
edited by
Albert Unrath

Changes between revision 58
and revision 59:



Cbord, also known as CS Gold

h3. What is Cbord / CS Gold?

ID card software system that can control building/door access, meal plan access, and run reports on how the ID card is used at Millersville. NOTE: This website covers the Cbord web browser type access. The Cbord GUI interface is not presented in this space.

h3. Cbord login - direct link using web browser (bookmark the login page)

[https://cbordweb.millersville.edu/login/ldap.php] !Screen Shot 2015-06-19 at 3.18.37 PM.png|thumbnail,border=1,width=200!
(Username and Password are the same as Outlook login)






h3. Training Materials

|| Topic || Text-Based Material \\ || Training Video \\ || Simulation (try it first) \\ ||
| Cbord: Login Procedure | [HTML vers|ittac:CBORD - Login procedure]. \\ | \\ | \\ |

| Cbord: Quicksheet for looking up patron information \\ | [PDF   vers|^Qsheet-Police-6.8.2015-Al.pdf]. \\ | \\ | \\ |
| Cbord: Lookup patron (last name and M number) | [HTML vers|https://wiki.millersville.edu/display/ittac/CBORD+-+Lookup+patron+%28last+name+and+M+number%29]. \\ | \\ | \\ |

| Cbord: Creating door access reports | [HTML vers.|ittac:CBORD - Creating a door access report through a Location search or Patron(person)]\\ | [Video|https://youtu.be/xuYrVMXZLBg]\\ | \\ |

| Cbord: How to remotely unlock and lock doors using Door Viewer feature | [HTML vers|https://wiki.millersville.edu/display/ittac/CBORD+-+How+to+remotely+unlock+and+lock+doors+using+Door+Viewer+feature]. \\ | [Video|https://millersville.mediaspace.kaltura.com/media/CBORD-DoorViewer-vers1.2/1_9p879726] | [Simulation|http://students.millersville.edu/ittrain/cbord/door-viewer_training6.8.v1/index.htm] \\ |
| Cbord: How to change the door access for a patron | \\ | [Video|https://millersville.mediaspace.kaltura.com/media/Changing-Door-Access-video-v5.28.2015/1_442aw2hv] | [Simulation|http://students.millersville.edu/ittrain/cbord/change-person-access-sim/index.htm] \\ |


Request help

The Help Desk can be reached by email at help@millersville.edu, or by phone at (717) 871-7777
\\ !_include_images^MUspirit-mark.jpg|thumbnail,width=100!

{panel:title=Help Desk|borderColor=gold|bgColor=White|titleBGColor=gold}

h6. [Emergency Notification|https://wiki.millersville.edu/display/ittac/Emergency+Notification]: MU Alert System

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Cbord, also known as CS Gold

What is Cbord / CS Gold?

ID card software system that can control building/door access, meal plan access, and run reports on how the ID card is used at Millersville. NOTE: This website covers the Cbord web browser type access. The Cbord GUI interface is not presented in this space.

Cbord login - direct link using web browser (bookmark the login page)


(Username and Password are the same as Outlook login)

Training Materials


Text-Based Material

Training Video

Simulation (try it first)

Cbord: Login Procedure

HTML vers.

Cbord: Quicksheet for looking up patron information

PDF   vers.

Cbord: Lookup patron (last name and M number)

HTML vers.

Cbord: Creating door access reports

HTML vers.


Cbord: How to remotely unlock and lock doors using Door Viewer feature

HTML vers.



Cbord: How to change the door access for a patron



Request help

The Help Desk can be reached by email at help@millersville.edu, or by phone at (717) 871-7777

Help Desk

Help Desk Contact Info

Location: Boyer Building
Phone: 717-871-7777
Email: Help@millersville.edu

Call Center Hours

M-Th 7:00am - 9:00pm EST

F 7:00am - 5:00pm EST

Walk-in Technical Assistance Center (TAC) Hours

Boyer, 1st floor, Room 119

Fall/Spring Semesters:

M-Th 8:00 am - 9:00pm, F 8:00am - 5:00pm EST

Winter/Summer Sessions:

M-F 8:00am - 5:00pm EST

Emergency Notification: MU Alert System

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