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* [[rfc:date.timezone_warning_removal|Remove the date.timezone warning]] \\ (Created 2015-01-27)

* [[rfc:date.timezone_warning_removal|Remove the date.timezone warning]] \\ (Created 2015-01-27)


* [[rfc:combined-comparison-operator|Combined Comp


* [[rfc:combined-comparison-operator|Combined Comparison (Spaceship) Operator]] \\ Proposes a new comparison operator, ''%%<=>%%'' (Created 2014-02-12, revived 2015-01-19)


* [[rfc:php7_foreach|Fix "foreach" behavior]] \\ The RFC defines foreach statement behavior for the cases where is wasn't defined before and implementation provided inconsistent results. (Created 2015-01-29)


* [[rfc:removal_of_dead_sapis_and_exts| Removal of dead SAPIs and extensions]]\\ Consideration about removing the unsupported SAPIs and extensions with unsupported dependencies.


* [[rfc:jsond|Jsond]] \\ Whether jsond should replace the current json extension. (Created 2015-01-11)


* [[rfc:return_types|Return Type Declarations]]\\ Adds return types to functions, methods and closures. (Created 2014-03-20)


* [[rfc:fast_zpp|Fast Parameter Parsing API]]\\ Fast API in addition to zend_parse_parameters(). (Created 2014-05-23)


* [[rfc:unicode_escape|Unicode Codepoint Escape Syntax]]\\ Adds an escape sequence syntax for Unicode codepoints to string literals. (Created 2014-11-24)


* [[rfc:native-tls|Native TLS]]\\ Native TLS for internal globals in TS mode


* [[rfc:isset_ternary|Null Coalesce Operator]]\\ Adds the coalesce operator, ''??''


* [[rfc:integer_semantics|Integer Semantics]]\\ Improves cross-platform consistency in PHP for some operations dealing with integers


* [[rfc:zpp_fail_on_overflow|ZPP Failure on Overflow]]\\ Make ''zend_parse_parameters'' fail if a float value out of bounds, or NaN, is passed where an integer is expected. (Created 2014-09-22)


* [[rfc:phpng|Move the phpng branch into master]]\\ Embrace the phpng codebase as the basis for the future major version of PHP. (Created 2014-07-20)


* [[rfc:abstract_syntax_tree|Abstract Syntax Tree]]\\ Proposes the introduction of an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) as an intermediary structure in our compilation process.


* [[rfc:uniform_variable_syntax|Uniform Variable Syntax]]\\ Introduces an internally consistent and complete variable syntax.


* [[rfc:size_t_and_int64_next|64 bit platform improvements for string length and integer]]\\ Integer and String modifications for full 64 bit support


* [[rfc:closure_apply|Closure::call]]\\ Proposes a new method on the ''Closure'' class to allow calling bound to an object without pre-binding


* [[rfc:fix_list_behavior_inconsistency|Fix list() behavior inconsistency]]\\ Enable or disable string handling in list() operator


* [[rfc:remove_alternative_php_tags|Remove alternative PHP tags]]\\ Removes ASP and script tags


* [[rfc:switch.default.multiple]]\\ Disallow multiple defaults in switch statements


* [[rfc:catchable-call-to-member-of-non-object|Catchable "call to a member function of a non-object"]]\\ Turns this fatal error into E_RECOVERABLE (Created 2014-04-26)


* [[rfc:secure_unserialize|Filtered unserialize()]]\\ Add option to ignore all or some objects to unserialize() (Created 2013/03/30)


* [[rfc:intl.char|ICU IntlChar class]]\\ Adds an IntlChar class an intl_char_*() functions to the Intl extension.


* [[rfc:session-lock-ini|Introduce session_start() INI options as array]]\\ Introduce session_start() options


* [[rfc:remove_hex_support_in_numeric_strings|Remove hex support in numeric strings]] \\ Removes support for hexadecimal numbers in numeric string conversions. (Created 2014-08-19)


==== PHP 5.7 ====



* [[rfc:intdiv|intdiv()]]\\ This RFC proposes adding an intdiv() function for integer division. (Created 2014-07-15)


* [[rfc:session.user.return-value|Fix handling of custom session handler return values]]\\ Make false actually mean failure, not success.



