edited by
Ellen L. Freeman
Changes between revision 38
and revision 39:...
{panel:bgColor=D3DFEE|borderStyle=solid|borderColor=330066}* *[*QuickStart Guide Home*|confhelp:Quickstart Guide]*
* *[*Overview*|confhelp:Confluence Overview]*
* *[*About Spaces*|confhelp:Working with Spaces]*
* *[*About Pages*|confhelp:Working with Pages]*
To download the guide PDF, go to the [*QuickStart Guide Home*|confhelp:Quickstart Guide]
h2. In This Section
{panel:bgColor=#FFFFCC|borderStyle=solid|borderColor=999966}* *Creating Content*
[#Creating Pages]
[#Putting Content on Pages]
[#Commenting on Pages]
[#Attaching Files]
[#Inserting Images]
[#Linking to Content]
[#Watching Pages]
* *Working with Pages*
[#Renaming, Copying, Moving and Deleting Pages]
[#Exporting Pages]
[#Page Families]
* *Managing Pages*
[#Page Information]
[#Page Restrictions]
h2. Creating Content
In order to edit pages in Confluence, you MUST be using *Internet Explorer* or *FireFox* as your browser.
{panel:bgColor=#FFFFFF|borderStyle=solid|borderColor=FFFFFF}Pages store information in Confluence. They are the building blocks of spaces. They are:
* Easily created from anywhere within the site.
* Edited using a simple markup language or the Rich Text Editor
* Organized hierarchically in parent-child relationships
* Easily linked within and between spaces
* Easily commented on by users
* Entirely searchable
* Exportable to PDF, WORD, HTML or XML
h3. Creating Pages
{panel:bgColor=#FFFFFF|borderStyle=solid|borderColor=FFFFFF}There are two methods of creating pages in Confluence:
* Using the "Add Page" menu item
* Clicking on an undefined link
h4. The Add Page Link
h4. !CON-3.jpg!
\\ !AddPageLink2.gif|align=center!\\
h4. Clicking an Undefined Link
{panel:bgColor=#FFFFFF|borderStyle=solid|borderColor=FFFFFF}You can add links to pages that you intend to create at a later point. This type of a link is an undefined link and is indicated with a plus sign. Clicking on the link brings up the 'Add Page' screen. Follow the same steps outlined above to create the page. Here is an example of an undefined link: !Undefine2.gif|align=center!\\
When you are ready to create the page, just click on the link and the "Add Page" screen for a page titled: "Some New Page" will come up. Then just follow the instructions above.
h3. Putting Content on Pages
{panel:bgColor=#FFFFFF|borderStyle=solid|borderColor=FFFFFF}Content can be put on the page in two ways:
* Using a simple markup language called "Wiki Markup"
* Using the built in Rich Text Editor which allows you to enter content as you would in a WORD document and apply formatting by clicking icons on a toolbar
h4. Wiki Markup
{panel:bgColor=#FFFFFF|borderStyle=solid|borderColor=FFFFFF}Wiki Markup is a typical "Tagging" language. It is made up of a series of "tags" that surround text and tell Confluence how to display it. For example, to bold the words "This is my Name." you would enter
{noformat}*This is my name.*
{noformat}in the Wiki Markup window. The page would then display:
*This is my name.*
A quick notation guide, *Notation Help*, appears beside the edit screen when you choose the Wiki Markup edit tab. This quick guide displays common Wiki Markup tags. You can also click the full notation guide link in the help window to view the full Notation Guide. This shows you the entire list of formatting and other complex operations that Confluence's notation permits, along with the markup detailing how to perform them.
h4. Rich Text Editor
{panel:bgColor=#FFFFFF|borderStyle=solid|borderColor=FFFFFF}The Rich Text Editor the typical buttons and icons we are used to seeing in any WYSIWYG editor such as Word:
h4. Editing an Existing Page
\\ !RichEdit.gif|align=center!\\
h3. Commenting on Pages
{panel:bgColor=#FFFFFF|borderStyle=solid|borderColor=FFFFFF}A comment is a remark, question, or any other additional information you wish to add to a page pertaining to the topic the page covers. Comments are a means by which a community of users can collaborate with each other on the site. You can leave a comment on any page or news item in Confluence.
