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Ajobs. आज के समय में देश में बेरोजगारी इतनी बढ़ रही है जिसके कई कारण ये है कि रोजगार चाहने वालों को या तो जानकारी समय से नहीं मिल पाती या उनके...
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With the increased popularity of Government Jobs in recent years, every graduate aims to get recruited on higher positions in Govt Sectors. But looking at the various job options, it becomes very difficult for them to choose one direction and move towards...
RailTel general awareness questions with answers April,May,June 2012 general awareness and current affairs questions with answers For More RailTel Question Papers - CLICK HERE Books For RailTel Exams - CLICK HERE For Other PSU Exam Papers - CLICK...
INTERNATIONAL Obama signs bill to suspend $ 1.1 bn aid to Pak US President Barack Obama has signed into law a massive $1.1 billion defense spending bill that also seeks to suspend a big cut of $1.1 billion military aid to Pakistan,...
Previous Papers Previous Papers of all Govt Examinations are available on this page. This page is going to be one stop destination for all old solved papers, model papers, syllabus and test pattern. So candidates can download all previous papers for...
APPSC Group 2 Answer Key 2017 | Check Question paper key and Cut off Score: Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission has successfully conducted the Group II examination for all the ambitious students in the month of February. A huge number of candidates...
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आज के समय में देश में बेरोजगारी इतनी बढ़ रही है जिसके कई कारण ये है कि रोजगार चाहने वालों को या तो जानकारी समय से नहीं मिल पाती या उनके उस क्षेत्र की पूरी जानकारी नहीं होती जिस कारण हो परीक्षा देते समय...
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