==== PHP 5.6 ====



* [[rfc:timing_attack|Timing attack safe string comparison function]]\\ New function to perform time-constant string comparison (Created 2013/12/22)


options that enable/disable read_only, lazy_destroy, lazy_write, unsafe_lock that minimizes session data locking during a script execution. (Created 2014/01/20) (Proposal 1 only)


* [[rfc:debug-info|__debugInfo() magic method]]\\ Support get_debug_info hook for userspace classes


* [[rfc:pow-operator|Exponential operator]]\\ Exponential operator


* [[rfc:use_function|Importing namespaced functions]]\\ Proposes to allow importing namespaced functions through a new `use function` sequence.


* [[rfc:const_scalar_exprs|Constant Scalar Expressions (with constants)]]\\ This RFC proposes adding support for Constant Scalar Expressions with support for constants being operands.


* [[rfc:incompat_ctx|Remove calls from incompatible context]]\\ Calls from incompatible context deprecated in 5.6 (will be removed in next version).


* [[rfc:variadics|Dedicated syntax for variadic functions]]\\ This RFC introduces a dedicated syntax for variadic functions.


* [[rfc:argument_unpacking|Argument unpacking]]\\ This RFC proposes a syntax for argument unpacking.


* [[rfc:operator_overloading_gmp|Internal operator overloading and GMP improvements]]\\ Add support for operator overloading in internal classes and improve GMP using it


* [[rfc:phpdbg|phpdbg]]\\ Distribute phpdbg with PHP, a PHP debugger


* [[rfc:slim_post_data|Slim POST data]]\\ Use a temp PHP stream for HTTP payload.


* [[rfc:crypt_function_salt|Crypt() function salt]]\\ This RFC proposes changing crypt() function's salt parameter treatment.


* [[rfc:fpm_change_hat|Apparmor change_hat functionality for php-fpm]]\\ Proposes to add the possibility to change to a different hat under the apparmor LSM


* [[rfc:tls-peer-verification|TLS Peer Verification]]\\ Enable peer verification by default for encrypted client streams.


* [[rfc::improved-tls-defaults|Improved TLS Defaults]]\\ Implement more secure defaults for encrypted stream transfers


* [[rfc:default_encoding|Default character encoding]]\\ Default character encoding handling in PHP.


* [[rfc:pack_unpack_64bit_formats|64 bit format codes for pack() and unpack()]]\\ Adds format codes for converting 64 bit integers to and from binary strings.



==== PHP 5.5 ====



* [[rfc:generators|Generators]]\\ This RFC proposes adding generators as a simple and boilerplate-free way of defining iterators.


* [[rfc:finally|support finally keyword]]\\ Add try catch finally supporting


* [[rfc:class_name_scalars|Resolve class names to scalars via class keyword]]\\ A proposal to use ::class after type names to resolve FQ class names as scalar


* [[rfc:foreachlist|foreach_variable supporting T_LIST]]\\ This extends PHP's language parser to support T_LIST in foreach_variable


* [[rfc:constdereference|Const array/string dereference]] \\ A little improvement to make things consistent


* [[rfc:empty_isset_exprs|Allow arbitrary expression arguments to empty() and isset()]]\\ Proposes to allow ''empty(getArray())'' etc.


* [[rfc:optimizerplus|Integrating Optimizer+ into the PHP distribution]]\\ This RFC proposes to integrate the Zend Optimizer+ opcode cache into the PHP distribution


* [[rfc:hash_pbkdf2|Adding hash_pbkdf2 function]]\\ This RFC proposes adding a hash_pbkdf2 function to the hash package


* [[rfc:password_hash|Add Simplified Password Hashing]]\\ This RFC proposes adding 3 new functions to the core to expose a much simplified password hashing API.


