
by Scott Creighton

UPDATE: Over at the Sane Progressive Youtube page, Debbie is going on and on saying this is NOT about helping Hillary Clinton usurp Trump’s election victory. She says she spoke with someone from the Stein camp and they assured her they “might” ask for a recount in a state that Hillary won… in the future. Debbie says this has nothing to do with Soros even though I have proven down below that his finger prints are all over this. Debbie is pushing the BS narrative that Stein thinks she was cheated and should have received votes “in the high single digits” in terms of her percentage of the votes even though I have shown in an earlier article that she received 1% on average from these states which is the exact same thing she received nationwide and the roughly the same thing in the voter polls leading up to the election. Debbie is high on the notion that somehow this audit will result in us banning the use of unverifiable electronic voting machines, which is a good idea were it to happen, but it wont. She thinks this project is about that. And she is wrong. Whether it’s about installing Queen Hillary or just destabilizing the country so they can crack down some more the end result is certainly NOT about them dismantling their election rigging system. That’s the ONE THING we know for SURE about this effort. My guess? Debbie voted Stein and refuses to imagine her candidate is on the take. (Her video is now unlisted on her Youtube page and she is requesting that it not be shared.)

We know billionaire globalist George Soros backed Hillary Clinton for president in 2016. He threw another 8 million dollars at her campaign back in July and a total of 25 million dollars various other corporate/republican democrats. She’s so deep in his pockets, when she sneezes he gets an erection and I guess that’s a pretty valuable service to an 85-year-old multi-billionaire vulture capitalist.

Soros’ support for the Clintons over the years is a matter of public record. He does for them, they do for him. That’s how it works in American “democracy” these days. That’s not up for debate.

What is up for debate is whether or not Jill Stein is now in this pimp’s stable of Democrawhores (You like that? You like that!) and whether or not her push for a recount is really a typical George Soros destabilization campaign effort.

Let’s dig around and see what we can find.

Jill Stein says she is doing this in order to reaffirm people’s trust in our voting system. As I showed yesterday, in all three states she intends to audit, she performed in line with 1. her previous polling and 2. the Green Party’s historical vote tallies.

Stein refuses to admit she is taking this action in an effort to help Hillary Clinton but that position of hers is beyond any semblance of logic in that all three states were won by Donald Trump by a close margin and if they are reversed, the total of Electoral College votes switched would make Hillary Clinton the next president.

Stein didn’t challenge any states that Clinton won and she didn’t challenge any states that Trump won handily so her desired outcome is painfully obvious. This has NOTHING to do with making folks more trusting in the voting system and everything to do with changing the outcome of the election.

Or does it?

George Soros is known for backing color revolutions across the globe in order to further his business interests and he always uses the cover of his “pro-democracy” NGOs to do it. From Malaysia to Ukraine Soros has contributed to several regime change color revolutions of the past and now Soros’ various organizations have been outed for being behind various destabilization campaigns here in the United States as well. He’s even implicated in what’s being called the Purple Revolution.

With regard to this potentially destabilizing move by Jill Stein to unseat President Elect Trump and install George Soros’ hand picked candidate, Soros backed assets were all over this effort from the very beginning. That is also undeniable.

On Nov. 22nd, New York magazine’s Gabriel Sherman published an article about how two “voting rights activists” met with Clinton campaign manager John Podesta and Marc Elias on Nov. 17th  to try to talk them into filing for a recount in 3 states, the same three states Jill Stein intends to file recount motions.

“The group, which includes voting-rights attorney John Bonifaz and J. Alex Halderman, the director of the University of Michigan Center for Computer Security and Society, believes they’ve found persuasive evidence that results in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania may have been manipulated or hacked. The group is so far not speaking on the record about their findings and is focused on lobbying the Clinton team in private.

Last Thursday, the activists held a conference call with Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta and campaign general counsel Marc Elias to make their case..” New York magazine, Nov. 22nd

This is the article that spurred Jill Stein’s efforts to raise money for the recount. She publicly started that process on Nov. 23rd, a day after this was published and cited it as her main motivation.

Let’s see how many Soros-linked individuals were involved with this catalyst.

1. – First of all, the author, Gabriel Sherman is a fellow at the New America Foundation which gets funding from such globalist entities as the Ford Foundation, the Omidyar Network (owners of Glenn Greenwald and major backer of the color revolution in Ukriane), the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (vaccines for everyone) and of course, George Soros’ Open Society Foundation.  It also gets money from CIA-linked USAID and the US State Department.

2. – John Podesta is heavily linked with George Soros as we all know from the leaked Podesta emails. Podesta was taking meetings with Soros who was telling him what he wanted too see on subjects like the manufactured immigration crisis (of cheap labor) and the TPP (which Soros is desperately trying to achieve before his death)

One email went so far as to demand they needed to “make Soros happy” and George Soros was mentioned 56 times in the Podesta emails.

It’s also understood that John Podesta’s corporate Democrat think tank, Center for American Progress, is partially funded by Soros. He not only funds it today, he created it and brought Podesta in to run it.

