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News, stories and media buzz related to 3 Ir

  • Justin Trudeau isn't your friend
    via socialistworker

    Canadian unions seem to think they have a friend in the new prime minister, but they should take a closer look, writes Jordy Cummings, in an article written for Jacobin. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (center) speaks with students in Ontario...

  • She bangs with #BLOW Shawlands
    via little-blog-of-horrors

    It wasn't gonna be long before I started missing having a fringe! Or 'bangs' as all the cool kids call them. I get awfully bored when my hair stays the same way for too long, so having a fringe cut in tends to distract me from taking any length off the...

  • While the mainstream media focuses on losers and winners in the race between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, there is a largely unreported debate going on over the future course of U.S. diplomacy. Its outcome will have a profound effect on how Washington...

  • 2012 is the 101st year since the birth of the former National Chair of the Communist Party, Henry Winston. The article below is taken from Winston's 1973 book, Strategy for a Black Agenda. It is a critique of the strategy and tactics necessary to advance...

  • CGC Sanibel (click to view full) The USCG wants to buy 58 Fast Response Cutters (FRC), and these Sentinel Class boats are sorely needed by an overstretched US Coast Guard. An attempt to extend the lives of their aged Island Class cutters ended as an...

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