* [[rfc:remove_preg_replace_eval_modifier|Remove preg_replace /e modifier]]\\ This RFC aims at deprecating and subsequently removing the /e modifier (PREG_REPLACE_EVAL) that preg_replace provides.


* [[rfc:uconverter|Add UConverter]]\\ A proposal to add ICU::UConverter functionality to ext/intl


* [[rfc:mysql_deprecation|ext/mysql deprecation]]\\ Formally deprecating ext/mysql in PHP.


* [[rfc:cookie_max-age|Cookie Max-Age attribute]]\\ Cookie Max-Age attribute


* [[rfc:curl-file-upload|Fix cURL file uploading API]]\\ Fix insecure cURL file uploading API


* [[rfc:sendrecvmsg|Add recvmsg() and sendmsg() to ext/sockets]]\\ Wrap sendmsg() and recvmsg(), with support for a limited number of message types


* [[rfc:cli_process_title|PHP CLI changing process title support]]\\ Setting PHP CLI process titles for visibility in 'top' or 'ps'


* [[rfc:foreach-non-scalar-keys|Allow non-scalar keys in foreach]]\\ This RFC proposes to remove the type restrictions on foreach iteration


* [[rfc:array_column|Add array_column() function]]\\ This RFC proposes a new array function that returns the values of the specified column from a multi-dimensional array.


* [[rfc:curl-wrappers-removal-rfc|Removal of curl-wrappers]]\\ This RFC is about removing the curl stream wrappers of the PHP as of 5.5 and to move it on PECL for any eventual improvements.


* [[rfc:strict_sessions|Strict Sessions]]\\ This RFC proposes an additional security measure for preventing session fixation.



==== PHP 5.4 ====



Note: Many RFCs in this list have been [[todo:php54:vote|mass voted]].



* [[rfc:instance-method-call|Instantiating a class and calling methods/accessing properties on same command]]\\ A proposal to add support to instantiating a class and calling its methods or accessing its properties on same command.


* [[rfc:HorizontalReuse|Traits]]\\ Traits is a mechanism for code reuse in single inheritance languages such as PHP. A Trait is intended to reduce some limitations of single inheritance by enabling a developer to reuse sets of methods freely in several independent classes living in different class hierarchies. This RFC proposes a basic version of Traits.


* [[rfc:closures:object-extension|Closures: Object Extension]]\\ How to extend closures to work with $this and objects.


* [[rfc:shortsyntaxforarrays|Short syntax for arrays]]\\ This RFC will discuss an language enhancement for simple and easy array definition.


* [[rfc:functionarraydereferencing|Function array dereferencing]]\\ You know, like foo()['bar']


* [[rfc:shortags|Short tags in templates]]\\ This RFC discusses ways to enable short tags template syntax in a way that would be easy for users and compatible with XML users' requirements.


* [[rfc:indirect-method-call-by-array-var|Indirect method call by array variable]]\\ $arr = array('Class', 'method'); $arr();


* [[rfc:binnotation4ints|Supporting Binary Notation for Integers]]\\ This extends PHP's syntax to support binary notation for integers just as it already does for decimal, octal, and hexadecimal representations.


* [[rfc:builtinwebserver|Built-in web server]]\\ This RFC discusses the web server that is built into PHP itself, for development purpose.


* [[rfc:removal-of-deprecated-features|Removal of deprecated features]]\\ RFC about removing legacy features in the next version of PHP


* [[rfc:improved-parser-error-message|Improve parser error messages]]\\ Improve parser error message readability.


* [[rfc:session_upload_progress|Session upload progress]]\\ Using sessions to provide upload progress feedback to users.


* [[rfc:session-oo|Object oriented session handlers]]\\ A proposal to allow session_set_save_handler() to accept an object, and expose the original session handler.


* [[rfc:allow_multiple_simultaneous_syslog_connections|Allow Multiple Simultaneous Syslog Connections]]\\ This RFC propose enhancement to syslog function in order to allow multiple simultaneous connections by using resources.


