
Yesterday (You notice how that’s twice now? I’m working with crazy efficiency lately), I had the opportunity to work with Los Angeles-based actor Danny Lam to help him get some new headshots for his already budding acting career. Danny and I were able to get in touch, and decided to do an outdoor headshot session, because the weather here in Los Angeles is gorgeous, and they’re a bit different from the studio headshots he has had in the past. We set a time, and he was able to meet me in front of my studio, as we set up for his headshot photography session.

I’ve found myself really enjoying shooting headshots outdoors as of late, despite just recently opening up a headshot photography studio here in Los Angeles. For the style, I’ve really come to love the cinematic headshot photography style that has been made famous by photographers like my good friend Dylan Patrick. It seems to add a lot of great color to the images, and gives you a lot of control for the contrast, helping you distinguish a mood. For these, we were able to stay in the same location, and get an entirely different feeling for the images, based on shooting angle and lighting. The High-Speed Sync on my Profoto B2s really make this easy to control and change as needed.

Danny, who is originally from Alberta, Canada, moved to Los Angeles at only 17 to pursue acting. In the few years he’s been here, he has established himself well within the acting community, working on sketches from Buzzfeed, commercials for Disney and more. He’s hoping to continue his success, and hopes to find himself in more reoccurring roles in TV and Film.

Danny Lam was really great to work with, and we were able to get some really great photos from our quick headshot photography session together. He is currently in Hollywood California, and keep an eye out for him in upcoming Buzzfeed productions, as well as future TV and Film.

Headshot Photography Info

My headshot photography is my passion, and I work to give my clients the absolute best work possible.Whether it’s in-studio or on location, I aim to create images that best represent you. I’m based out of Los Angeles, and able to travel within all of the city limits to help you look your very best.  If you’d like to know more about my Los Angeles headshot photography, you can do so by clicking here.

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