
Among the most contentious adjustments to the plan are changes to language used to describe what compact officials should consider when buying power for their customers. The original language used the terms "best market rate for electricity supply and transparent pricing."

Draft revised language states that the compact should "negotiate the best terms and conditions" for supply and pricing, and Chatham selectmen have asked that it read "best terms and conditions and the most competitive market rates available."

Critics have argued that the use of best terms and conditions leaves the door open for compact officials to decide what that means without input from the public or local officials.

"They should be looking for the best rates," said Lilli-Ann Green, a member of Windwise-Cape Cod from Wellfleet.

Green said there is much in the aggregation plan that should be changed and more can be done locally rather than through the Cape and Vineyard Electric Cooperative to pursue appropriate renewable energy projects.

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