* [[rfc:streammetadata|Stream meta-data]]\\ RFC defines handler for setting metadata on stream URL.


* [[rfc:error-formatting-for-developers|Error message formatting for development]]\\ This RFC discusses error message formatting to aid developers.


* [[rfc:performanceimprovements|Zend Engine Performance Improvements]]\\ Proposes Zend Engine changes which together make up to 20% performance improvement on synthetic benchmarks and some real-life applications


* [[rfc:runtimecache|Run Time Cache]]\\ offers an implementation of run-time caching technique which may improve performance of repeatable code


* [[rfc:zendsignals|Zend Signal Handling]]\\ Improve stability and speed when running under any forking SAPI by adding deferred signal handling to the Zend Engine.


* [[rfc:dtrace|DTrace Probes for PHP]]\\ Provide DTrace probes for PHP.


* [[rfc:new-output-api|New Output API]]\\ An RFC about the New Output API


* [[rfc:callable|Callable type hint]]\\ Callable type hint


* [[rfc:ldap_modify_batch|LDAP: Add ldap_modify_batch]] \\ This RFC proposes adding a lower-level modification function to the LDAP extension.



==== PHP 5.3 ====



* [[rfc:closures|Closures]]\\ This RFC proposes Closures and lambda functions for PHP.


* [[rfc:namespaceresolution|Namespace resolution order]]


* [[rfc:namespaceseparator|RFC on what namespace separator to choose]]


* [[rfc:heredoc-with-double-quotes|HEREDOC with double quotes]]\\ This RFC is about allowing double quote syntax similar to single-quotes in NOWDOC as a HEREDOC syntax variant (in PHP 5.3)


* [[rfc:lsb_parentself_forwarding|LSB parent::/self:: forwarding]]\\ Changes how parent:: and self:: work with LSB by making them forwarding.


* [[rfc:calltimebyref|call_time_pass_by_reference]]\\ This RFC proposes that call_time_pass_by_reference be switched off by default in PHP 5.3.


* [[rfc:e-user-deprecated-warning|New error level E_USER_DEPRECATED]] \\ This RFC proposes to introduce a new userspace error level similar to E_DEPRECATED for user level deprecation warnings


* [[rfc:rounding|Rounding in PHP]]\\ Make round() produce predictable results on all platforms and fix some problems in the process.


* [[rfc:autoload_include|Alternative to include/require for autoloaders]]\\ This RFC aims to offer an alternative solution to the well known fopen() “hack” used in autoloaders in order to verify the existence of files inside the include path


* [[rfc:fpm|FPM SAPI]]\\ This RFC discusses FPM SAPI and its inclusion to the core PHP distribution.


* [[rfc:fpm:ini_syntax|FPM INI syntax]]\\ This RDV discusses the replacement of FPM configuration file from XML to INI.


* [[rfc:newinis|New INI Files]]\\ A proposal for two new INI files which will replace the current INI's packaged with PHP. One focused on production deployments and the other focused on development deployments.


* [[rfc:array_count_handlers|count_elements handler vs count()]]\\ Internal change to allow some optimization and add consistency.



===== Declined =====



* [[rfc:error_handler_callback_parameters_passed_by_reference|Allow error_handler callback parameters to be passed by reference]] \\ (Created 2015-01-26)


* [[rfc:pecl_http|pecl_http]]\\ Whether to add pecl_http v2 to the core


* [[rfc:skipparams|Skipping optional parameters]] \\ Skipping optional parameters in function calls (Created 2012-04-13)


* [[rfc:php57|PHP 5.7]] \\ Proposes a final minor version of PHP 5, PHP 5.7, with no new features but added deprecation notices. (Created 2014-12-15)


* [[rfc:objkey|Using objects as keys]]\\ Allows to use objects as keys for arrays. (Created 2014-10-26)


* [[rfc:abstract_final_class|Abstract final classes / Static classes]]\\ Language enhancement to support "abstract final classes" or "static classes". (Created 2014-11-26)


* [[rfc:aliases_by_reflection|Access to aliases definition by reflection]] \\ Extends reflection for a getDefinedAliases() methods. (Created 2014/10/09)


* [[rfc:safe_cast|Safe Casting Functions]]\\ Adds a set of safe casting functions for scalar types (Created 2014-10-21)


* [[rfc:loop_or|Loop + or control structure]]\\ Adds a default block to loops to be executed in the event that the loop is never entered.


