

My name is Neil Kerr and I am Conor Kerr’s younger brother.

As I’m sure quite a few of you will know, Conor was the founder of Ceon and a devoted member of the Zencart community. Ceon was Conor’s pride and joy and right up until the day of his passing, he spent 7 days a week, pretty much 52 weeks of the year, working on his software and supporting every customer who needed assistance.

Since the untimely and devastating loss of Conor, our family has been trying to ensure that his work lives on in memory, in particular, of the countless hours he spent ensuring that he was writing high quality code whilst quietly and bravely battling a serious illness.

Having been approached on the day of Conor’s Funeral by the then owner of JSWeb, we were assured that Conor’s hard work and ethical method of conducting his business would be honoured if we were to allow JSWeb to help handle Ceon.

Within a short period of time we became aware of several disquieting facts which were not in keeping with the ethics of Conor's business. At a later date JSWeb was acquired by a new owner, a transition that we knew nothing about. This seemed odd to say the least, given that Ceon modules formed part of the JSWeb income. We soon found ourselves in the position of having our percentage from each module substantially cut whilst JSWeb, without any permission from ourselves, hiked the prices of Conor’s modules and added annual fees.

These actions left us horrified and shocked. Alongside being hugely talented and passionate about Ceon, Conor was also an extremely fair and honourable business owner. We felt that Ceon could no longer be affiliated with JSWeb. For close to a year and a half Conor’s hard work has been lining the pockets of people who had no involvement in the origin of the modules.

Determined to honour Conor my mother and father flew to different locations and eventually we uncovered developers who agreed to help us maintain Conor's work.

A Github was established and we could see that amendments were progressing and modules were being updated. However, last year communication ceased and we found ourselves back at square one. It has been a hugely frustrating, hurtful and in all honesty quite heart breaking experience to watch Conor’s beloved Ceon start to fade away as others seem to be trying to capitalise on his years of hard work and dedication.

I am here asking for help from the forum to get Ceon back up and running asap. We have secured the services of a very dependable and enthusiastic person, who has been working on reassembling the Ceon site. We are hoping to retrieve the updated code from the developers who had been working on it in 2016, in the hope that we can get Conor’s modules back up where they belong.

I suppose what I was hoping was that a small group of Zencart developers might be able to rally round and help us achieve our aims for Conor. We have always been happy and willing to reward those involved and with your help maybe we will finally realise this in the not too distant future.

Many thanks for your time,

Neil Kerr


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