Comments have the same editing options and use the same editor as pages. When you attach a file to a comment, however, it attaches the file to the *page*, not the comment.
h4. Viewing Comments
{panel:bgColor=#FFFFFF|borderStyle=solid|borderColor=FFFFFF}Comments in Confluence are displayed in one of two views:
* Threaded - this view shows the comments in a hierarchy of responses. Each subsequent reply to a comment is indented to indicate the relationships between the comments.
* Flat - this view displays all the comments in one single list and does not indicate the relationships between comments.
* Confluence also allows you to 'show' or 'hide' comments on a page.
* Show
** the page's comments are visible below its contents when you view the page.
** a comments box at the bottom of the page allows you to post a new comment.
* Hide
** the page's comments are hidden when you view the page. A link at the bottom of the page tells you if the page has comments. Clicking this link will display the comments. See screenshot 2.
** to post a new comment, click on 'Add a new comment'.
This is an example of a "threaded" comment listing.
{section} !Threaded.gif|align=center!\\
h4. Adding Comments
\\ !addcomment.gif|align=center!\\
h4. Responding to Comments
\\ !respond.gif|align=center!\\
h4. Deleting Comments
\\ !deletecomment.gif|align=center!\\
h4. Editing Comments
\\ !EditComment.gif|align=center!\\
h3. Attaching Files
{panel:bgColor=#FFFFFF|borderStyle=solid|borderColor=FFFFFF}An attachment is any file that is included with your page. Images, Word documents, presentations, PDFs, multimedia and sound files are some examples of attachments. Attachments are useful when you want to share information that exists in another file format.
When you attach a file to a page, Confluence makes a copy of the file and stores it on the server. File attachments in Confluence are listed in the 'Attachments' tab of a page.
h3. Inserting Images
{panel:bgColor=#FFFFFF|borderStyle=solid|borderColor=FFFFFF}You can display an image from either a file attached to the Confluence page, or from another location.
h4. HTML Attribute Tags for Images
{panel:bgColor=FFFFFF|borderStyle=solid|borderColor=FFFFFF}You can insert HTML image attribute tags into Wiki Markup using the syntax:
!DidYouKnow.gif|title="Did You Know"!
{noformat}Available codes are:
* align --- available values are 'left','right', 'bottom', 'center', 'top'.
* border --- specify the width of the border (in pixels).
* bordercolor --- use this with the 'border' tag to specify the colour of the border.
* hspace --- specify whitespace to be inserted to the left and right of the image (in pixels).
* vspace --- specify whitespace to be inserted above and below the image (in pixels).
* width --- specify the width of the image (in pixels).
* height --- specify the height of the image (in pixels).
* title --- specify alternative text, displayed when the pointer hovers over the image
* alt --- specify alternative text, which is included in the HTML code.
h3. Linking to Content
{panel:bgColor=#FFFFFF|borderStyle=solid|borderColor=FFFFFF}You can create links to and from any of the editable content on the site such as Pages in the same space, in another space, or outside Confluence, News items, Comments, User profiles or personal spaces, Mail messages and Attachments.
You can use a page URL (inside the same space, in another space, or outside Confluence), a page name (inside Confluence only) or a tiny link (found on the Info Page) to link to a Confluence page (see below). !TinyLink.gif|align=center!
{panel} !Links.gif|align=center!\\
{section} !Links.gif|align=center!\\
h3. Watching Pages
{column}{panel:bgColor=#FFFFFF|borderStyle=solid|borderColor=FFFFFF}At the top right of every Confluence page is an envelope icon. !Watch1.gif! If you click on this icon, !Watch2.gif! Confluence will email you every time a change is made to the page.
h2. Working with Pages
h3. Renaming, Copying, Moving and Deleting Pages...
h4. Renaming Pages
\\ !RenamePage.gif|align=center!\\
\\ !RenamePage.gif|align=center!\\ {panel:bgColor=#FFFFFF|borderStyle=solid|borderColor=FFFFFF}As with naming pages, the name of page must be unique within its own space. Once you rename a page, Confluence automatically updates all the links to and from the page.
h4. Copying Pages
\\ !CopyPage.gif|align=center!\\
h4. Moving Pages
\\ !movpage.gif|align=center!\\
h4. Deleting Pages
\\ !deletepage.gif|align=center!\\
h3. Exporting Pages
{panel:bgColor=#FFFFFF|borderStyle=solid|borderColor=FFFFFF}Confluence allows you to export all or portions of a site into HTMl, PDF or XML format.