* [[rfc:bare_name_array_literal|Bare Name Array Literal]]\\ A shorter new syntax for array key-value pairs (Created 2014-06-01)


* [[rfc:bare_name_array_dereference|Bare Name Array Dereference]]\\ A shorter new syntax for dereferencing arrays with string keys (Created 2014-06-01)


* [[rfc:arrayof|Array Of]]\\ Proposed syntax for Type-Hinting against the contents or an array (Created 2014/01/15)


* [[rfc:secure-html-escape|Improve HTML escape]]\\ This RFC proposes more secure HTML escape by escaping "/" (Vote period: 2014/02/16 - 2014/02/22) (Created 2014/02/02)


* [[rfc:multibyte_char_handling|Multibyte Char Handling]]\\ This RFC proposes the way to handle multibyte chars. (Created 2014/01/16)


* [[rfc:altmbstring|Alternative mbstring implementation using ICU]]\\ A proposal to completely rewrite mbstring extension with ICU. (Created 2011/04/06)


* [[rfc:size_t_and_int64|64 bit platform improvements for string length and integer]]\\ Integer and String modifications for full 64 bit support


* [[rfc:alpanumeric_decrement|Alphanumeric Decrement]]\\ This will add support for decrementing alphanumeric strings (“ab”, for example) to complement the existing incrementing behaviour. (Created 2013/12/16)


* [[rfc:engine_exceptions|Exceptions in the engine]]\\ This RFC proposes to allow the use of exceptions in the engine. (Postponed to PHP 6.)


* [[rfc:keywords_as_identifiers|Extended keyword support]]\\ This RFC proposes to widen keyword support.


* [[rfc:instance_counter|Class instances counter]]\\ This RFC proposes a new function returning a list with class names and their instance counter.


* [[rfc:trailing-comma-function-args]]\\ Allow a trailing comma in function calls, similar to array declarations


* [[rfc:array_part|Add an array_part() function]]\\ Adds a function to extract multi-dimensional slices


* [[rfc:splclassloader|SplClassLoader]]\\ Merge implementation of first proposal of PHP Standards Recommendation (PSR) into SPL core


* [[rfc:annotations|Annotations]]\\ Class Metadata feature (aka Annotations) support in PHP


* [[rfc:ifsetor|ifsetor() Operator]]\\ This RFC proposes an operator that efficiently implements (isset($foo) ? $foo : $bar) as ifsetor($foo, $bar)


* [[http://marc.info/?l=php-internals&m=121397217528280&w=2|Method overloading]]


* [[rfc:NonBreakableTraits|Non-breakable Traits]]\\ This RFC is a extension to the basic proposal. It includes the notion of trait-local methods and properties.


* [[rfc:functiongetentropy|Function getEntropy]]\\ Feature request for a new userspace function providing a truly random value.


* [[rfc:propertygetsetsyntax-v1.2|Property Accessors Syntax]]\\ RFC for the addition of C#-style get/set accessors to PHP


* [[rfc:propertygetsetsyntax-alternative-typehinting-syntax|Alternative typehinting syntax for accessors]]\\ Proposes an improved typehinting syntax for the accessors proposal.


