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== Manajemen
*[[Marketing/Work Items|Work Items]]: Lists the Marketing Team work items and their current status
*[[Marketing/ConfCalls|Conference Calls]]: Lists the agenda and the dial-in instructions for the regular Marketing Team conference calls
*[[ReleasePlan|LibreOffice Release Plan]]: Release schedule for upcoming versions of LibreOffice
== Dokumen dan sumberdaya
=== Kegiatan ===
==== Kegiatan dengan partisipasi LibreOffice ====
* [[EventsCalendar|Wiki Calendar]] (Same information as the Website Calendar. Leave note on Marketing List to add new event(s))
* [http://www.libreoffice.org/about-us/libreoffice-international-events-calendar/ Website calendar] (Same information as the Wiki Calendar. Leave note on Marketing List to add new event(s))
* [[Events|List of Events]] in this wiki (pretty up to date and complete)
==== Konferensi LibreOffice ====
[[Events/Berlin2012_Conference|Official LibreOffice Conference 2012]] in Berlin, 17-19th October 2012
[[Marketing/SpecialEvents/LibreOffice_Conference_2011_Paris|Official LibreOffice Conference 2011]] in Paris, 12-15th October 2011
=== Bantuan Umum ===
*[[Website/Web Sites services|TDF/LibreOffice Website & Web Sites Services]]: Addresses of all TDF/LibreOffice websites and services with their site maintainer name(s)
*[[ReleasePlan | Release Plan]]: Release Plan & History of all the releases
*[[Marketing/Release|Release coordination tasks]]: Table grouping the tasks that need to be coordinated for the release
*[[Marketing/LibOReleaseEvents/LOPressKit|Press Kit:]] List of documents/tools available for press releases and all related.
*[[Marketing/LibreOfficeMagazine|LibreOffice Magazine]]: List for "LibreOffice Magazine International" and all other "LibreOffice Magazine [Language]" publications
*[[LibreOffice In The Press|LibreOffice in the Press]]: List of news/review articles about LibreOffice
*[[Documentation#Available_User_Documentation|LibreOffice in Print]]: List of LibreOffice documents available in print or in downloadable format
*[[Marketing/Videos|LibreOffice Videos]]: List of videos about LibreOffice
*[[Marketing/Branding|Branding Guidelines]]:Branding material and information to ensure both consistent and fresh appearance; official logo and external logo (SVG, .png)
*[[Marketing/Material|Marketing Material]]: Official marketing material for both The Document Foundation and LibreOffice
*[[Marketing/LibOIcons|LibreOffice Application Icon Sets:]] Set of icons available for marketing purposes
*[[Marketing/Challenge|LibreOffice Funding Challenge Resources wiki page:]] Banners, Clip Art etc. (TBA)
*[[Marketing/Wallpapers|LibreOffice-themed Wallpapers]]
*[[Marketing/LibOOnDVD|LibreOffice on DVD]]: List of member proposals of DVD labels and DVD contents
*[[Marketing/AirPlane|Paper Airplane:]] LibreOffice paper airplane and different designs
*[[Marketing/ConferenceKit|Conference Kit:]] List of documents/tools available for conferences and all related
== Ide-ide dan Topik yang sedang dikerjakan
*[[Marketing/Ideas|Ideas]]: Page for marketing ideas and marketing material drafts. '''Add your ideas!'''
*[[Marketing/Slogan|LibreOffice slogan]]: Suggested slogans for the LibreOffice Suite. '''Be creative. Add your slogan!'''
*[[Marketing/LibOReleaseEvents|LibreOffice Release Party]]: A party organiser for the forthcoming LibreOffice release.
*[[Marketing/Reference Cards|Reference Cards:]] Simple tri-fold alternate-Keys reference cards for LibreOffice Applications.
*[[Marketing/LibreOffice_In_Academia|LibreOffice in Academia]]: Marketing LibreOffice in the academic world.
== Komunikasi ==
For global marketing, we communicate via the '''marketing@global.libreoffice.org mailing list'''.
*Single mail subscription: [mailto:marketing+subscribe@global.libreoffice.org marketing+subscribe@global.libreoffice.org]
*Digest subscription: [mailto:marketing+subscribe-digest@global.libreoffice.org marketing+subscribe-digest@global.libreoffice.org]
*Archives: http://listarchives.libreoffice.org/global/marketing/
*Mail-Archive.com: http://www.mail-archive.com/marketing@global.libreoffice.org/
*GMANE: http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.comp.documentfoundation.libreoffice.marketing
== Kelompok Regional
*[[Marketing/US-Marketing|US Marketing]]: Pages devoted to US market (Canada junior partner)
*[[North-American-Community|North American Community]]: Pages devoted to the (North American) NA Community - including ISO files for DVD install of LibreOffice and related items.