WSMP. Wales Strategic Migration Partnership (WSMP) Enabling a rights based approach to the inclusion of asylum seekers, refugees and migrants...

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  • Gateway reference number: 01205  Download the bulletin as a PDF   Contents   Latest news from Expo14 Register your place at Health and Care Innovation Expo 2014 NHS Commissioning Assembly News: Find out more about the Commissioning...

  • Jhpiego, an Affiliate of Johns Hopkins University is a global leader in improving healthcare services for women and their families. In collaboration with some it’s partners. Save the Children International (SCI), Pediatric Association of Nigeria (PAN...

    via ukconstitutionallaw

    (This survey covers the three-month period 1st February to 30 April 2014) Administration of Justice See also Devolved nations; Human rights; Policing Anonymity orders A court order prohibiting the publication of any identifying particulars in relation...

  • [Political content removed] As this Parliament draws to an end, I would like to update hon. Members on the actions that my department has put in place since May 2010 on housing and planning, as part of our long-term economic plan. We [Political content...

  • Updated: Rules and paragraph numbers updated to reflect version 2 of the rules following feedback and requests for clarification from the sector. Principles of funding This section sets out the principles behind the funding rules that apply to all...

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