* [[rfc:automatic_property_initialization|Automatic Property Initialization]]\\ This RFC proposes automatic assignments of constructor arguments to properties. (Created 2013/09/27)


* [[rfc:default_ctor|Default parent constructors]] \\ The RFC proposes that the parent constructors, destructors and clone operations were always callable even if not defined in parent class. (Created 2014-11-05)



===== Withdrawn =====



* [[rfc:reflectionparameter-getclassname| ReflectionParameter::getClassName()]] \\ Add reflection method to access to a class name in a type hint (Created 2015-01-30)


* [[rfc:bigint|Big Integer Support]]\\ Adds Big Integer support to PHP (Created 2014-06-20)


* [[rfc:scalar_type_hints|Scalar Type Hints]] \\ Adds four type hints for scalar types. (Created 2014-12-14)


* [[rfc:void_return_type|Void Return Type]] \\ Adds a void return type to require that a function does not return a value. (Created 2015-02-14)


* [[rfc:deprecate-ini-functions|Deprecate function that modify INI]]\\ There are number of functions that modify INI value. Let them deprecate and use ini_get()/ini_set(). (Other RFC is proposed)


* [[rfc:sync|pecl_sync]]\\ Whether PHP should support locking mechanism on its core


* [[rfc:function_referencing|Function Referencing as Closures]]\\ Proposes a new syntax to allow referencing functions and methods as closures


* [[rfc:readonly_properties|Readonly Properties]]\\ Adds a ''readonly'' specifier to make properties writeable within a class, but only readable from outside (Created 2014-10-24)


* [[rfc:scalar_type_hinting_with_cast|Add scalar type hinting with casts]]\\ This RFC proposes adding scalar type hinting with casting to provide more robust parameter hinting. (Re-opened 2014-07-13)


* [[rfc:list_reference_assignment|list() Reference Assignment]]\\ This RFC proposes a new syntax to enable reference assignment with list(). (Created 2013/10/25, withdrawn 2014-05-15)


* [[rfc:session-read_only-lazy_write|Sessions: Improve original RFC about lazy_write]]\\ An attempt at redesigning the accepted solution from [[rfc:session-lock-ini]].


* [[rfc:gmp_number|Make GMP number work like PHP number]]\\ Make compatible PHP number


* [[rfc:const_scalar_expressions2|Constant Scalar Expressions (re-opening)]]\\ This RFC proposes adding support for Constant Scalar Expressions.


* [[rfc:function_autoloading|Function Autoloading]]\\ This RFC proposes to refactor the existing autoloading mechanism to support function and constant autoloading.


* [[rfc:protocol_type_hinting|Structural Type Hinting]]\\ This RFC proposes a new type-hint format to allow run-time checking of Structural Types.


* [[rfc:const_scalar_expressions|Constant Scalar Expressions]]\\ This RFC proposes adding support for Constant Scalar Expressions.


* [[rfc:request-tempnam|Modify tempnam() to handle directories and auto-cleanup]]\\ Add TEMPNAM_DIR and TEMPNAM_REQUEST options to tempnam()


* [[rfc:parameter_type_casting_hints|Parameter Type Casting Hints]]\\ This RFC proposes adding type casting hints to function declarations.


* [[rfc:voting_who|Who can vote?]]\\ Define the participants of the voting process.


* [[rfc:magicquotes_finale|Magic Quotes in PHP, the Finalé]]\\ A safe, orderly manner for getting rid of Magic Quotes.


* [[rfc:returntypehint2|Return value type hint]]\\ Return type hinting


* [[rfc:object_cast_magic|Cast and Assign Magic Methods]]\\ Feature request to expose object_cast, get and set to PHP land code via two new magic methods


* [[rfc:mysqlnd_localhost_override|Add mysqlnd.localhost_override option]]\\ This RFC proposes to add mysqlnd.localhost_override to more easily override localhost when connecting to a MySQL database.


* [[rfc:useas|Allow use T_AS in closure use statement]]\\ Allow user use a alias name for lexical variable of closure


* [[rfc:strncmpnegativelen|strn(case)cmp supporting a negative length as its third paramter]]\\ This extends PHP's string function strn(case)cmp to support a negative length as parameter


* [[rfc:nested_classes|Nested Class Support]]\\ This RFC proposes support for nested classes, following on from Anonymous Classes.