\\ !export.gif|align=center!\\
h3. Page Families
{panel:bgColor=#FFFFFF|borderStyle=solid|borderColor=FFFFFF}Pages in Confluence are organized into a hierarchy of parent and child pages. Pages in such a hierarchy are called a 'page family'. Page families are a simple but effective way of categorizing content and making navigation of your site easier by providing links forward and backwards through the page hierarchy.
h4. Viewing a Page's Family
\\ !PageFamily.gif|align=center!\\
h2. Managing pages
h3. Page Information
{panel:bgColor=#FFFFFF|borderStyle=solid|borderColor=FFFFFF}The 'Info' tab of a page displays:
* *Page Details:*
Title, author, date of creation, date of last modification and the tiny link of the page.
* *Page Hierarchy:*
Parent-child relationships of the page.
* *Page Permissions:*
Whether there are any page-level security restrictions that apply to the page.
* *Recent Changes:*
Links to the five most recent versions of the page along with the name of the editor and the date of modification.
* *View History:*
All the versions of the page in reverse chronological order, with an option to compare versions or to restore a previous version. !wiki-9.jpg!
h3. Page Restrictions
{panel:bgColor=#FFFFFF|borderStyle=solid|borderColor=FFFFFF}Page restrictions allow you to control who can view or edit individual pages. You can set the page restrictions when editing a page, using menus below the text-entry box. Users can only view page or space content for which they (or a group they are in) have 'View' permission. Pages that a user does not have 'View' access to are referred to as 'inaccessible' pages.
* *Viewing Restrictions*
** Setting viewing restrictions makes pages "invisible" to users who do not have permission to view the page
* *Editing Restrictions*
** Setting editing restrictions allows anyone with access to the space to "see" that the page exists, but prevents them from seeing or editing the content of the page
h4. Setting Viewing Restrictions
\\ !ViewRestrictions.gif|align=center!\\
{panel:bgColor=#FFFFFF|borderStyle=solid|borderColor=FFFFFF}You can search for a user by Colby username, first and last name, and email address.
{section} !Restrictions.gif|align=center!\\
h4. Setting Editing Restrictions
\\ !EditingRestrictions.gif|align=center!\\
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QuickStart Guide Home
About Spaces
About Pages
To download the guide PDF, go to the QuickStart Guide Home
In This Section
Creating Content
Creating Pages
Putting Content on Pages
Commenting on Pages
Attaching Files
Inserting Images
Linking to Content
Watching Pages
Working with Pages
Renaming, Copying, Moving and Deleting Pages
Exporting Pages
Page Families
Managing Pages
Page Information
Page Restrictions
Creating Content
In order to edit pages in Confluence, you MUST be using Internet Explorer or FireFox as your browser.
Pages store information in Confluence. They are the building blocks of spaces. They are:
Easily created from anywhere within the site.
Edited using a simple markup language or the Rich Text Editor
Organized hierarchically in parent-child relationships
Easily linked within and between spaces
Easily commented on by users
Entirely searchable
Exportable to PDF, WORD, HTML or XML
Creating Pages
There are two methods of creating pages in Confluence:
Using the "Add Page" menu item
Clicking on an undefined link
The Add Page Link
Clicking an Undefined Link
You can add links to pages that you intend to create at a later point. This type of a link is an undefined link and is indicated with a plus sign. Clicking on the link brings up the 'Add Page' screen. Follow the same steps outlined above to create the page. Here is an example of an undefined link:
When you are ready to create the page, just click on the link and the "Add Page" screen for a page titled: "Some New Page" will come up. Then just follow the instructions above.
Putting Content on Pages
Content can be put on the page in two ways:
Using a simple markup language called "Wiki Markup"
Using the built in Rich Text Editor which allows you to enter content as you would in a WORD document and apply formatting by clicking icons on a toolbar
Wiki Markup
Wiki Markup is a typical "Tagging" language. It is made up of a series of "tags" that surround text and tell Confluence how to display it. For example, to bold the words "This is my Name." you would enter
in the Wiki Markup window. The page would then display:
This is my name.
A quick notation guide, Notation Help, appears beside the edit screen when you choose the Wiki Markup edit tab. This quick guide displays common Wiki Markup tags. You can also click the full notation guide link in the help window to view the full Notation Guide. This shows you the entire list of formatting and other complex operations that Confluence's notation permits, along with the markup detailing how to perform them.
