design hangout minutes for 2016-12-22
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Dec 22, 2016; 6:32am Heiko Tietze-2
Minutes of the Design Hangout: 2016-Dec-22
Present: Jay, Heiko, Tomaz, Kendy
* Notebookbar blog post has been published
+ many comments, mostly positive and open-minded
* List of new icons for 5.3 (Andreas)
+ there was an email about lower case?
+ Andreas asked about it in the bug report and i replied to him
+ contact Andreas and point to the previously mentioned GDoc (Jay)
+ Have a wiki page?
+ undecided; a lot of work for maybe not much outcome
* Dialog control tooltips (Heiko)
+ Consistency of every control to have a tooltip (Heiko)
+ Lots of translation work to add tooltips to .ui files (Jay, Heiko)
+ Tooltips already provided by help (Jay)
ESC: make a proposal --> here it is
+ self-explanation is important (Jay)
+ are there any applications that have tooltips for everything? (Jay)
+ MSO does not have tooltips for controls (Jay)
+ date created for Explorer (Jay)
+ nothing when hover the tree / search field - nothing (Jay)
+ no tooltips in the dialogs either (Jay)
+ always popping up tooltips in the dialogs would be annoying (Jay)
+ in toolbars it's fine, as buttons dont have labels and only icon which isnt always understood (Jay)
+ we can have the status quo: no tooltips in the dialogs (Heiko)
+ want to either have it everywhere, or not at all (Heiko)
+ what blocks us from allowing it, and evaluate when there is
the first dialog that has tooltips? (Kendy)
+ a11y concern (Heiko)
+ tested that, works fine (Jay)
+ every control has the associated label (Jay)
+ some corner cases: W and H instead of "width" and "height" (Jay)
+ improved the labels there
+ would like to see a dialog with such tooltips in action first, before we
take a decision like "everything has to have tooltips" (Kendy)
+ not happy about this, but can live with this (Heiko)
+ guidelines in general:
+ should codify what is a result of how things are progressing, never
should be used as "it is in the guidelines, now you all have to change
the implementation"
* Area tab heavily increases size of dialog
+ Issues with high dpi likely because of fix values (Tomaz)
+ please revert the patch
+ double-check then with various DE
* Color palettes
+ all changes are in 5.3
+ Blog post draft finished
+ Read over it once again (Jay), publish next week (Heiko)