===== Inactive =====


This section is for RFCs that have been deferred, obsoleted, or appear to have been abandoned. Sorry if your RFC is added here and you feel it is still active; please move it back to the appropriate section.



* [[rfc:peclversioning|PECL versioning]]\\ This RFC, about tackling the versioning issues in PECL extensions, has been implemented across PECL for several months. But what should be done about extension versioning in the PHP core?


* [[rfc:protectedlookup|Improve consistency of protected member lookups]]\\ This RFC proposes to eliminate an inconsistency in the way protected class members are resolved.


* [[rfc:drop_sql.safe_mode|Drop sql.safe_mode]]\\ Dropping a php.ini setting affecting two extensions


* [[rfc:get-random|Get Random]]\\ This RFC talks about how to get a (better) random string in PHP


* [[rfc:error-optimizations|Error optimizations]]\\ A way to optimize the formatting of our errors


* [[rfc:autofunc|Function autoloading through spl_autoload*]]\\ This RFC introduces a potential implementation for function autoloading which would be consistent with what we have for autoloading classes. (Created 2011/08/05)


* [[rfc:cli-strict|CLI options for strict and quiet modes]]\\ This RFC proposes a ''-W'' option to turn on maximum error reporting, and a ''-Q'' option for no error reporting. (Created 2011/07/05)


* [[rfc:logicalshiftoperator|Add Logical Shift Operators]]\\ Add logical shift operators for bitwise shifting of strings (Created 2011/07/18)


* [[rfc:grisu3-strtod|Faster strtod algorithm]]\\ This RFC proposes to add the Grisu3 strtod algorithm as an optional feature to PHP. (Created 2011/07/15)


* [[rfc:isset-set-operator|Isset Set Operator]]\\ This RFC proposes new operators for handling unset/falsey variables.


* [[rfc:object_cast_to_types|Scalar Type Casting Magic Methods]]\\ This RFC proposes a set of new scalar type casting magic methods for classes.


* [[rfc:docblockparser|docBlock Parser]]\\ Proposal to add docBlock parsing to the Reflection extension


* [[rfc:annotations-in-docblock|Annotations in doc block]]\\ Class Metadata feature (aka Annotations) support in PHP through DocBlock


* [[rfc:objectarrayliterals|Object and Array Literals]]\\ This RFC proposes first-class, inline object and array literals similar to JSON.


* [[rfc:weakreferences|Weak References]]\\ This RFC proposes the introduction of Weak References in PHP via a new SPL class.


* [[rfc:pdov1|PDO Version 1 Improvements]]\\ This RFC proposes a set of improvements to be made to PDO.


* [[rfc:taint|Tainted variables]]\\ This RFC proposes an implementation of variable tainting in PHP.


* [[rfc:static-classes|Static classes]]\\ This RFC proposes the introduction of static classes for PHP


* [[rfc:class_casting_to_scalar|class casting to scalar]]\\ This RFC proposes a way to do like <nowiki>__</nowiki>toString(), for other scalar types


* [[rfc:autodefine|Autodefinition]]\\ This RFC proposes the ability to define missing definitions (generalization of autoload).


* [[rfc:linecontrol|Line Markers in PHP]]\\ This RFC proposes the introduction of line markers in PHP.