“Investigative journalist Robert Dreyfuss wrote in the March 1, 2004 edition of The Nation: “The idea for the Center [CAP] began with discussions in 2002 between [Morton] Halperin and George Soros, the billionaire investor.… Halperin, who heads the office of Soros’ Open Society Institute, brought [former Clinton chief of staff] John Podesta into the discussion, and beginning in late 2002 Halperin and Podesta circulated a series of papers to funders.” The Capital Research Center reports that Podesta eagerly “took on the project of creating a new laboratory for liberalism.” Discover the Networks

Podesta is well known in DC circles as the ultimate insider. He is a king maker from what everyone says. Turns out, he isn’t really all that influential… it’s his owner that has the real power.

3. – John Bonifaz is also a wholly-owned subsidiary of George Soros. Has been since day one.

Back in 94, Bonifaz started up an NGO called the National Voting Rights Institute along with his benefactor, George Soros. He got funding from the Ford Foundation and  Soros’ Open Society Foundation as well. Ultimately NVRI was bought up by Soros’ “pro-democracy” think tank Demos.   At that time, Bonifaz became a direct employee of George Soros when he accepted a job as his Senior Legal Fellow for Demos.

Now Bonifaz runs something called Free Speech for People where they supposedly challenge corporate power in the country. But even that has connections to Soros.

“Dr. Jill Stein’s recount team is populated by a team of Lawyers – but among the most prominent of them all is Attorney John Bonifaz,, Co-Founder and President of “Free Speech for Free People” – and his board of Directors includes Lance Lindblom, former Executive Vice President at Soros’ Foundation’s Open Society Institute/Open Society Fund.”

And from the Free Speech for People website:

“Lance Lindblom is a member of the Free Speech For People Board of Directors. Previously, Mr. Lindblom was the President and CEO of the Nathan Cummings Foundation, an organization that seeks to build a socially and economically just society that values nature and protects the ecological balance for future generations. Before he joined the staff of NCF, Mr. Lindblom served as a Program Officer at the Ford Foundation, focusing on democratic accountability, economic and social policy, and globalization. Prior to that position, Mr. Lindblom was the Executive Vice President at Soros Foundation’s Open Society Institute/Open Society Fund“

This Reddit page has dug up quite a bit on Mr. Bonifaz.

4. – Marc Elias, the lawyer on the phone with Bonifaz and Halderman, also has a background of being funded by George Soros.

“A Democratic legal fight against restrictive voting laws enacted in recent years by Republican-controlled state governments is being largely paid for by a single liberal benefactor: the billionaire philanthropist George Soros...

But it turns out that Mr. Soros has already agreed to put as much as $5 million into the litigation effort,..

The lawsuits — which are being led by a lawyer whose clients include Mrs. Clinton’s campaign — are attacking a variety of measures, including voter-identification requirements that Democrats consider onerous, time restrictions imposed on early voting that they say could make it difficult to cast ballots the weekend before Election Day, and rules that could nullify ballots cast in the wrong precinct.

The lawyer, Marc Elias, who specializes in voter-protection issues, was in contact with Mr. Soros in January 2014 when Mr. Elias was exploring a series of federal lawsuits before that year’s midterm election and in advance of the 2016 campaign” New York Times, June 5th, 2016

5 million dollars from Soros to fund legal efforts to promote Hillary’s chances of winning this election. That is over and above the 8 million Soros kicked into Hillary’s campaign a month after writing that 5 million dollar check.

There is an email from Elias telling the Clinton team they should get the whole of the unDNC to attack Bernie Sanders for suggesting the Clinton Foundation may be nothing more than a money laundering scheme. He also said they should attack him like the RNC attacked Trump for suggesting the election might be rigged. Ironic, right?

So there you have it. Four of the five people involved in that Nov. 17th phone conference which started this whole recount psyop are directly connected with or on the payroll of George Soros.

It’s also being reported that Jill Stein’s fundraiser page on the Green Party website has a little hint in it’s code which links it to Soros’ Democracy Engine.

Stein started off asking for 2.5 million dollars. That was due to the filing fees in the states Trump barely won.

Wisconsin: $1.1 million by Nov 25

Pennsylvania: $0.5 million by Nov 28

Michigan: $0.6 million by Nov 30

Now she wants 7 million dollars presumably to pay for the services of people like Elias, Podesta and Bonifaz.

Though we can’t prove at this point that George Soros is behind the funding of this action, we do know that they aren’t being exactly transparent when it comes to publishing the names of the donors. In fact they are being quite opaque.

What we do know is this: almost every one of the players involved in this process have a direct link to George Soros who spent a lot of money trying to usher in the Age of Hillary this year. And he also tends to enjoy destabilizing various nations so that once chaos ensues, he is able to insert himself into the political mix and make some more money.

If Jill Stein tries to keep asserting this has nothing to do with making Hillary Clinton the next president, she is either a liar or a fool. These Soros assets went to Podesta and presented him with an idea. They didn’t want it to make Hillary look like a desperate candidate, so they apparently took the plan to Jill Stein to get her to do it. Then they had their Soros “journalist” write up the story based on “sources familiar with the phone call” and publish it the day before Jill rolled out her fundraising campaign.

I’m sorry folks but that is just so convoluted and obvious any silly blogger can understand it.

In spite of her public protestations, apparently Jill Stein is now just one more of Soros’ Democrawhores in his ever increasing stable of sleaze. Whether he is indirectly funding this action or not, Jill Stein is Soros’ newest bottom bitch and he’s put her out on the street to earn for him.

Unfortunately there is just no other way to look at it.

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