligence isn’t the determining factor in achieving long-term success in your personal and work life.

It’s more about motivation and keeping at it when times get though.

Being part of a mastermind group is a big motivation booster. Because the members have similar goals, they motivate each other to reach them.

The inspiration you get from being with like-minded people will also have a positive influence. Inspiration and motivation are the fuel for taking massive action.

Reason #17: Periodic moment of reflection on your own progress

When you want to achieve something, it’s vital that you reflect on your progress.

Fail to do this and you could be repeating the same mistakes forever.

The idea is that you change your approach until you find what works for you. Regular mastermind group meetings will give you a moment to reflect on your approach and goals.

Because that moment every week or every month, it forces you to discuss your progress with the other members. This makes the act of reflecting a habit.

Reason #18: Receive advice based on experience and ask personal questions

It’s good to consume theory from different recourses, but experiences of others can be even more valuable.

They can tell you about the pitfalls and the things that have helped them. Their secrets to success are now your secrets too.

Your situation is also unique, so it’s good to receive advice specifically catered to you. In a mastermind group you can ask your personal questions.

The access to this kind of knowledge and experience is valuable for reaching the next level. It makes it all so much easier to overcome your own obstacles.

Reason #19: Become a more open person

My personal experience is that I became much more open by participating in mastermind groups.

Because you share a lot of yourself, it becomes natural to do so.

This will be beneficial for you when meeting new people and forming relationships. Others will be able to relate better to you when you’re a more open person.

The effect of this is that other people will respond to this by being more open themselves. It’s a nice side benefit of being in a mastermind group.

Reason #20: New friends for life who are also digital nomad

Being together in a mastermind group is awesome for forming deep connections.

It has all the right ingredients for creating friendships that last a lifetime.

While all the other benefits are awesome, the strong friendships are the most rewarding.
They will add a lot of joy and happiness to your life.

The added benefit for digital nomad mastermind groups is that there is the possibility to travel together. You can see all the beautiful places in the world with your best mates.

The problem of digital nomad mastermind groups

We believe that mastermind groups can make a big difference in your life.

For us, they’ve been responsible for immense growth on both a business and personal level.

When you put together like-minded people in the right environment, magic happens almost automatically.

It’s the smart way to learn and grow.

It’s also evident that people don’t just want information and knowledge. There’s plenty of that all over the internet these days.

Learning from like-minded people in the form of a brotherhood satisfies a crucial part of ourselves. It creates that feeling of being part of a tribe of people who are there for us.

And while mastermind groups for digital nomads are awesome, there’s also a problem that we see with them. This is mainly due to the lifestyle of the digital nomad.

Since digital nomads travel a lot, it can be hard to meet up for face to face meetings.
We believe that mastermind groups in person are more powerful.

Another thing is that most mastermind groups only meet on a weekly or monthly basis. This is valuable, but there’s a next level.

That next level is having a mastermind group that is together 24/7. Constantly being around the right kind of people can accelerate your growth in all areas of your life.

To combat these problems, we’ve decided to set up The Mastermind Immersion Program. It’s a mastermind group experience specifically for digital nomads.

The idea is to set up a digital nomad house in Budapest (Hungary) where we’ll invite 6 guys to join us. It will be an entire month long immersion for all the mastermind group members.

We’ll help each other with our online businesses, personal growth, social skills and spirituality. The goal is to reach that next level in both our business and personal lives.

You can watch our video explaining the entire concept in detail here:

Click here for more information

The post 20 Reasons why mastermind groups are awesome for digital nomads appeared first on Amstermind.

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