* [[rfc:autoboxing|Autoboxing]]\\ Autoboxing feature in PHP


* [[rfc:socketactivation|Systemd socket activation]]\\ Systemd socket activation support for PHP-FPM (Created 2012/10/18)


* [[rfc:deprecated-modifier|Add a deprecated modifier for functions]]\\ Add a deprecated modifier for functions (Created 2012/12/25)


* [[rfc:prototype_checks|Clarifying/Improving the prototype checks]]\\ This RFC discusses the current state of prototype checks, and gives some directions for discussion and improvement. (Created 2011/09/19)


* [[rfc:jenkins|Introducing Jenkins]]\\ This RFC proposes using Jenkins as a Continuous Ingtegration environment for the php project. (Created 2011/11/01)


* [[rfc:anonymous_catch|Support for anonymous catch-statements]]\\ This RFC proposes adding catch-statements without variables, and fully anonymous catches. (Created 2013/06/25)


* [[rfc:errors_as_exceptions|Errors as Exceptions]]\\ This RFC discusses the conversion of errors to exceptions (Created 2011/04/06)


* [[rfc:traitsmodifications|Proposed modifications to traits]]\\ This RFC proposes three modifications to traits: increasing separation and consistency of inheritance vs. trait composition, adding trait-local scope, and extending ''use'' syntax. (Created 2011/04/06)


* [[rfc:datetime_tostring|Add toString to DateTime]]\\ A proposal to add toString to DateTime (Created 2012/09/01)


* [[rfc:propertygetsetsyntax-as-implemented|Property get/set syntax]]\\ This RFC proposes to add a C# style property get/set syntax to PHP classes. (Created 2011-12-21 - document index)


* [[rfc:optional-t-function|Make T_FUNCTION in method declarations optional.]]\\ A proposal for removing the requirement to use T_FUNCTION in method declarations. (Created 2011/04/06)


* [[rfc:jsonable|Jsonable interface]]\\ Feature request to allow support json_(encode|decode) to handle Object instance conversions.


* [[rfc:extensionsiberia|Siberia]]\\ This RFC proposes to create a cemetery for dead extensions (PECL or core).


* [[rfc:array_delete|array_delete]]\\ This RFC proposes adding array_delete() as an intuitive API for array element deletion. (Created 2012/08/22)


* [[rfc:enum|Enum language structure]]\\ A proposal to add the enum language structure (Created 2010/05/21)


* [[rfc:enhanced_error_handling|Enhanced Error Handling]]\\ This offers a concept and implementation to let the user (php coder) choose between php_error, exception et al while retaining backwards compatibility (Created 2009/12/27)


* [[rfc:typechecking|Parameter (and Return) value type hints/checks]]\\ Several RFC that propose to complete the actual parameter type hints/checks (and an implementation for return value type hints). (Created 2009/07/03)


* [[rfc:tls|Native TLS in ZTS]]\\ Improving performance of ZTS builds by using native thread local storage. (Created 2008/08/24)


* [[rfc:better_benchmarks|Better benchmarks for PHP]]\\ A proposal for replacing current bench.php benchmarking script. (Created 2009/04/03)


* [[rfc:remove_zend_api|Remove reliance of Zend API]]\\ A proposal to remove the use of the Zend API in PHP libraries. (Created 2009/03/29)


* [[rfc:php_native_interface|PHP Native Interface]]\\ Provide complete alternative to writing libraries interfaces using the Zend API libraries. (Created 2009/04/05)


* [[rfc:fcallfcall|Function call chaining]]\\ Function call chaining implementation. (Created 2010/01/30)


* [[rfc:source_files_without_opening_tag|Source files without opening tag]]\\ This RFC proposes a way to support source code files without <?php at the top.


* [[rfc:phpp|New File Type for Pure-Code PHP Scripts]]\\ This RFC proposes the creation of a new .phpp file type for scripts that contain only PHP code without a <?php or ?> tag.


* [[rfc:namedparameters|Named Parameters (obsolete)]]\\ Dummy RFC for named parameters, superseded by [[rfc:named_params|Named Parameters]].


* [[rfc:lemon|Lemon as a language parser]]\\ This RFC discusses the switch from YACC/Bison to lemon for the main language parser


* [[rfc:ast_based_parsing_compilation_process|Moving to an AST-based parsing/compilation process (obsolete)]]\\ Proposal for AST-based compilation process. Superseded by the [[rfc:abstract_syntax_tree|Astract Syntax Tree RFC]]. (Created 2012/09/04)

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