Rich Text Editor
The Rich Text Editor the typical buttons and icons we are used to seeing in any WYSIWYG editor such as Word:
Editing an Existing Page
Commenting on Pages
A comment is a remark, question, or any other additional information you wish to add to a page pertaining to the topic the page covers. Comments are a means by which a community of users can collaborate with each other on the site. You can leave a comment on any page or news item in Confluence.
Comments have the same editing options and use the same editor as pages. When you attach a file to a comment, however, it attaches the file to the page, not the comment.
Viewing Comments
Comments in Confluence are displayed in one of two views:
Threaded - this view shows the comments in a hierarchy of responses. Each subsequent reply to a comment is indented to indicate the relationships between the comments.
Flat - this view displays all the comments in one single list and does not indicate the relationships between comments.
Confluence also allows you to 'show' or 'hide' comments on a page.
the page's comments are visible below its contents when you view the page.
a comments box at the bottom of the page allows you to post a new comment.
the page's comments are hidden when you view the page. A link at the bottom of the page tells you if the page has comments. Clicking this link will display the comments. See screenshot 2.
to post a new comment, click on 'Add a new comment'.
This is an example of a "threaded" comment listing.
Adding Comments
Responding to Comments
Deleting Comments
Editing Comments
Attaching Files
An attachment is any file that is included with your page. Images, Word documents, presentations, PDFs, multimedia and sound files are some examples of attachments. Attachments are useful when you want to share information that exists in another file format.
When you attach a file to a page, Confluence makes a copy of the file and stores it on the server. File attachments in Confluence are listed in the 'Attachments' tab of a page.
Inserting Images
You can display an image from either a file attached to the Confluence page, or from another location.
HTML Attribute Tags for Images
You can insert HTML image attribute tags into Wiki Markup using the syntax:
Available codes are:
align — available values are 'left','right', 'bottom', 'center', 'top'.
border — specify the width of the border (in pixels).
bordercolor — use this with the 'border' tag to specify the colour of the border.
hspace — specify whitespace to be inserted to the left and right of the image (in pixels).
vspace — specify whitespace to be inserted above and below the image (in pixels).
width — specify the width of the image (in pixels).
height — specify the height of the image (in pixels).
title — specify alternative text, displayed when the pointer hovers over the image
alt — specify alternative text, which is included in the HTML code.
Linking to Content
You can create links to and from any of the editable content on the site such as Pages in the same space, in another space, or outside Confluence, News items, Comments, User profiles or personal spaces, Mail messages and Attachments.
You can use a page URL (inside the same space, in another space, or outside Confluence), a page name (inside Confluence only) or a tiny link (found on the Info Page) to link to a Confluence page (see below).
Watching Pages
At the top right of every Confluence page is an envelope icon. If you click on this icon, Confluence will email you every time a change is made to the page.
Working with Pages
Renaming, Copying, Moving and Deleting Pages
Renaming Pages
As with naming pages, the name of page must be unique within its own space. Once you rename a page, Confluence automatically updates all the links to and from the page.
Copying Pages
Moving Pages
Deleting Pages
Exporting Pages
Confluence allows you to export all or portions of a site into HTMl, PDF or XML format.
Page Families
Pages in Confluence are organized into a hierarchy of parent and child pages. Pages in such a hierarchy are called a 'page family'. Page families are a simple but effective way of categorizing content and making navigation of your site easier by providing links forward and backwards through the page hierarchy.
Viewing a Page's Family
Managing pages
Page Information
The 'Info' tab of a page displays:
Page Details:
Title, author, date of creation, date of last modification and the tiny link of the page.
Page Hierarchy:
Parent-child relationships of the page.
Page Permissions:
Whether there are any page-level security restrictions that apply to the page.
Recent Changes:
Links to the five most recent versions of the page along with the name of the editor and the date of modification.
View History:
All the versions of the page in reverse chronological order, with an option to compare versions or to restore a previous version.
Page Restrictions
Page restrictions allow you to control who can view or edit individual pages. You can set the page restrictions when editing a page, using menus below the text-entry box. Users can only view page or space content for which they (or a group they are in) have 'View' permission. Pages that a user does not have 'View' access to are referred to as 'inaccessible' pages.
Viewing Restrictions
Setting viewing restrictions makes pages "invisible" to users who do not have permission to view the page
Editing Restrictions
Setting editing restrictions allows anyone with access to the space to "see" that the page exists, but prevents them from seeing or editing the content of the page
Setting Viewing Restrictions
You can search for a user by Colby username, first and last name, and email address.
Setting Editing Restrictions
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